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Thread: HGH starting dosage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    HGH starting dosage

    I've just started a growth hormone cycle and i have read conflicting reports in required dosage. I
    Will be doing a simple test only cycle in 3-4 months time. During this period I want to train hard eat well and lose body fat (currently 16-17 I know way too high ! needs to be below 14 ) and regain definition. Strength and size will come when I get to my cycle. I'm
    Currently doing 3 iu every day with a rest day on Sunday. Is this dose high enough for my gains, I'm thinking gradually ramp up to 4iu a day, I will watch out for side effects ie carpal tunnel syndrome. Any advice on dosage guys? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    What gh you using?how old are you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mark woods
    What gh you using?how old are you?
    im using
    Somatropin (genotropin trade name ). I'm am 30

  4. #4
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    You had better jump on the igf insulin and hgh section of the forum so you can get more familiar with hgh and figure out how much money you have wasted and hopefully save you some in the future.

    Ill do the simple math for you. How much did you spend? That is how much you wasted.

    Btw im not saying this to be mean or a smart ass. Ill bet I have wasted a lot mor than you on hgh.

  5. #5
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    the only way to tell with generics is if you run them long enough and get noticeable effects/sides.
    3iu won't yield much growth, but you should notice a drop in bodyfat if you use it long enough, improved sleep also. But if you are running some AASs alongside then you will get increased mass there anyway.

    take a pregnancy test at some point to rule out HCG

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by nilrac View Post
    the only way to tell with generics is if you run them long enough and get noticeable effects/sides.
    3iu won't yield much growth, but you should notice a drop in bodyfat if you use it long enough, improved sleep also. But if you are running some AASs alongside then you will get increased mass there anyway.

    take a pregnancy test at some point to rule out HCG
    None of that matters anymore. The pregnancy test method is OLD school. If its generic, not from a pharmacy via rx vegas will give you 1,000,000 to 1 odds.

    Its fake..

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    None of that matters anymore. The pregnancy test method is OLD school. If its generic, not from a pharmacy via rx vegas will give you 1,000,000 to 1 odds.

    Its fake..
    So, you are saying all generics are completely bunk? I would beg to differ. I use both generic and pharma, just depending on supply availability.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by nilrac View Post

    So, you are saying all generics are completely bunk? I would beg to differ. I use both generic and pharma, just depending on supply availability.
    You may use them and of course no one wants to believe they have bunk gear but can you actually see the difference? Most likely not. Even with real hgh (unless you are loaded, cycle it year round and at high dosages......and maybe you are that Guy .....If you are I am it is hard to measure how much cell hyperplasia is actually occurring.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by nilrac View Post

    So, you are saying all generics are completely bunk? I would beg to differ. I use both generic and pharma, just depending on supply availability.
    Im sure you would. Not many people will admit they wasted their money or have been dupped.

    Because you get some fat burning and wrist pain does jot make it hgh. It makes it a peptide that mimics hgh sides and cost pennies on the dollar to make.

    And before you go ther. Yes even the pens are now faked and mass produced. You can believe what you will, its up to you, just like people who still believe Obama when he is pissing on them and he says its raining.

    Really? Thats like saying you have the choice between a super model and a 2 bit whore and you decide to go with the skanky whore once in a while. LoL
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-11-2015 at 10:02 AM.

  10. #10
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    Lucky I know a pharmacist then lol

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by nilrac View Post
    Lucky I know a pharmacist then lol
    Yes. As long as its not in china. LoL

  12. #12
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    Hahaha word

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    You had better jump on the igf insulin and hgh section of the forum so you can get more familiar with hgh and figure out how much money you have wasted and hopefully save you some in the future. Ill do the simple math for you. How much did you spend? That is how much you wasted. Btw im not saying this to be mean or a smart ass. Ill bet I have wasted a lot mor than you on hgh.
    Thanks , it's made by Pfizer which I thought was a legit pharmaceutical company. Is it generics or just the compound in general that you feel is a waste of money.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannypefc1878 View Post
    Thanks , it's made by Pfizer which I thought was a legit pharmaceutical company. Is it generics or just the compound in general that you feel is a waste of money.
    Pfizer is a legit pharmacy but unfortunately they are still mostly all fakes/clones now days.

    If you bought it online or though another source its not real. Do you think a company like that would risk their license?

