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Thread: 1st abscess with other pin pain despite sterile procedure... advice needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Question 1st abscess with other pin pain despite sterile procedure... advice needed

    Hey guys I am 4 weeks into my first cycle. I am planning on 17 week cycle (stopping DECA after week 15 and running test till end) running 400mg test-e 200mg DECA split into two pins Monday/Thursday using 23 guage 1inch syringes for pin but 18 guage 1 inch for drawing. I am 5/11 203lb as of yesterday and probably ~13 or 14% bf (I know it's a little high but I'm guessing)

    A buddy of mine helped me get started showing me proper procedure and how to pin glutes and did my first 3 or 4 for me. I did the next 3 myself with his supervision and everything was going well. I asked him to do my pins this week before my trip out of state and I can't take my gear. Long story short Tuesday or so I noticed my pip (left glute) was worse than normal and it got red. Warm and itchy. I kept an eye on it to see if it was an abscess and took some benadryl and it got better. Thursday pin (right glute) same thing happened so I assumed it might be too high BA and would go away. I pinned yesterday afternoon (left glute) because I have to fly out of state today. Keeping an eye on my right glute i noticed it got bigger and bigger and yesterday evening around 8pm I noticed if I pushed on it the pit remained. I went straight to the hospital and they said it was an abscess and put me on antibiotics. Now my most recent left glute pin in red and knotes up again..

    There were a few times I forgot to swab the stopper and up until Monday I used the same draw needle because I heard it wasn't a big deal. I have since gotten new draw needles and use a different one every time. I make sure to swab stopper for 30 seconds and let it air dry before I draw. I ALWAYS wash my hands first and also swab pin area completely and let it dry before pinning. 3 problems in a row has me pretty concerned that I got my gear dirty or something. What do you suggest? Should I cut my cycle shorter and throw out the DECA (I only have 1 vial for the whole cycle) and throw out the test I was using and move onto another vial? Could I resterolize with ba and grape seed oil and just adjust for the extra oil?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Instead of constantly using your glutes(which is fine on 2 pins a wk) but rotating inj sites is very important! I can pin quads in a different place ed for about 4 days... Do I do this sometimes... It lessons scar tissue build up when you rotate! But I'm pinning prop ed so I have to have at least 6 sites, you don't need nearly this many... But try doing a wk in quads(and the tear drop is painful for first time users, so I'd suggest the outter quad(IT Band - 6" down from hip bone gives you an idea!

    Also what comes to mind is you said he did the inj for the first 4... No probs, right? So there must be a technique issue IMO!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    I would rotate sites man
    I would also always swap the "draw needle" for a new one to pin with .

    Think of it , if your not forgetting to swab the tops there will be bacteria on it , so the needle will not only have traces of bacteria but will also be slightly dull . This is just poor procedure , if you feel you will use AAS in your life you want to perfect using it and not get sloppy .

    I hope the antibiotics work buddy , just put it down to learning ;D

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    It sounds like technique to me. Also,using a 18 gauge needle is going to make your vials start leaking pretty quickly.

  5. #5
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    Midwest USA
    Using the same needle to draw multiple times has possibly contaminated your gear. Bacteria on the needle would now end up in the vial. Where on earth did you hear using the same needle to draw with is ok? Needles are cheap. I'd pitch the vial and use proper procedures in the future.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Also what comes to mind is you said he did the inj for the first 4... No probs, right? So there must be a technique issue IMO!
    He did 1-4
    I did 5-6
    He did 7 (first time red and pain and knot) 8(abscess)
    I did 9 (ted pain knot itchy)

    I looked into doing quad and I'll probably give it a shot next time. Much easier too reach too I bet. Thanks!

    Sorry I typed this pretty quick when waiting for my antibiotics. I do switch from the 18g to the 23g needle when I pin.

    My buddy said he used the same draw needle throughout his whole cycle so that's why I went with it. I started using a new one after pin 7 and ordered more. I have seen how much it can dull the draw needle and it was pretty dumb not to just get more since they are cheap.

    I have read that if the oil doesn't get deep enough and gets between the skin and muscle it can cause an abscess as well. I don't pull the needle right away and sit for 30 seconds or so before moving after pin then massage it hoping to prevent it. Normally I get a drop of blood back but 7 and 8 were drops of oil, idk if that says anything or not.

    Tossing the gear is what I am starting to think is the best option but I'll have to drop the DECA completely I only am doing enough to use one vial for the whole cycle and my guy orders as needed

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    It sounds like technique to me. Also,using a 18 gauge needle is going to make your vials start leaking pretty quickly.
    What do you draw with then? I heard with 23g its pretty hard to draw

  8. #8
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    I draw with a 20g. I inject quads, delts, triceps, or pecs with a 25g 1 inch. Glutes I use a 23 gauge 1 1/2 inch.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizwell View Post
    I draw with a 20g. I inject quads, delts, triceps, or pecs with a 25g 1 inch. Glutes I use a 23 gauge 1 1/2 inch.
    It's quite easy to draw w/a 23g pin(I use a 23g to draw and pin(1" at least -quads - glutes I use a 1.5" pin but can use a smaller one but choose not to) it's all dependent on ones bf% on what you'd be able to pin with!

