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Thread: Help with cycle

  1. #1

    Help with cycle

    Hey what's up guys! I'm planning a cycle that will kick some ass!... what's your opinion on the cycle and PCT? Do i need anything like arimidex/aromasin? and what about prami/carber?

    I was thinking about this:

    Omnadren 1gram ew shoting 250mg eod 1-14
    Deca 700mg ew 1-12
    Tren a 125 eod 8-14
    IGF-1 150mcg ed 1-14
    HGH 6iu ed

    PCT 4 weeks
    3200 HCG day 1
    500iu HCG 2 times a week for 30days

    Day 1: 150mg Clomid / 60mg Nolva
    Week 1: 100mg Clomid / 40 Nolva ED
    Week 2: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
    Week 3: 50 Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
    Week 4:50 Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    That's alot of gear for sure so yes....adex and prami on cycle. I would run hcg on cycle and skip the blast. How many cycles have you ran?

  3. #3
    I think you'll definitely need an AI and prami/caber with that dose of deca

  4. #4
    Thanks for your reply! This is my second cycle. What dosage of adex and prami would you pref? same with hcg how often and what dosage? what you mean by skip the blast?

    Btw nice lats dude!

  5. #5
    Can someone post me a protocol for the hcg under the cycle and adex/prami

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by jolgas12 View Post
    Thanks for your reply! This is my second cycle. What dosage of adex and prami would you pref? same with hcg how often and what dosage? what you mean by skip the blast?

    Btw nice lats dude!
    I don't mean to sound harsh but there is no need for all that gear on a SECOND cycle! More is not always better(what do you think your doses will be later down the road)...

    Also it seems as if you don't have the knowledge base as to how PCT, hCG,and DAs work and why! I would start with a simple test only cycle w/a kicker or an oral backload! And understanding the importance of an AI/hCG on cycle...Also, make sure you do pre mid and post PCT(6-8 wks) blood work!

    Check out the stickies about HOW TO HANDLE PROLACTIN ETC and AUSTINITES: EDUCATIONAL ARTICLE DATABASE! Just lookin out for your safety snd health!
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-08-2015 at 06:31 PM.

  7. #7
    Thanks for worrying about my health! but i have to do this cycle no matter what. but in the safest way possble.

    i hope you can understand me, and help me to do this most safely brother, i just need a protocol.

    here where im from(denmark) they dont do any kind of PCT the biggest guy i ever seen included.... so i would be VERY happy if someone would help me to create a protocol

  8. #8
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    Baking chicken
    I can understand that you want to run this... But if I/we just told you what to do you'd never understand why, how, & what it does(to our bodies and reasons why)!

    If you go to the Q&A sec thst were in... At the top you will see in red the "Stickies" which will provide all the info you'd need to do this safely! There's so much info here to be had so dive in and if you still have ?'s then feel free to ask!

    GL on your journey and I hope you realize why I'm advising you to read! It's fir the betterment of you and successfully completing a cycle!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by jolgas12 View Post
    Thanks for worrying about my health! but i have to do this cycle no matter what.
    Can't say I understand this kind of attitude. Go on then, do the cycle! Why worrying asking for advice, if you are going to filter out what you don't like anyway? I wonder what the absolute neccesity is to do it "no matter what". No matter it will damage your health?
    I agree with Nach, the only piece of advice I can think of this cycle is "don't do it", go back to the drawing board and do a simple test only, test + deca, dbol + test kind of cycle.

  10. #10
    It's a really heavy cycle for a second one. I'm on my second cycle and I'm been using only test and an oral as a kickstart. Dont think I could handle all that gear before having done lots of sucessful cycles.
    PCT seems ok except for the HCG, it is suppressive so you can't use it during PCT, you have to use it before.

  11. #11
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jolgas12
    Thanks for your reply! This is my second cycle. What dosage of adex and prami would you pref? same with hcg how often and what dosage? what you mean by skip the blast? Btw nice lats dude!
    run the hcg from the beginning of the cycle right up to 3 days prior to starting pct. 250 iu 2xew. I would ditch the prami it makes me and most people I know feel sick and get caber. .5 mg every 3 days. That's a lot of gear especially for a second cycle but the choice is yours

  12. #12
    Thanks alot dude! What about the so called AI should it be adex ? if yes how much and how often bro?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolgas12 View Post
    Thanks alot dude! What about the so called AI should it be adex ? if yes how much and how often bro?
    The fact that you need to ask questions such as this is testament to the fact you are not ready for this cycle. Take the advice above and opt for a simple test only program. Trust me mate, this is a bad idea. You're not ready to be running tren and deca, period.

