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  1. #1
    Nubster's Avatar
    Nubster is offline New Member
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    Yup...another 1st cycle thread....

    39 years old. Returned to the gym 1/5/15. Making great gains thanks to muscle memory. Planning on doing my first cycle probably this fall/winter. I need to lose some bf, stall out my muscle memory, and give my joints time to catch up with everything.

    So here's what I'm thinking...which is really not too much to think about...super simple 1st cycle:

    Test E - 500mg per week for 12 weeks.

    Boom....that's it...told you it was simple...haha

    But seriously, of course in addition to the test E, I'll run HCG and Arimidex throughout the cycle, PCT with clomid and Nolvadex . (See questions below)

    Here's the only kink that I need to work out really...I just started seeing a dr for low test. Right now I'm on clomid 50mg ED for a month to see if my natural production will kick back in to normal levels. If not, then TRT (injections) are next. I know I'll be doing weekly injections and for a little while be doing them at the doctor's office. He told me that after a month or two then I'd be able to do them at home. I'm guessing that I'd be on around 100mg weekly for TRT. So my thing will be timing my cycling in between TRT blood tests. I don't know yet what the intervals will be. I figure 2-3 times a year? Of course this is assuming that I end up on TRT...if not...then I guess it will just be as planned above but still timed correctly in case I need to do BW at the doctor's office.

    So I guess my questions are:

    After my last injection during the cycle...would I then continue just doing TRT amounts and would I still do PCT? I don't see the point since my natural production is already shut down anyways even pre-cycle.

    Should I still take HCG during cycling? Should I be taking HCG if I'm on TRT? I haven't gotten that far in to the TRT discussion with my doctor.

    For anyone doing TRT, do you take HCG as well?

    How long after the last long until my test levels are back down to TRT/normal levels? That way I can time things so they aren't out of whack if I have BW done by my doctor.
    Last edited by Nubster; 03-13-2015 at 04:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Nubster's Avatar
    Nubster is offline New Member
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    One more question...should I consider adding anavar for 8 weeks or is that best left to the 2nd cycle or even after several cycles? My ultimate goal here is of course adding a little size but mostly after strength gains. I generally don't have much trouble building mass on my own but I'd like to get stronger for doing some local powerlifting stuff.

  3. #3
    Nubster's Avatar
    Nubster is offline New Member
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    That bad of a thread?

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Wait to do anything till you get your trt sorted out with your dr and no if your on trt there is no pct at all. You just go back to your trt dose

  5. #5
    Nubster's Avatar
    Nubster is offline New Member
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    Thanks. And I said...cycle wouldn't be until end of the year...TRT will start as soon as next month. So I won't be doing anything on my own for a while.

  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nubster View Post
    One more question...should I consider adding anavar for 8 weeks or is that best left to the 2nd cycle or even after several cycles? My ultimate goal here is of course adding a little size but mostly after strength gains. I generally don't have much trouble building mass on my own but I'd like to get stronger for doing some local powerlifting stuff.
    There are lots of options to try for strength (drol, halo. Dbol , etc) but you will be wise to get your trt on track first as advised. Var can be tough to source ...often faked, underdosed, or winstrol is subbed for.

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