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Thread: first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    first cycle

    I just started a cycle of sustanon 250 and deca. Im running 500 mg of test and 400mg of deca. I have nolvadex on hand but do you guys think ill need to take an anti - estrogen through the cycle. This is my first cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody1990 View Post
    I just started a cycle of sustanon 250 and deca. Im running 500 mg of test and 400mg of deca. I have nolvadex on hand but do you guys think ill need to take an anti - estrogen through the cycle. This is my first cycle
    Man... Please do some reading and educate! You need an AI(Aromatase Inhibitor) aromasin(Exemestane) of arimidex! Nolvadex is a SERM used for PCT or gyno related symptoms on cycle... So get an AI.abd hCG, and all your ancilleries(b4 ever starting)! Get yhat AI asap(ar-r - the site sponsor carries it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Thanks man

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Yes what you need is Anastrazole, Clomid, HCG. Read the pct sticky, and run the hcg on cycle 250iu twice a week til you start your pct

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    It's up to you what you decide to use but if you take a look at some of the other post you will see there are a LOT of guys who are having ED issues as well as depression, loss of motivation and other issues from not running and AI on cycle. Ive read 2 in just the last 30 minutes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    You're running some serious gear for what little knowledge you have. A simple test E cycle would've been a better option for a novice such as yourself. Make sure you get an AI into you ASAP. Get some Clomid as well to run with the Nolva for PCT.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    You're running some serious gear for what little knowledge you have. A simple test E cycle would've been a better option for a novice such as yourself. Make sure you get an AI into you ASAP. Get some Clomid as well to run with the Nolva for PCT.
    Havent you heard, more is better?
    Hey we all got our drivers permit and learned to drive using a Ferrari, right? Why not jump on a big strong 1st cycle when you are learning. I mean what can really go wrong??? All those 1000s of post from other guys/kids who did the same and ended up having erection problems during and after for months, depression, losing all their gains and other sides dont really mean anything do they? I mean it wont happen to him because like most people he has the attitude it wont happen to me so that makes him unique, right?

    OP, do you get the point yet?

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