  14. #14
    K I've do the cycle without any AI advice thanks alot...

  15. #15
    Good luck running all that gear without an AI

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolgas12 View Post
    K I've do the cycle without any AI advice thanks alot...
    What... Why??? It's the one of the single most important things(along w/hCG on cycle)... It controls Aromatase - test converting to Estro!

    Is this for real???

    You definitely need not even think about running this asking the ?'s your asking and saying your not gonna use an AI! Not safe... Not safe at all!

    Why do you NEED to run this cycle??? B/c you have the gear? It won't go bad as long as it's in a cool dark place!
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-09-2015 at 12:21 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    So, in spite of the problems caused by your last cycle (which was your second so this will actually be your 3rd) you want to i persist with a similarly crazy plan?

    You kids nowadays.........

    Quote Originally Posted by jolgas12 View Post
    Hi guys!! I just finished my second cycle, And im currently on pct

    I made a very big mistake i took tren deca oxy in same cycle.

    and i first got hand in carbergoline at week 12

    Now i cant get as hard as u used to and i just turned 19 years old

    i took this cycle cuz my dealer told me it would be the best for mass gain.

    but after what i can read its all bullshit cycle
    My cycle was,

    1 gram test ew 1-16
    700 deca ew 1-14
    150 Tren hex ew- 10-16
    dbol 50mg ed 1-8
    oxy 50mg ed 8-16

    i have 1 week back of my pct
    i do clomid nolva and hcg

    i also didnt used an ai until i started getting gyno cuz i was told ai would cause less gains. and i can still squizze water our from my niples.

    Is there anything i can do to get back to normal? like hc generate, unleshed or anyhing?

  18. #18
    I've been asking for a AI protocol without any answer so yes...

    bostin loiyd cycle advise
    Last edited by jolgas12; 03-09-2015 at 01:12 PM.

  19. #19
    The problem with my last cycle was i didnt use an AI or prami/caber cuz my dealer is and old school 60er freak that told me the bloat makes me stronger and no need for an AI and he said caber was for pakinson syndrom not for a cycle lulz

    That why i ask you guys come on!
    Last edited by jolgas12; 03-09-2015 at 01:36 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolgas12 View Post
    I've been asking for a AI protocol without any answer so yes...

    bostin loiyd cycle advise
    You can run adex at. 25 mgs eod to start. With the amount of gear you are running this will most likely need to be increased. Are you doing bloodwork? If not then you may end up running adex at. 50 mgs e3d or eod if your sides start to increase.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolgas12 View Post
    The problem with my last cycle was i didnt use an AI or prami/caber cuz my dealer is and old school 60er freak that told me the bloat makes me stronger and no need for an AI and he said caber was for pakinson syndrom not for a cycle lulz

    That why i ask you guys come on!
    heres my ? To you... If all of these ?'s are on this site in stickies... Why can't YOU read them yourself and learn from your mistakes! Without the basic knowledge to run a test only cycle(w/a correct AI Protocol/& hCG youll have a hard time controlling your E2 without being dialed in w/BW!

    And why would you even consider running a cycle w/out all of the correct ancilleries(AI/DA/ even hCG) tgat also shows your not ready for this cycle(as you had problems the last time... Rethink your cycle and simplify it... It's for your own good!

  22. #22
    Read my post -.- the last time it went wrong was cuz of no AI or HCG Under the cycle...

    Of course i will be doing BW this time.

    And again thanks alot for your help Buster! thats just what i wanted to know!

    What about aromasin? what dosage of prami/caber would you pref me brother?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by jolgas12 View Post
    Read my post -.- the last time it went wrong was cuz of no AI or HCG Under the cycle...

    Of course i will be doing BW this time.

    And again thanks alot for your help Buster! thats just what i wanted to know!

    What about aromasin? what dosage of prami/caber would you pref me brother?
    I did! And why would you run it anyway(that's another reason for you to know and not rely on someone else)... I'm not trying to sound harsh... But if you re read my post it says YOU yourself csn look up these answers! Simple as that... If you know why it went bad then you should know what doses to use and such! It's basic and very easy to find the answers on your own!

    If we spooned everyone then no one would understand how it all works and it's effects on the body! It would be unsafe and most likely unsuccessful! That's just my opinion... You have the right to yours...

    If your gonna do this regardless than that's on you... GL and be safe!
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-09-2015 at 04:11 PM.

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