    And always change pins when drawing and change thT out for another freshy!

  10. #10
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    Mar 2015
    Another buddy of mine suggested looking into baking my gear to clean it so I don't have to toss it all which would be nice because my supplier hasn't received the rest of my order yet do to shipping complications. I've seen mixed ideas on baking gear. Has anyone had any luck baking theirs??

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by coyotehunter View Post
    Another buddy of mine suggested looking into baking my gear to clean it so I don't have to toss it all which would be nice because my supplier hasn't received the rest of my order yet do to shipping complications. I've seen mixed ideas on baking gear. Has anyone had any luck baking theirs??
    Baking it won't sterilize it. At the very least you need an pressure cooker that goes to 15lbs. You still also need to filter it using a .22um filter. No .45 will not work.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-15-2015 at 11:13 PM.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2015
    Edited because it was a dumb post
    Last edited by coyotehunter; 03-15-2015 at 10:08 PM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Baking it won't sterilize it. At the very least you need an pressure cooker that goes to 25lbs. You still also need to filter it using a .22um filter. No .45 will not work.
    I do a lot of home canning, and pressure cooking. I own 3 pressure cookers. Never seen one that goes to 25psi. 15 is the top for canning, which gives 250 F . 20 psi is danger zone!
    Do not try to attain 25psi !!

  14. #14
    I get abscess sometimes even if I am sterile in everything. Don't know why but it does happen. I don't sweat it. It'll go away. I tend to get abscess with high concentration short esters.

  15. #15
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    Mar 2015
    Do they go away on their own Or do you normally get antibiotics for it? I'd hate for it to kill me they seem like they can be pretty serious.

    Also I got 22um filters and new sterile vials would filtering and moving to the new vials be good?

    Spam filter is super annoying

    Edit: I've heard high consantrations can settle out and start to crystalize and it has the same sides of abscesses but they get better after a few days. Mine got worse and pitted by day 3 so I knew I was in trouble. High BA also does the same and goes away after a few days. You sure its not just that scotchguard?
    Last edited by coyotehunter; 03-16-2015 at 06:53 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post
    I do a lot of home canning, and pressure cooking. I own 3 pressure cookers. Never seen one that goes to 25psi. 15 is the top for canning, which gives 250 F . 20 psi is danger zone!
    Do not try to attain 25psi !!
    25 psi makes a much better pressure cooker bomb though.

    Thank Reb for catching my fat finger typo. Ill edit the above.

    Quote Originally Posted by coyotehunter View Post
    Do they go away on their own Or do you normally get antibiotics for it? I'd hate for it to kill me they seem like they can be pretty serious.

    Also I got 22um filters and new sterile vials would filtering and moving to the new vials be good?

    Spam filter is super annoying
    It depends on how bad they are and if your body is good at fighting it. It definitely would be a good idea to get/use antibiotics if it's getting worse.

    If you plan on trying to use it yes it would be good but best would probably just getting new gear. At the very least I would try the oven heating method (pressure cooker is better) and then filter it into a new sterile vial.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-15-2015 at 11:16 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    It depends on how bad they are and if your body is good at fighting it. It definitely would be a good idea to get/use antibiotics if it's getting worse.

    If you plan on trying to use it yes it would be good but best would probably just getting new gear. At the very least I would try the oven heating method (pressure cooker is better) and then filter it into a new sterile vial.
    I got on antibiotics for the ones I had and they are pretty much gone now. Just worried to get another one I don't think my doctor will believe whatever I tell him the second time around.

    I am hoping I can use the rest of my order but due to [insert reason here] I still don't have the rest of my gear even though I ordered it like January 1st... So if I don't do anything I'm gonna have to cycle off next week. Figured I'd try filtering it and at least try one. I'll use the oven before thanks!

  18. #18
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    Do you now you can get the exact same antibiotics at a lot of fish supply stores? Yes same manufactures and strength. If not local you can find them online.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Do you now you can get the exact same antibiotics at a lot of fish supply stores? Yes same manufactures and strength. If not local you can find them online.
    I was unaware of this but that's way easier than going to the doctor! Are you allowed to say names and sizes on the forum? I'll look more into it but if you could shoot me a pm with some info I would appreciate it. For some reason my account doesn't let me view profiles randomly including my own so I can't pm you atm

  20. #20
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    filters and vials should be here thursday! gonna get it all set up and re pin I will let you guys know how it goes

  21. #21
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    Baked and filtered today. Noticed just after baking my test was much more of an off clear tint than it was before.. After filtering (that took so freaking long lol) the DECA was much lighter as well so it might have been some lower quality gear or something idk.. Anyway I pinned my quad and no pip at all and no inflammation or any bad signs which started fast last time when I got infection. Hopefully I'm all

    Thanks everyone!

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