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Thread: Blast and Cruising at 18

  1. #1

    Blast and Cruising at 18

    First to start off I have done my research for over a year on taking gear and the risks it has at my age. I understand that almost all of you will try and tell me to wait but I have already made my mind on this full knowing all of the possible problems it can cause and will go through it with or without anyone's help in here.

    That said I still want to do this correctly and would greatly appreciate any help being offered. I am planning to start my "cycle" sometime in April and plan to do 250mgs twice a week of test e and will do that for 12 weeks. One thing I do not know much about is what a cruising dose should be for drone my age. I have seen people much older than me say they do anything from 100-200mgs a week during this phase. What I'm wondering is that because I am only 18 would I want to put my dosage higher than that or keep it around 150mgs a week during the cruise part.

    Thank you for all the help in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Out State
    Your first cycle at age 18 should be creatine, 5 mg a day. Chicken, Fish, Rice, Broccoli, and a 3 cc's of sweet potatoes.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2015
    And 1/2 a cup of milk 2x per week if you wanna get real hardcore!

  4. #4
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    Mar 2015
    My gosh 18? Your tes levels are crazy high right now don't waste your time with tes i see 18 year old guys at the gym who are bigger then some of the heavy gear users with good diets and work out programs.

  5. #5
    Once again I understand that most people on this forum are against what I want to do. I just ask if you are going to talk me out of it, it won't work as I've made up my mind to this and would like advice on what I have already asked.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Sorry bro I don't think your gonna get it. Nobodys gonna help you hurt yourself

  7. #7
    I don't think it classifies as "helping me hurt myself" at all. If anything the advice I use could greatly reduce any of the damage done to myself. There are many pros who started well before my age and while I do understand that I won't become a pro, many of them have done it safely. Like I said before regardless of what people on here say I am going to go through with it and do the research on it to make sure I know what I am doing but would also like to hear others opinions on how to do this.

  8. #8
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Poofyy View Post
    Once again I understand that most people on this forum are against what I want to do. I just ask if you are going to talk me out of it, it won't work as I've made up my mind to this and would like advice on what I have already asked.
    And it is setting you up for possible disaster even if fone right, b/c your HPTA IS NOT matured(not even close)

    Man, I would kill for your natural test levels... As stated above diet abf a good training program will take you a long way!

    If your really saying your gonna do it regardless at least have the knowledge base to do it as safely as possible(and you should know your answers if you don't want to be talked out) as what your considering is playing Russ roulette w/your un matured HPTA... This forum is about safe AAS use... We get plenty your age and do the same and then come back asking for help b/c they just done f'd themselves up!

    Hey youve gotten all solid advice... But your gonna do what your gonna do but we still try and talk you out... Not what you want but what you need to hear!
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-13-2015 at 11:13 AM.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2015
    No offense but if u did your reasarch u wouldn't be on here asking questions. If your looking for a 18 and making bad decisions forum you came to the wrong place best wishes to u I think this thread is done.....

  10. #10
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    What these guys said^ plus chances are you haven't even come close to being as big as you can naturally. Work hard naturally come back in a few years and blow the **** up just my HO

  11. #11
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    I know you already made up your mind. But, the reason many of us might be steering you away from it, is because some of us made the same mistake and regret it now. If you do steroids now, you will join a large group of people on here who will try to talk 18 year old guys from making the same mistake down the road. You will understand in a few years why we are doing what we are doing; and you will see our challenge when you understand and also try to talk some young guy out of it too. Good luck!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Poofyy View Post
    I don't think it classifies as "helping me hurt myself" at all. If anything the advice I use could greatly reduce any of the damage done to myself. There are many pros who started well before my age and while I do understand that I won't become a pro, many of them have done it safely. Like I said before regardless of what people on here say I am going to go through with it and do the research on it to make sure I know what I am doing but would also like to hear others opinions on how to do this.
    ok my turn I'll even ignore the fact that your 18 you state that many pros have done it earlier as we all know then you say how you won't go pro . my question to you what r u trying to accomplish by blasting and cruising that regular cycling won't do for you scince you don't Wana go pro..... one thing why do you wana blast and cruise you haven't even tryed a steroid r you guna go out to eat tomoro have the waiter tell you ya we have x y z added to the menue and your guna say I havent tryed either but sighne me up to eat only those for the rest of my life.

