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  1. #1
    dk94's Avatar
    dk94 is offline Associate Member
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    Test Cyp vs Test Enth?

    What are the main differences between enthanate and cyponate? As i understand they are both long esters and the injection schedule is pretty similar. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Bigjallday is offline Junior Member
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    Nothing really there are minor differences ones not going to work better then the other I rotate them all the time.

  3. #3
    stu555's Avatar
    stu555 is offline New Member
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    Hope this is right ,,maybe someone with more exp can give better detail but I understand it as this,,
    Enanthate has a 7-carbon ester chain while cypionate has an 8-carbon ester chain. The more carbons the ester group has, the more soluble in oil and the less soluble in water it becomes. As a result, cypionate has a slightly slower release and longer active life.
    ◾Due to being one atom lighter, enanthate has more testosterone per mg. The difference is insignificant though, perhaps a few milligrams amount of steroid more

  4. #4
    Bigjallday is offline Junior Member
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    Yes there is a difference but not a huge one. Test Cyp has a 12 day half life where as Test E has a 10 day the reason for this is because Test C has an extra carbon atom attached to it making it weigh ever so slightly more. Some users have reported slightly extra water retention as a result with C as opposed to E. no clue as to why most choose E over C they are both equally as effective and provide pretty much the same result. Test Cyp seems to be used by more doctors for TRT patients for some reason...I have 3 relatives receiving TRT now all are on Test Cyp. One difference I have seen is Test Cyp comes in 200mg per ml form where as you never see Test E below 250mg per ml no clue why that is but that is just something I have noticed although I have seen some Test blends containing 200/200 of both Test E/C so there ya go

  5. #5
    Bigjallday is offline Junior Member
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    But my golden rule is tes is tes is tes is tes is tes is tes and that's all u need to kno unless your really in to competing then then the water retention factor plays a part.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    For 99.9% of us there is no difference worth worrying about. You have about a 1/2 difference in half life.

    Some people claim better results and less water retention with C and just as many claim the same with E.

  7. #7
    dk94's Avatar
    dk94 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks a lot for a prompt response guys

  8. #8
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Absolutely no difference in terms of performance. I have cut with cyp and tren so I don't even buy the argument that you retain more water on cyp. I believe your diet determines the majority of bloat.

  9. #9
    Lee_1978's Avatar
    Lee_1978 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Absolutely no difference in terms of performance. I have cut with cyp and tren so I don't even buy the argument that you retain more water on cyp. I believe your diet determines the majority of bloat.
    Regarding gains, diet is the determining factor from what I gather, so why don't people just stick with Test for all cycles?

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