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Thread: Injection sites and blood.

  1. #1

    Injection sites and blood.

    I accidentally started this thread in the wrong category.

    I am new to this forum....would appreciate any help about my injections.
    I use 22gauge 1 inch syringes and inject the amount of air into each bottle equal to what I am going to draw out. I have a question about the blood in the syringe topic and questions I have read, but not found my answer yet so I am asking any very knowledgeable body builders this:
    How important is it that I insert my syringe into my injection site and pull back to check for blood?
    Awhile back, about a year ago, one guy on one of these websites told me it didn't matter if I hit blood, to go ahead and inject my Test Enanthate and Equipoise in the same syringe into the site.
    How necessary is it to inject ONLY into a site where I don't draw back any blood into the syringe??
    Also, I use 175mg / 3/4cc Test E weekly and this keeps my overall level at 1,000. I take 25mg of Proviron daily to increase my FREE Test awhile back (I can;t remember which forum) an Admin told me this 25mg Proviron would boost my FREE Test a little...that we don't need the FREE Test level much above the 2% out of 100% that is normal for anyone....a little above 2% is great for it to work building muscle. An online doctor said the same....too much FREE Test is not good.
    (Oh, and I use 250mg Equipoise weekly.)
    I will watch for your input/answers.
    Thanks guys. I really appreciate it.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
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    Aspirating is vital for me. Takes a fraction of a second to do, not sure why anyone would want to avoid that. Shooting into blood directly is the reason why people experience that nasty cough because the oil will get to your lungs. There are other issues that could arise as well.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
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    I also am a firm believer in aspirating as many on this forum are! It's literally just part of the process and an important one at that! As Austinite stated it takes a sec and you see a tiny bubble come back in the syringe and it's ok... Lol but if in blood vessel directly blood will fill the hub w/out barely pulling back if at all(kinda creates a suction in thst sense)... I'd suggest aspirating b4 any shot/pin!

  4. #4
    Last edited by Rose1; 03-07-2015 at 09:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Aspirating is vital for me. Takes a fraction of a second to do, not sure why anyone would want to avoid that. Shooting into blood directly is the reason why people experience that nasty cough because the oil will get to your lungs. There are other issues that could arise as well.
    Thank you NACH3 and austinite. I appreciate the input. I'll just draw back a little and see like you said.
    Also, on occasion I have noticed that when I pull the syringe out after pinning I bleed bad from the injection site. WHAT CAUSES THIS BLEEDING DO YOU THINK?

    Last edited by Rose1; 03-07-2015 at 09:46 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I also am a firm believer in aspirating as many on this forum are! It's literally just part of the process and an important one at that! As Austinite stated it takes a sec and you see a tiny bubble come back in the syringe and it's ok... Lol but if in blood vessel directly blood will fill the hub w/out barely pulling back if at all(kinda creates a suction in thst sense)... I'd suggest aspirating b4 any shot/pin!
    Thank you NACH3 and austinite. I appreciate the input. I'll just draw back a little and see like you said.
    Also, on occasion I have noticed that when I pull the syringe out after pinning I bleed bad from the injection site. WHAT CAUSES THIS BLEEDING DO YOU THINK?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rose1 View Post
    Thank you NACH3 and austinite. I appreciate the input. I'll just draw back a little and see like you said.
    Also, on occasion I have noticed that when I pull the syringe out after pinning I bleed bad from the injection site. WHAT CAUSES THIS BLEEDING DO YOU THINK?

    Could be many things... Poor technique is common(unsteady hand, moving pin around while in, pushing to hard - can you feel the pressure of the oil? If so to fast, 30-45s per/ml cc, make dure the muscle is RELAXED, etc) but bleeding is ok it should subside... But apply a lil pressure to it w/a cotton ball as your pulling the pin out... Sometimes I'll still bleed, and don't get nervous if you see some squirt out as well lol! This happens but not often certain inj spots!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Could be many things... Poor technique is common(unsteady hand, moving pin around while in, pushing to hard - can you feel the pressure of the oil? If so to fast, 30-45s per/ml cc, make dure the muscle is RELAXED, etc) but bleeding is ok it should subside... But apply a lil pressure to it w/a cotton ball as your pulling the pin out... Sometimes I'll still bleed, and don't get nervous if you see some squirt out as well lol! This happens but not often certain inj spots!
    Yeah, I DO IN FACT "move" the needle around while trying to reach my hips. I usually put the alcohol pad (or TWO) on it and wipe and HOLD for a little bit and it stops....what I was thinking why I asked was maybe you could tell me that i FOR SURE hit a vein, etc. like would show when I am Aspirating.