  13. #13
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    Apr 2010
    Just try a couple test cycles first ,and re evaluate.youll be happy with your gains. Then u can think it over.

  14. #14
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    Wow!!!!! Where to start. You may have done some research but if you are asking about dosages then you haven't done as much as you think you have. Furthermore if you have done any real research and the long term risks of continuous cycling don't phase you then apparently none of it sank in or have no long term plan in terms of living a full life. Running a cycle in a few years once you have a genuine base is one thing......this is ridiculous! Please give it some thought.

  15. #15
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    dont ask for a source thx
    op if you come back do yourself a favor and read austinites my first cycle sticky and it will tell you everything you need to know...yea you will have to read and put some time into it but its all laid out for you all you have to do is read it for self respecting member is going to spoon feed you the information because of your age and if they did it would most likely parrot the sticky so give it a read if your really going to do this...good luck...ohh and don't be retarded and cruse after the cycle that's just nonsense and you will regret it later...why not do an actual cycle then stop and pct that what makes it a cycle not steroid abuse...something to think about...

  16. #16
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    Sorry but NOBODY here is going to help you out. There is no way to safely cycle at 18.

  17. #17
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    When you're 25 and no longer lifting you're going to meet a cute girl and chances are your manhood will not work and you'll be stuck with a limp noodle and a girl laughing at you. Not worth the risk to be big for a few months. You'll gain size on gear and once you come off will lose it all and be back to where you're at now.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    When you're 25 and no longer lifting you're going to meet a cute girl and chances are your manhood will not work and you'll be stuck with a limp noodle and a girl laughing at you. Not worth the risk to be big for a few months. You'll gain size on gear and once you come off will lose it all and be back to where you're at now.
    When this happens OP I'll give u all my contact info so u can give it to the cute girl so I can take care of her for u and then send her back to u ;-) I got ur back OP

  19. #19
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    not everyone is the same. as I was 18, my test levels were probably very low, because I did not make even near the gains I do now. but anyways, that's a choice of life bro, If you see, your genetics are much above average, and you see you can become mr Olympia, go for it. if you have any doubt, then don't do it. or you will end up like many ****ed up roid heads loosers floating around there, with ****ed up health, and early Palumboism. Living in a caravan in front of the gym, buying all kind of fake HGH.
    Last edited by XxAndreaxX; 03-14-2015 at 04:23 AM.

  20. #20
    food, food, food but if you have a medical reason that is a different issue

  21. #21
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    Listen to the guys and girls on this board mate, they have been around for a while and offer great advice.

    Unless you're planning to become a professional bodybuilder, then leave the gear until your old enough to benefit from it.

    I too made the stupid mistake of taking steroids when I was 19. Sadly, I was a young guy that thought he knew everything, when in reality, I knew nothing.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    When this happens OP I'll give u all my contact info so u can give it to the cute girl so I can take care of her for u and then send her back to u ;-) I got ur back OP
    HEY, you are stealing my line again. Smart man.

  23. #23
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    Might as well start planning a funeral for yourself for your mid 30s early 40s while your at it

  24. #24
    At 18, your body should be producing about 70mg/wk of Testosterone naturally. This, combined with your Growth Hormone and a good eating habit, will produce good results. If you're cruising @ 100mg/wk you're only 30mg/wk over natural so why not stay natural? You eliminate all the sides and you will still get gains. Sometimes guys get so excited about cycling they forgot how efficient they bodies were even before they started cycling. There has been a lot of good advice given on your cycle. It's up to you though.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post

    HEY, you are stealing my line again. Smart man.
    I'm pretty sure this kid will have plenty of woman he can't please if he goes forth with this cycling method. ;-) we can help a brother out for sure. Hahaha

  26. #26
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    [QUOTE=tice1212;7018385]I'm pretty sure this kid will have plenty of woman he can't please if he goes forth with this cycling method. ;-) we can help a brother out for sure. Hahaha[/QUOTE/]

    ^^^ this can very well be the case!
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-16-2015 at 04:06 AM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212
    I'm pretty sure this kid will have plenty of woman he can't please if he goes forth with this cycling method. ;-) we can help a brother out for sure. Hahaha
    not a very bright future in the love department that's for sure!