    Yeah it sucks. As I said, I won't do it again unless I get another rx. Ive spent 1000s trying to find good source as well as many others I know and the consensus is the same.

    Its been about 5 years since you could find anything real and even then it was a crap shoot.

  15. #15
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    Post a pic. I'm curious
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  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    Post a pic. I'm curious
    X2 post a pic there are plenty of fake pharm gh right now but there is plenty of legit gh as well.

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  17. #17
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    I will post a picture when I get home but I'm almost positive that I have been duped and conned. So these fakes contain no growth hormone at all? Like you say, live and learn. Il just train hard and get ready for my cycle

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannypefc1878 View Post
    I will post a picture when I get home but I'm almost positive that I have been duped and conned. So these fakes contain no growth hormone at all? Like you say, live and learn. Il just train hard and get ready for my cycle
    Aye it is a bit shit danny they look good but they are just bunk i can get loads of gh from lots of different pharma's if i wanted but 99.99% they will be fake and they are not cheap i would just stick to your AAS.

    Think of it this way if they can get fake medication in to our health system then they can sell fake HGH to us from sources.
    Last edited by clarky.; 03-12-2015 at 05:38 AM.

  19. #19
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    If you bought it from a website then yes, it's is fake

    Quote Originally Posted by dannypefc1878 View Post
    I will post a picture when I get home but I'm almost positive that I have been duped and conned. So these fakes contain no growth hormone at all? Like you say, live and learn. Il just train hard and get ready for my cycle
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  20. #20
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-83807973.jpg 
Views:	206 
Size:	473.4 KB 
ID:	155811

    Didn't get it off a website but it's more than likely

  21. #21
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    Fake. I have heard of those. I wouldn't use them. Did you get them off a source or friend?
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannypefc1878 View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-83807973.jpg 
Views:	206 
Size:	473.4 KB 
ID:	155811

    Didn't get it off a website but it's more than likely
    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    Fake. I have heard of those. I wouldn't use them. Did you get them off a source or friend?
    PT is correct,

    Pfizer Goquick is a device what was produced to contain the powder and water in the same vial and with a twist of the pen which lines up A on the water to B on the powder they are mixed together. Goquick refers to the pen device that's why they called it Goquick to make it easy for adults injecting their children. Also the Pfizer logo is a give away.

    Also the cartridges what are to reload pens look nothing like this, they don't come in vials like that

  23. #23
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    I don't run into Genos as often but the ones I do arrive always pens. I have norditropin pens and they are awesome. I hated those things at first but they are so nice and easy. Plus the needle I screw on are so thin that you don't even feel it go in. I would love to have an endless supply of those things but there way to expensive.

    Sorry about your fake hgh bro. Unfortunately it happens to alot of us.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Because you get some fat burning and wrist pain does not make it hgh. It makes it a peptide that mimics hgh sides and cost pennies on the dollar to make.
    Are you able to clarify the peptide chemicals that mimic human growth hormone side effects? Ty lovbyts

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Are you able to clarify the peptide chemicals that mimic human growth hormone side effects? Ty lovbyts
    Not a peptide but they have been know to put anti diuretic hormones in which does result in CTS. With an ADH the cts comes on very quickly and can be very painful.

  26. #26
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    There are alot of Chinese companies mixing those with slin. It gives you the numbing feeling.
    Hgh always makes my fingers swell up to the point where I can't wear rings. I have one ring I got many years ago I only take off when using hgh.
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  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by dannypefc1878 View Post
    I've just started a growth hormone cycle and i have read conflicting reports in required dosage. I
    Will be doing a simple test only cycle in 3-4 months time. During this period I want to train hard eat well and lose body fat (currently 16-17 I know way too high ! needs to be below 14 ) and regain definition. Strength and size will come when I get to my cycle. I'm
    Currently doing 3 iu every day with a rest day on Sunday. Is this dose high enough for my gains, I'm thinking gradually ramp up to 4iu a day, I will watch out for side effects ie carpal tunnel syndrome. Any advice on dosage guys? Thanks
    I like starting out with 2-4 iu and then adjust from there. I get NICE results on what some would
    call low dose or an HRT dose.

  28. #28
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    Oh well feeling a little annoyed but you live and learn. So to get this straight, these fakes do not contain any HGH at all and hold no pharmaceutical benefit?

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