Hey guys I am 4 weeks into my first cycle. I am planning on 17 week cycle (stopping DECA after week 15 and running test till end) running 400mg test-e 200mg DECA split into two pins Monday/Thursday using 23 guage 1inch syringes for pin but 18 guage 1 inch for drawing. I am 5/11 203lb as of yesterday and probably ~13 or 14% bf (I know it's a little high but I'm guessing)
A buddy of mine helped me get started showing me proper procedure and how to pin glutes and did my first 3 or 4 for me. I did the next 3 myself with his supervision and everything was going well. I asked him to do my pins this week before my trip out of state and I can't take my gear. Long story short Tuesday or so I noticed my pip (left glute) was worse than normal and it got red. Warm and itchy. I kept an eye on it to see if it was an abscess and took some benadryl and it got better. Thursday pin (right glute) same thing happened so I assumed it might be too high BA and would go away. I pinned yesterday afternoon (left glute) because I have to fly out of state today. Keeping an eye on my right glute i noticed it got bigger and bigger and yesterday evening around 8pm I noticed if I pushed on it the pit remained. I went straight to the hospital and they said it was an abscess and put me on antibiotics. Now my most recent left glute pin in red and knotes up again..
There were a few times I forgot to swab the stopper and up until Monday I used the same draw needle because I heard it wasn't a big deal. I have since gotten new draw needles and use a different one every time. I make sure to swab stopper for 30 seconds and let it air dry before I draw. I ALWAYS wash my hands first and also swab pin area completely and let it dry before pinning. 3 problems in a row has me pretty concerned that I got my gear dirty or something. What do you suggest? Should I cut my cycle shorter and throw out the DECA (I only have 1 vial for the whole cycle) and throw out the test I was using and move onto another vial? Could I resterolize with ba and grape seed oil and just adjust for the extra oil?