  28. #28
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    Get your BW, at least you know where you are naturally

    Being young with high test numbers should help you quite a bit in building muscle

  29. #29
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poofyy
    First to start off I have done my research for over a year on taking gear and the risks it has at my age. I understand that almost all of you will try and tell me to wait but I have already made my mind on this full knowing all of the possible problems it can cause and will go through it with or without anyone's help in here.

    That said I still want to do this correctly and would greatly appreciate any help being offered. I am planning to start my "cycle" sometime in April and plan to do 250mgs twice a week of test e and will do that for 12 weeks. One thing I do not know much about is what a cruising dose should be for drone my age. I have seen people much older than me say they do anything from 100-200mgs a week during this phase. What I'm wondering is that because I am only 18 would I want to put my dosage higher than that or keep it around 150mgs a week during the cruise part.

    Thank you for all the help in advance.
    There is noooooo way in hell you should even think about cruising until you've cycles for years and years... Blasting and cruising is for people who have shut there natural test down forever and if your starting this young and using that high of a dose for your first cycle with no ai or post cycle therapy then your well on your way

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post

    There is noooooo way in hell you should even think about cruising until you've cycles for years and years... Blasting and cruising is for people who have shut there natural test down forever and if your starting this young and using that high of a dose for your first cycle with no ai or post cycle therapy then your well on your way
    This is what makes us young guys look bad.

  31. #31
    Dude. I'll trade you my levels for your 18 year old levels. Please.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poofyy View Post
    Once again I understand that most people on this forum are against what I want to do. I just ask if you are going to talk me out of it, it won't work as I've made up my mind to this and would like advice on what I have already asked.
    So, a guy comes up to you and ask you how to tie a proper noose because he is going to hang himself. He says he is going to do it no matter what, do you then help tie the noose for him???

    Just because someone is dead set on doing something destructive or potentially destructive. No you dont. You do your best to talk them out of it by letting them know all the risks and consequences. Not to just them at the moment but also to others they may be involved with or the future.

    Cycling at a young age hold a lot more potential long term consequences and not only should be taken seriously but if it is in fact taken seriously then you will decide to wait. If you decide to go forward with it then it's because you are taking things seriously enough.

    If you go forward with this you will not be cruising. You will spend years just trying to feel normal again on HRT. Go ask anyone in the hrt section if they could come off and have normal levels if they would. 100% will say yes.

  33. #33
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    So, a guy comes up to you and ask you how to tie a proper noose because he is going to hang himself. He says he is going to do it no matter what, do you then help tie the noose for him???

    Just because someone is dead set on doing something destructive or potentially destructive. No you dont. You do your best to talk them out of it by letting them know all the risks and consequences. Not to just them at the moment but also to others they may be involved with or the future.

    Cycling at a young age hold a lot more potential long term consequences and not only should be taken seriously but if it is in fact taken seriously then you will decide to wait. If you decide to go forward with it then it's because you are taking things seriously enough.

    If you go forward with this you will not be cruising. You will spend years just trying to feel normal again on HRT. Go ask anyone in the hrt section if they could come off and have normal levels if they would. 100% will say yes.
    Excellent post

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    I'm so impressed with the amount of care and the mission of informing ppl this site has to offer! This is truly one of the best forums I've ever seen! U guys are the best as far as I'm concerned!!! U all do really care about the endless post ppl make with the same old comment of starting a cycle when not ready and I for one have to say I'm proud to see the level of integrity displayed here.... Keep up the great guys!

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