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Thread: Help with research paper!

  1. #1

    Question Help with research paper!

    Hello all I'm new to the forum, and I will be starting on a research paper for my English class. It is a persuasive paper and I have picked my topic and stance as "steroids are safer than mass media presents them to be." I'm hoping that some of you may beable to provide me with some reputable sorces/studies that show the true effects of steroids when taken properly with proper cycles, supplementation, and dosages.
    Thank you all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    just ask the questions you want answered. Dont expect anyone to give you an entire education on steroids.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I would actually like to read what the vets have to say

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    All i am saying is if your saying " tell me about steroids" then the answer is going to be about 40 pages. Try and be more specific.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Are you asking how steroids are good and safe? Example deca and eq do wonders for people joints. Anavar I'm not really sure about I haven't read up on it much, but you can get it prescribed. Test for trt. Maybe someone can post some links on pct, hcg, AI, and how if its done properly and at the right age it can be safe.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I smell pork.

    Two or three of these guys pop up a year. It never ends well.

    If you really want to know then do some research and dont expected to be spoon feed.

  7. #7
    I would love nothing more than to ask questions and get answered but for the paper the sources have to be credible. Although I know that you all are very educated on the subject I can't use information from the forum. I've already started reading anabolics 10th edition (credible source), I was just wondering if they're are any specific studies that show great results from steroids with little to no side effects.

    Media portrays steroid users as cheating meat heads with no common sense that will die with gyno and heart failure no matter what. I have to write the paper to disprove this myth.

    It may be to broad of a topic and I still have time to change my stance to something easier and more specific if any of you have any ideas.

    I've found these so far: ncbi.nlm.nih.
    gov/ m/

    ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/

    Sorry for the spaces, too new to post url's
    Last edited by Derian06; 03-13-2015 at 08:36 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    If this is a research paper, your sources need to be research articles (preferably peer-reviewed). You can use opinions here to help validate your stance on the topic, but otherwise, you're off to a pretty poor start in regards to "research". You will not be able to cite this forum as a valid academic source, and with a research paper, you should be entirely objective on the topic and not use a forum and the different opinions to help determine your stance and mindset on the topic.

    Research will most likely show that they can be both safer and more dangerous than the mass media portrays them to be, and it depends on what type of research paper you will be writing (cumulative where you're presenting arguments from each side or a research study/meta-analysis fitting specific parameters?).

    For an opinion on the subject, it depends on how educated the person is using AAS, how closely they monitor themselves (or if there's a physician monitoring it like in regards to TRT), how long they use the compounds for, and how much of each compound they are using, in addition to which compounds, compared to the recommended dose. You will also need to find thorough studies on mortality rate and average age of regular users vs sporadic users vs nonusers, and if this is a research paper on steroids in general, you are going to have a LOT of research to do factoring in every compound; different compounds have different side effects, and some people who take them (patients vs public) take steroids that are not meant for human use (i.e. trenbolone).

    In any case, if this is a legitimate research paper, I look forward to reading it when it is finished and reviewed/published. If this is a high school "research" paper, I'd suggest picking another topic since you won't have much access to thorough or peer-reviewed research on the subject, and this isn't really a subject for a high school student to legitimize.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Please reconsider your topic. Your English professor likely admires the media and won't wish to read your smear on their mentors/colleagues.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    Please reconsider your topic. Your English professor likely admires the media and won't wish to read your smear on their mentors/colleagues.
    Agree. Most anymore are liberals and unless you are slamming steroid use (most likely the case) then your teacher won't give it any consideration.

    I did my papers on professional sports shooting and a descriptive area of a place I had visited as a kit.

    Turned out my teacher use to compete in shooting and grew up just a couple miles from the place I wrote about. I got A's on my papers. LoL

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Did my research paper on std's. Got a solid F

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Derian06 View Post
    Hello all I'm new to the forum, and I will be starting on a research paper for my English class. It is a persuasive paper and I have picked my topic and stance as "steroids are safer than mass media presents them to be." I'm hoping that some of you may beable to provide me with some reputable sorces/studies that show the true effects of steroids when taken properly with proper cycles, supplementation, and dosages.
    Thank you all!
    why this forum and not a different one

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Agree. Most anymore are liberals and unless you are slamming steroid use (most likely the case) then your teacher won't give it any consideration.

    I did my papers on professional sports shooting and a descriptive area of a place I had visited as a kit.

    Turned out my teacher use to compete in shooting and grew up just a couple miles from the place I wrote about. I got A's on my papers. LoL
    That is true, I may end up just switching my topic to creatine/protein/aminos or something a bit easier if this is going to be such a difficult topic. But i'm a teen bodybuilder and or atleast attempting to be by this summer. So steroids have always been naturally interesting to me, it's amazing what the body can do when supplemented correctly so if I can actually make this paper work I would like to. But from the comments so far it seems the chances of that are grim.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post
    why this forum and not a different one
    I think we both know Why I would pick for information on steroids.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

  16. #16
    fair enough

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Derian06 View Post
    That is true, I may end up just switching my topic to creatine/protein/aminos or something a bit easier if this is going to be such a difficult topic. But i'm a teen bodybuilder and or atleast attempting to be by this summer. So steroids have always been naturally interesting to me, it's amazing what the body can do when supplemented correctly so if I can actually make this paper work I would like to. But from the comments so far it seems the chances of that are grim.
    Then your best option would be to stay here to learn how to do things and not on a personal basis and keep opinions even if there is science behind it private if grades mean anything to you. Sometimes it's best to not make waves when your future could be at stake as well as reputation.

    Even if you are not using aas and you express interest in them then you will be accused and marked as a roid user even if you are 100% natural.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    Even if you are not using aas and you express interest in them then you will be accused and marked as a roid user even if you are 100% natural.
    sad but true! I've mentioned to a few ppl that I'm a fan of performance enhancing and they all got a strange look on their faces, lol...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    North Carolina USA
    I did a big senior paper on steroids in high school and got an A just do research the info is out there

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