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Thread: do you all have a better work out the day after your pin?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    slc to lv

    do you all have a better work out the day after your pin?

    Not sure if its just mental, or just me (I am keeping track) but I seem to have a better lift (either 1 more rep or increase the weight) the next day after my pin. (test e 2 day split) then the day I actually pin and then go work out after I inject.

    how is everyone else like?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by kikiboi View Post
    Not sure if its just mental, or just me (I am keeping track) but I seem to have a better lift (either 1 more rep or increase the weight) the next day after my pin. (test e 2 day split) then the day I actually pin and then go work out after I inject.

    how is everyone else like?
    I'm sure its very possible actually especially with fast acting AAS... but a lot of it is a mental edge.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    It's mental. That just goes to show you that you're cheating yourself of that extra rep on non pin days

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830
    It's mental. That just goes to show you that you're cheating yourself of that extra rep on non pin days
    /\ nice

  5. #5
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    I don't notice a difference. My workouts are always good

  6. #6
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    I don't notice a difference as much as I do if I am dehydrated or have had poor sleep. I think when you are new to cycling you can get caught up in that thought process. The only dif would be if you were pinning tes sus (more of a PL thing) the same could be said about some orals but the question was about pinning.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    I don't notice a difference. My workouts are always good

    That's what I'm talking about !

  8. #8
    The main variable that seems to affect my workout is what I eat for lunch. I workout at about 5pm and my energy level seems to be linked to my lunch. Pre workout drink does little for me. I like muscle milk. It gives me energy throughout my workout.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I prefer working the muscle group I pin that same day, ie biceps inner and outer injection in both heads and then train gives me a serious pump and that's added stretch which feel beautiful, same with triceps and delts. Pin and train is the way forward for me. My intensity is sky high training anyway so it doesn't really matter when I train but training once ive pinned give me that added feeling of pressure and pump which is good. I like pain

  10. #10
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    Mine like Scotch said I feel is determined by what I've eaten prior. My workouts are almost always intense almost hell always are! But when I've eaten good and big all day prior is always the best. Oh yea that's how I eat everyday haha! Oatmeal an hour before is my preworkout. I can't do fasted workouts.... tried a couple of times.... Just not my mo.

  11. #11
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    And as far as pin day or not hasn't mattered in years. I think it was only the placebo effect of you just pinned when you first start taking injections. Great workouts come from the heart and mind transferred to your body.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    And as far as pin day or not hasn't mattered in years. I think it was only the placebo effect of you just pinned when you first start taking injections. Great workouts come from the heart and mind transferred to your body.
    That's the way I look at it now as well. There are many factors to a great workout and pinning that day is low on the list.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    That's the way I look at it now as well. There are many factors to a great workout and pinning that day is low on the list.
    Plus on cycle unless your sick or something is wrong physically... You should be having great w/o's with good HIGH INTENSITY! I believe this is the main factor in having a good w/o vs a great w/o! Big difference especially if you don't go to true failure and beyond!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    Plus on cycle unless your sick or something is wrong physically... You should be having great w/o's with good HIGH INTENSITY! I believe this is the main factor in having a good w/o vs a great w/o! Big difference especially if you don't go to true failure and beyond!
    Being on cycle with the flu ........absolutely sucked. Put a big dent in my goals. Gear can compensate for alot but being sick is a different story and don't recover quicker just for those who are curious.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Being on cycle with the flu ........absolutely sucked. Put a big dent in my goals. Gear can compensate for alot but being sick is a different story and don't recover quicker just for those who are curious.
    I bet! That or an injury must have to be the worst aspects of cycling(when it happens)... I can w/o w/injuries(as my shoulder needs that replacement) but being sick w/the flu is even worse IMO... Maybe b/c I'm more used to the shoulder pain but puking and Sh*tting is a worse feeling to me...

  16. #16
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    thanks for all comments

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