I accidentally started this thread in the wrong category.
I am new to this forum....would appreciate any help about my injections.
I use 22gauge 1 inch syringes and inject the amount of air into each bottle equal to what I am going to draw out. I have a question about the blood in the syringe topic and questions I have read, but not found my answer yet so I am asking any very knowledgeable body builders this:
How important is it that I insert my syringe into my injection site and pull back to check for blood?
Awhile back, about a year ago, one guy on one of these websites told me it didn't matter if I hit blood, to go ahead and inject my Test Enanthate and Equipoise in the same syringe into the site.
How necessary is it to inject ONLY into a site where I don't draw back any blood into the syringe??
Also, I use 175mg / 3/4cc Test E weekly and this keeps my overall level at 1,000. I take 25mg of Proviron daily to increase my FREE Test awhile back (I can;t remember which forum) an Admin told me this 25mg Proviron would boost my FREE Test a little...that we don't need the FREE Test level much above the 2% out of 100% that is normal for anyone....a little above 2% is great for it to work building muscle. An online doctor said the same....too much FREE Test is not good.
(Oh, and I use 250mg Equipoise weekly.)
I will watch for your input/answers.
Thanks guys. I really appreciate it.