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Thread: Get needles and syringe fast help

  1. #1

    Get needles and syringe fast help

    Can't do much if you don't got the needles and syringe. First time user here. Gonna run dbol and Test E.

    I can run Dbol for a week until i get the stuff for using the test E and still have about same gains since test e would be adding up for a few weeks anyways right?

    I know a lot about roids etc I just don't know the best way to get that stuff fast as possible. Any ideas? In west tennessee

    price is not an issue

    my buddy says i can walk into a pharmacy and get some is that true?
    Last edited by ColossalExistance; 03-06-2015 at 01:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Just Google it, there are a ton of sites to get pins from. States vary on there laws regarding pins. Where I live you can only buy slin pins. I would wait the week before you jump on cycle, why not just wait until you have ALL your supplies, nothing worse then stressing about stuff you should have on hand. Failing to plan is planning to fail.....don't be that Guy.

  3. #3
    im gonna try to buy one or two at a pharmacy and that'll hold me over till i get the ones I'll order. just not sure where ima try to go yet but doing it today while i got time

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by ColossalExistance View Post
    im gonna try to buy one or two at a pharmacy and that'll hold me over till i get the ones I'll order. just not sure where ima try to go yet but doing it today while i got time
    Those may be slin pins and depending on your bf you may not be injecting deep enough. Be patient.

  5. #5
    Its totally legal to buy them in tennessee no questions asked now so i went to walgreens n young girl behind was givin me the surprised face saying she cant sell them to me company policy without a prescription or whatever so i read online you could get them at tractor supply. I got the 1 1/2 inch aluminum hubbed and other polyproylene needles and the luer slip syringe is that what will work? cant do it yet my mom is around ( im 23 moving out in summer lol)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ColossalExistance View Post
    Can't do much if you don't got the needles and syringe. First time user here. Gonna run dbol and Test E.

    I can run Dbol for a week until i get the stuff for using the test E and still have about same gains since test e would be adding up for a few weeks anyways right?

    I know a lot about roids etc I just don't know the best way to get that stuff fast as possible. Any ideas? In west tennessee

    price is not an issue

    my buddy says i can walk into a pharmacy and get some is that true?

    Pins are easy to find online and some areas you can buy in any pharmacy or vet/pet supply stores.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColossalExistance View Post
    Its totally legal to buy them in tennessee no questions asked now so i went to walgreens n young girl behind was givin me the surprised face saying she cant sell them to me company policy without a prescription or whatever so i read online you could get them at tractor supply. I got the 1 1/2 inch aluminum hubbed and other polyproylene needles and the luer slip syringe is that what will work? cant do it yet my mom is around ( im 23 moving out in summer lol)
    Well......hopefully mom doesn't catch you pinning.

  8. #8
    So I got those little ampoules of 250 test e so gotta inject twice a week, what do I need to order from ar r? I heard I maybe need a filtering needle or whatever to make sure I dont inject tiny parts of glass?

    Someone experienced in accessories help

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by ColossalExistance View Post
    So I got those little ampoules of 250 test e so gotta inject twice a week, what do I need to order from ar r? I heard I maybe need a filtering needle or whatever to make sure I dont inject tiny parts of glass?

    Someone experienced in accessories help
    You must have snap vials. Well, if tiu score around the neck and go easy snapping them they typically don't shatter unless you squeeze them to hard while snapping. I just draw out with a 25 ga pin and pin it.

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