  9. #9
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    You pretty much always hit at least a little vein when injecting but they typically close quickly and you dont get much of any blood. You might also have thin blood or bleed easily naturally. Also if you are taking aspirin or certain medications that also thins the blood and you bleed more easily. Some foods also thin the blood. High amounts of aspirin-like substances called salicylates, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E supplements are known to thin the blood. That's why when going in for a surgery the they tell you to stop taking aspirin and certain meds before the surgery.

    As said, leave the needle in place for a bit before withdrawing it and put pressure on it immediately. I rarely bleed more than a drop if that but a couple times I have. I have always been quick to stop bleeding even with big cuts and I have had more than my fair share. lol. Either way I would not stress about it as long as you are doing things right.

    Do you switch pins after you draw your gear before injecting? I would suggest doing that every time, they are cheap. I use either a 25g or even a 27g to inject. Also inject SLOW, take around 1 minute or more per CC. Dont be in a rush. The faster you inject the more chance you have to bruise the tissue surrounding the injection site causing discomfort for a couple of days.

    When I draw I typically do not put as much air if any into the syringe as what I am drawing out. I like to keep a negative pressure inside the vial because you have less chance of any leakage if it gets tipped on it's side.

  10. #10
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    Nach3, you are supposed to have gone to bed about 2 hrs ago. Put the phone down and go back to sleep.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Nach3, you are supposed to have gone to bed about 2 hrs ago. Put the phone down and go back to sleep.
    I know... Fell asleep and woke up hungry? Lol I am no doubt! it's been like 5-6 hrs ... I will, need the rest!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I know... Fell asleep and woke up hungry? Lol I am no doubt! it's been like 5-6 hrs ... I will, need the rest!
    Yeah I hear you and I'm much better at preaching than listening. Me saying that to you is definitely the pot calling the kettle black. lol
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-08-2015 at 09:13 PM.

  13. #13
    Thanks lovbyts! A lot of good and helpful information there my friend. I appreciate it. You gave some things I didn't know I need to switch pins out after drawing out.
    Have a good day![/COLOR]

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rose1 View Post
    Thanks lovbyts! A lot of good and helpful information there my friend. I appreciate it. You gave some things I didn't know I need to switch pins out after drawing out.
    Have a good day![/COLOR]
    No problem, we are here to help and have a little fun sometimes.

    This is another reason to change pins. If you look at a pin magnified you will see it dulls quickly and the harder the rubber stopper is the more it will dull and that will also cause more bleeding vs a new sharp pin. Another thing, DONT wipe the pin or clean it. Some people think it's necessary to wipe it first but in reality you are contaminating it that way. They are sterile when you get them and most have a coating on them that help it go in easier..

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	NeedleBeforeandAfterUse.jpg 
Views:	315 
Size:	64.5 KB 
ID:	155768

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    No problem, we are here to help and have a little fun sometimes.

    This is another reason to change pins. If you look at a pin magnified you will see it dulls quickly and the harder the rubber stopper is the more it will dull and that will also cause more bleeding vs a new sharp pin. Another thing, DONT wipe the pin or clean it. Some people think it's necessary to wipe it first but in reality you are contaminating it that way. They are sterile when you get them and most have a coating on them that help it go in easier..

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	NeedleBeforeandAfterUse.jpg 
Views:	315 
Size:	64.5 KB 
ID:	155768
    WOW! I never saw a dulled needle up close....I just knew it dulled them from the rubber. No, I never have wiped the needle with the alcohol pad....only my injection site on my body.
    By the way, I just bought some tren 75 Oral from the webstore on here. Wondered if it's really good or not. Not sure if we can be specific like this on this forum/website...I just have always used oil based injectible test, tren, equipoise, etc.

  16. #16
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    It's good, not the same as anabolic steroids (tren) but you will get some positive results from it, just dont expect miracles. They are steroid alternatives and no not pro hormones thank god because we see more people having problems from pro hormones than with steroids.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    It's good, not the same as anabolic steroids (tren) but you will get some positive results from it, just dont expect miracles. They are steroid alternatives and no not pro hormones thank god because we see more people having problems from pro hormones than with steroids.
    COOL! Thanks again! That helps! The oil based tren goes through the liver and have to be careful with it. I mainly use oil Test E all the time.....1/2cc keeps my test level at 1,000. I keep good muscle with that dose. My doctor didn't like me at 1,500 with 1cc, said my blood got we backed it down to 1/2cc. Of course I don't tell him everything, but he did say some Equipoise wouldn't hurt for an 8-10 week cycle to help with cardio and muscle.

  18. #18
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    I agree with your doctor. I have known a lot of guys who tried to stay at the upper level on TRT and after several months they start to feel like crap. More is not better. Only after getting their levels down under 800 did they start to feel normal again after a couple of months. Also the higher your levels the more at risk you are for high E2.

