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Thread: First Cycle: Test Enanthate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    First Cycle: Test Enanthate

    Hi All,
    I've been researching my first cycle for around a year now, read loads of stuff but I find lots of conflicting information..

    I'm 2 weeks into my cycle:
    1-12 test enth 500mg (pharma grade)
    1-12 adex 0.25mg EOD
    1-4 dbol 20mg ED (low but it's working!)

    Clomid: 75/50/50/50
    Nolva: 40/20/20/20

    Other supplements include, milk thistle, fish oils etc... You will probably notice there is no HCG! I intended on using it at - Week 1 to 12: hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total) however, lots of research stated this gave false signals to the body on the feedback loop, testicles on, off, on, off.... Like airing the tyres of a car that is never used.

    Should I use it in my final 4 weeks of cycle? Worthwhile? Please advise.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    U could of probably done with out the dbol u really don't know if it's working your test e just started workin. It's not wise to start two new compounds together if u start having bad sides u don't kno what one is doing it u would of been better off starting the dbol at the last four weeks to give u one last boost before getting off or even better save it for your next cycle so u have somthing to look forward to you would of gotten great gains with the tes all by its self but what's done is done just leave it as is and don't add any other compounds.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Drop the D-bol, bring back the hcg week 1 through 3 days before your pct starts. good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Muse View Post
    Hi All,
    I've been researching my first cycle for around a year now, read loads of stuff but I find lots of conflicting information..

    I'm 2 weeks into my cycle:
    1-12 test enth 500mg (pharma grade)
    1-12 adex 0.25mg EOD
    1-4 dbol 20mg ED (low but it's working!)

    Clomid: 75/50/50/50
    Nolva: 40/20/20/20

    Other supplements include, milk thistle, fish oils etc... You will probably notice there is no HCG! I intended on using it at - Week 1 to 12: hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total) however, lots of research stated this gave false signals to the body on the feedback loop, testicles on, off, on, off.... Like airing the tyres of a car that is never used.

    Should I use it in my final 4 weeks of cycle? Worthwhile? Please advise.

    The only thing I would change is to take your hCG on cycle... Blasting it at the end is an outdated method b/c your suppressing(hcg) your testes while trying to restart them!

    Look at Austinites "WHY YOU SHOULD USE HCG ON CYCLE ONLY" puts it in perspective... Why suppress your test levels when your trying to recover... Right? Though hCG is a suppressive, when pinning exogenous test your already shut down.... So if you take it on cycle it mimicks LH, keeps your testes functioning, and from atrophy, while stimulating your leydig cells(you don't have a never ending supply of these cells)! Which in return gives you a better and faster chance at recovery!

    Everything looks good on the cycle layout even when you said you were going to run the hCG on cycle from the beginning! So i would start now if you have it at 250iu 2x a wk!

    GL in your cycle!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks for the replies! So if I started taking HCG at beginning if week 3 would I resume from bing shut down? Or do. Need to bring them back to life before dosing hcg?

    Also when wold I stop taking hcg? I planned to stop test after 12 weeks and pct on week 14 to begin for 4 weeks?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Start taking your hcg at 250 ius twice a week right up until 3 days prior to pct.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks, few other questions:
    1) I literally only have 5000iu worth. Could I run weeks 2-14(200iu twice a week?)

    2) Or alternatively from weeks 4-14 @ 500iu a week (250iu twice a week).

    3) Once you're shut down, like I probably already am, how long does HCG take to kick start you? Or is it only worthwhile taking if you begin it early before shutting down testosterone production?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Yes week 2-314 would work.

    The hcg does not kick start you, it keeps your balls thinking they are producing test and not shrinking. Also helps with remaining fertile.

    It make it easier for the clomid and nolva to get you working again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    So run week 2 to 14 at 200iu twice weekly? I'm worried I'm already shut down as they've shrunk already. Is this still ok? 200iu high enough bi weekly?


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    That will suffice... Correct!

    It also helps keeping your boys from atrophy(shrinkage) aswell as what lovbyts stated!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by Muse View Post
    So run week 2 to 14 at 200iu twice weekly? I'm worried I'm already shut down as they've shrunk already. Is this still ok? 200iu high enough bi weekly?

    That should be ok, you are a Tad light but in the ballpark. The less atrophy the better on terms of recovery.

  12. #12
    Awesome info. Thanks! I'm in the research/planning stages for my first cycle so this is extremely helpful.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Last edited by Muse; 05-07-2015 at 03:16 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cycle update I've put on around 12.5 lbs currently on week 10. 17 more days to go. I have absolute zero water retention due to adex dosage, no acne or anything and I've put on no BF. HCG is keeping the balls going only at 200iu x2 weekly (400iu weekly).

    Coming off, will wait 2 weeks after last pin before beginning PCT.
    I'll run the HCG until 3 days before first tabs in PCT.
    PCT will be 4 weeks.
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    clomid 50/50/50/25 (25 because I'll run out of tablets)

    Can I also include armidex in my PCT? Is it beneficial?
    Also I didn't get blood work done..... How long do I stay off cycle for after PCT?


  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    At least time on+pct = Time off but w/out BW you still may not be fully recovered hence the importance of it(pre/mid/& post pct(8 wks)

    No a-dex in pct only SERMs clomid and Nolva if you have more Nolva run it at 10mgs for another wk since your clomid is a lil low - or ar-R too right has it for research purposes

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    What would be the ideal PCT nolva/clomid for this cycle and is 4 weeks enough?

    Alternatively, do I run nolva solo for the 5th week of PCT? When should I stop taking adex before PCT?

    thanks again

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Or reduce to 3 weeks PCT and up the dose??

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    4 wks clomid 75/50/50/50 nolvadex - 40/40/20/20 will be good... You'll want to cease the clomid after 4 wks regardless of dose, while nolvadex can be run up to 6 wks(for ones that have more difficulty recovering, or when running a 19nor

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