Injected the glute earlier. My muscle kind of spazmed as I inserted the pin. Wasn't very nice... This happened to you guys?
Injected the glute earlier. My muscle kind of spazmed as I inserted the pin. Wasn't very nice... This happened to you guys?
Sounds as though your muscle was tight or you nicked a nerve(but if you hit your sciatic nerve(runs from your a** to your foot in both legs) you'd know... It would hurt to just walk or sit...
I'm leaning toward your muscle tensing up as you inserted! The main thing is to relax. If your standing put as much of your weight on your opposite leg leaving the leg your pinning in limp... As this will relax your muscle...
where did you pin on the glute?
On the right glute, top right of it. Nach3 thanks. That pretty much explains exactly where I went wrong. It was my 5th pin and I got careless, putting too much weight on the glute I was injecting! It feels fine but hopefully won't worsen at all?Originally Posted by monster-ish
Since were on the topic.. What area of the glute is best? Keep in mind I hate needles and I'm scared of hitting something and doing damage. OP what size needle do you use? I'm hoping to do my first cycle soon.
It happens... Just try and be extra aware of all injection protocols on any/& all sites...
If it doesn't hurt to bad(pip) now, you'll be fine... Maybe a lil sore tomorrow... As long as it's not hot or pulsating(likely infection) you'll be g2g brother!
Upper outer quadrant is correct. There are a lot of small nerves in the epidermis that you can hit just right and trigger spasms. I get it from time to time. With enough injections and scar tissue the frequency of that will lessen. Nothing to fret.
To me is shoulder, always hit a nerve pinning there. Kinda neat to watch only one shoulder head spasm![]()
I'm on my first cycle, going on my 4th week. Only shot my glutes one time, well twice (left cheek, right cheek)... I'm sure my technique will get better over time.. but GOD what a PITA trying to aspirate!! Feel like I need to be a damn contortionist. Last cheek I was trying to be more careful and I felt like I had a weed wacker in my @ss from moving the needle around so much. Then when I laid the needle on the counter I realized I had .4cc left in the syringe.. changed needles and dumped the rest in the delt!![]()
U can inject in almost any muscle I like injecting my bis and tris but don't do it if u don't kno what your doing
But your butt is the best for 2cc+ injections no doubt.
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