    It's always good to take something like Liv52, NAC or UDCA, they are good for the liver. TUDCA has been shown to work good also and easier to find than UDCA. Milk Thistle is pretty weak compared to the rest.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I agree with your doctor. I have known a lot of guys who tried to stay at the upper level on TRT and after several months they start to feel like crap. More is not better. Only after getting their levels down under 800 did they start to feel normal again after a couple of months. Also the higher your levels the more at risk you are for high E2.

    It's always good to take something like Liv52, NAC or UDCA, they are good for the liver. TUDCA has been shown to work good also and easier to find than UDCA. Milk Thistle is pretty weak compared to the rest.
    That's what I thought. Yes, and I'm trying to get a friend to understand this. He tries to do MORE Test, 1/2cc is the most I have found. It works for me.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    It's good, not the same as anabolic steroids (tren) but you will get some positive results from it, just dont expect miracles. They are steroid alternatives and no not pro hormones thank god because we see more people having problems from pro hormones than with steroids.
    I always thought those products were pro-hormones. I'm having a hard time finding information on what they are, do you have any information regarding the difference between them and pro-hormones?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by officious View Post
    I always thought those products were pro-hormones. I'm having a hard time finding information on what they are, do you have any information regarding the difference between them and pro-hormones?
    Pro hormones are illegal to sell anywhere in the US as of the 1st of the year. One of those little known bills Obama signed into law without anyone knowing. Maybe one of the good things he has actually done but I'm sure it wasnt for the right reasons.

    They are pretty much supplements but focused enhancing levels of steroid hormones naturally.

    This is the list of what is in Tren75
    TREN 75
    Serving Size: 1 Capsule
    Servings per container: 90

    Finabolon Proprietary Blend - 292 mg

    • Tribulus Fruit Powder
    • Fenugreek Seed Powder
    • Cayenne Pepper Fruit Powder

    Other Ingredients

    • Gelatin Capsule
    • Rice Flour
    • Magnesium Stearate
    • Titanium Dioxide
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-09-2015 at 09:50 PM.

  22. #22
    Hey my good friend,
    You are very knowledgeable. I'll say that. And I really thank you for the awesome amount of information you have given me.
    I wanted to ask what is the best steroid OR whatever to lose fat besides liposuction? A friend of mine is also about my age (54 yrs old) and he got a gut on him and had tried to keep a strict diet as he could and did as much cardio too but still couldn't lose the fat gut, so he had the five grand and paid to have it liposuctioned off. It worked. We are both Type I Diabetic and our blood sugars bottom out often when trying to do a lot of cardio. I have got to get this fat off....I am solid muscle all over except the gut.
    Also, did I do right by injecting as much as 2cc at one time slowly into my quad muscle??

  23. #23
    Also, I get the message in RED letters saying I may have used words they list, or used with web links which are not allowed and it prohibits me from doing this except I COPIED and PASTED my message to you as a REPLY instead of a REPLY WITH QUOTE and it worked. What do I do to get the privileges of posting and contacting you via your personal inbox on this site??
    I'm not doing anything wrong from what I have read and my posts and Thread have been accepted.
    PS-What is high E2 you wrote about?

  24. #24
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    Yes being diabetic can be a problem and make it tougher. Diet and cardio is always the best option but I have nothing against Lipo if you can afford it.

    E2 is estrogen. In men sensitive estrogen or estradiol is more important. It needs checked when on hrt or cycle. It causes hitch fits and ED.

    Yeah especially as a new member there are specific words that are blocked. Some seem irrelevant but necessary. You can pm after 50 post I believe.

    What is the mg per ml? 2cd should be fine but its advisable to split up your max weekly dose into 2 times a week.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-11-2015 at 12:00 AM.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yes being diabetic can be a problem and make it tougher. Diet and cardio is always the best option but I have nothing against Lipo if you can afford it.

    E2 is estrogen. In men sensitive estrogen or estradiol is more important. It needs checked when on hrt or cycle. It causes hitch fits and ED.

    Yeah especially as a new member there are specific words that are blocked. Some seem irrelevant but necessary. You can pm after 50 post I believe.

    What is the mg per ml? 2cd should be fine but its advisable to split up your max weekly dose into 2 times a week.
    1cc Test Enanthate= 250mg and the 1cc Equipoise = 300mg once per week. Also, I take 25mg of Proviron daily to increase my FREE Test just a little as a doctor said 2% out of 100% is the normal amount of FREE Test we get per injection and to go ONLY a little higher with the Proviron daily is ok. Proviron makes my muscles harder too and I have read and he said it acts as an Estrogen BLOCKER. What do you think? Proviron helps? Helps keep ED away as well? Best I remember he said Proviron can be used year round for the longterm. ?
    I thought maybe you knew of a supplement or something that would burn fat.
    Last edited by Rose1; 03-11-2015 at 12:29 AM.

  26. #26
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    Proviron helps because it helps stop the conversion of testosterone into estrogen but typically its not enough and always a good idea to use an AI. Most people dont think they need it at first but it sort of builds up and most find they do. Using adex or liquid stane works. If only on hrt nac and zink also help but mildly compared to adex or liquid stane.

    A few things help burn fat a little but honestly only if you have lower fat to begin with. Diet and cardio is always best.

    Im sure at some point you will hear or read about hgh. Please dont bother unless you can get a rx for it. Some longevity clinics sell serotonin as a hgh booster. Its overpriced 10x. If you can get a rx for real hgh its good but not cheap and needs used for over 6 months but the fat burning and other benifits are very good. DONT bother with any online or anyone who tells you tbey have a direct source. 99.99% is fake.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-11-2015 at 12:33 AM.

  27. #27
    You have a LOT of good knowledge.

  28. #28
    But with my low dose of Test per week (1/2cc =125mg I meant to type in), I don't need any more than 25mg daily of Proviron, no adex right?

  29. #29
    Yeah, I heard that about the hgh from the online overseas sites.
    I have a good size the way...

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rose1 View Post
    But with my low dose of Test per week (1/2cc =125mg I meant to type in), I don't need any more than 25mg daily of Proviron, no adex right?
    Only blood test for sensitive E2 will tell. If you are worried about ball shrinkage or fertility you need to look into hcg. Most people on hrt are using it now for its benifits that go beyond cosmetic. Most use adex .25 every other day. Its easy to get and an oral so no shots.

  31. #31
    A guy let me try his hgh and I grew 1 inch taller and one full shoe size after using it. Made me nervous and I was glad I stopped it after a short injection cycle of a month of very small doses.

  32. #32
    Yeah, it's on all the ugl websites I know you know about them....not bad, but one brand's test is overdosed by 35mg per cc.....Geneza brand. Can i say that name on here?

  33. #33
    My balls already shrunk!! LOL!!

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Only blood test for sensitive E2 will tell. If you are worried about ball shrinkage or fertility you need to look into hcg. Most people on hrt are using it now for its benifits that go beyond cosmetic. Most use adex .25 every other day. Its easy to get and an oral so no shots.
    Yes, but I was on a full CC per week for 3-years of Test E and somehow I did GREAT! but then started feeling bad and had bloodwork done by a specialist and he said I had to lower it to 1/2cc...that 1cc was making my blood thick and other things.....1/2cc keeps me with good muscle.
    Should I still get some adex and use every other day like you said?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rose1 View Post
    My balls already shrunk!! LOL!!
    Hcg will get them back to normal. It will also rise tour test levels but may need an ai if you didn't before but again its always best to have sensitive E2 test done to know for sure.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Hcg will get them back to normal. It will also rise tour test levels but may need an ai if you didn't before but again its always best to have sensitive E2 test done to know for sure.
    Cool~! I will have my Doc do the bloodwork for the E2 next time instead of just the overall testosterone level. I didn't know my balls would get back to normal. (PS-I had a vasectomy in 2001.)

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rose1 View Post
    Yes, but I was on a full CC per week for 3-years of Test E and somehow I did GREAT! but then started feeling bad and had bloodwork done by a specialist and he said I had to lower it to 1/2cc...that 1cc was making my blood thick and other things.....1/2cc keeps me with good muscle.
    Should I still get some adex and use every other day like you said?
    Your lucky you made it that long. Ive known many who try to run in the upper or above normal range because they feel good but it always catches up to them and they crash. Part od that is the estrogen but most doctors dont test for it because they think its only important in women. LoL. The more educated doctors know betterm

  38. #38
    By the way, 1/2cc Test keeps my overall level at 995. He didn't say to lower it more. At 1cc I got up to 1,500 level and had thick blood.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Your lucky you made it that long. Ive known many who try to run in the upper or above normal range because they feel good but it always catches up to them and they crash. Part od that is the estrogen but most doctors dont test for it because they think its only important in women. LoL. The more educated doctors know betterm
    I hear doctor is 68...known him since I was a boy...he's old fashioned and has to be reminded of stuff! LOL! But yes, I stay at 1/2cc and I keep my muscle, but you are a God Send my! you are experienced and really have helped me....I am not sure anyone has been so helpful and VOLUNTARILY you do it. I can't thank you enough.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rose1 View Post
    By the way, 1/2cc Test keeps my overall level at 995. He didn't say to lower it more. At 1cc I got up to 1,500 level and had thick blood.
    Yes its better to stay around 600 - 800 and also donate blood every 90 days.

    Really jump in the hrt section. Hormone replacement therapy. There are guys there that may me look challenged. LoL

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