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Thread: Tren Ace/Test Prop 8 week Cycle

  1. #1
    Zegna's Avatar
    Zegna is offline New Member
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    Tren Ace/Test Prop 8 week Cycle

    The Evolution

    Hey guys, just created this account after lurking about and doing research on my second cycle which will be Test Ace/Test Prop. First cycle was Test E 500mg/wk 10 weeks, got good results with little to no sides that I expected with a strict clean diet and workout routine (kept majority gains post PCT). Any honest advice will be highly appreciated for the duration of this cycle. Keep in mind that I'm set on for doing this cycle even with the possible side effects and consequences that will come from tren ;aggressive tendency, night sweats, "tren cough", etc..

    Reasons why I'm set on doing this and theres no going back(unless if some data backed with reasoning is given to not proceed with this cycle):
    1. I have concluded philospophically, that no matter the consequence I will treat this simply as a human project, that will forever live and be seen by the online world for the purpose of the evolution and advancement in human life. Any ridicule will serve no purpose other than your own waste of time. Please be logical. Keep in mind that I will go into this cycle with a very clear mindset, healthy body, stress free.
    2. I along with 3 other friends will be starting all together at the same time, 2 experienced users and 1 beginner. I believe this will work as a great motivator.
    -the experienced will be doing a cycle of Tren Ace/Sust, & the other Tren Ace/Test Prop
    -the beginner will be doing a cycle of Test E/500mg wk
    3. To serve the online world with adequate information, hoping that it would be of some assistance to future "cyclers" through trial and error.

    My Stats:
    Last Cycle Done at age:18(lol)
    Weight: 170lb / 77kg
    Height:173cm / 5'9
    BF: 12% (Visible Abs, little blurry)
    Goal: Reach 190lb/86kg or more, be at 10%BF or less.

    Been hitting gym consistently for the past 2.5 years.

    Diet consists of: chicken, fish, egg whites, greens, whole wheat bread, brown rice, Greek yogurt, oats and some fruit.
    -ON 100% Gold standard Whey
    -Creapure Creatine Monohydrate
    -Fish Oils


    8 week duration.

    Since it's my first cycle on Tren, I'll play it safe and gradually increase the dosage. I'll start at 50mg EOD of Tren A. and 25mg EOD of Test P.
    By the end of my 8 week protocol, the dosage of Tren peaks at 85mg EOD (approx. 340mg/week), and Testosterone peaks at 43mg EOD (approx. 172mg/week). Testosterone dosage is approx. 50% of Trenbolone dosage throughout the protocol.

    Both Trenbolone Acetate and Testosterone Propionate allows for immediate discontinuation due to their light esters.

    Weeks 1,3,5,7 will consist of 4 days (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)
    Weeks 2,4,6,8 will consist of 3 days (Tues,Thurs,Sat)

    Tren Ace: :Week 1 EOD 50mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun) Week 1 Totals: Tren Ace; 200mg | Test Prop;100mg
    Test Prop :Week 1 EOD 25mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)
    AI(Arimidex ):Week 1 EOD .5mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)

    Tren Ace: :Week 2 EOD 60mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat) Week 2 Totals: Tren Ace; 180mg | Test Prop;90mg
    Test Prop :Week 2 EOD 30mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat)
    AI(Arimidex):Week 2 EOD .5mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat)

    Tren Ace: :Week 3 EOD 65mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun) Week 3 Totals: Tren Ace; 260mg | Test Prop;132mg
    Test Prop :Week 3 EOD 33mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)
    AI(Arimidex):Week 3 EOD .5mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)

    Tren Ace: :Week 4 EOD 70mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat) Week 4 Totals: Tren Ace; 210mg | Test Prop;105mg
    Test Prop :Week 4 EOD 35mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat)
    AI(Arimidex):Week 4 EOD .5mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat)

    Tren Ace: :Week 5 EOD 75mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun) Week 5 Totals: Tren Ace; 300mg | Test Prop;152mg
    Test Prop :Week 5 EOD 38mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)
    AI(Arimidex):Week 5 EOD .5mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)

    Tren Ace: :Week 6 EOD 80mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat) Week 6 Totals: Tren Ace; 240mg | Test Prop;120mg
    Test Prop :Week 6 EOD 40mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat)
    AI(Arimidex):Week 6 EOD .5mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat)

    Tren Ace: :Week 7 EOD 85mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun) Week 7 Totals: Tren Ace; 340mg | Test Prop;160mg
    Test Prop :Week 7 EOD 40mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)
    AI(Arimidex):Week 7 EOD .5mg (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)

    Tren Ace: :Week 8 EOD 85mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat) Week 7 Totals: Tren Ace; 340mg | Test Prop;160mg
    Test Prop :Week 8 EOD 40mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat)
    AI(Arimidex):Week 8 EOD .5mg (Tues,Thurs,Sat)

    For PCT(4weeks starting 3 days after last pin): Nolvadex 30/30/25/20

    It would be to my greatest appreciation if you were to comment on this cycle with your opinion on some changes/dosages that you would include along with reasoning behind it. Thanks.


    Should impliment an HCG blast for the last 2 weeks straight into PCT? If so. How shall I go about this?

    Regarding pins, considering I will be pinning EOD for 8 weeks, where should I pin and how often to avoid PIP and infections?

    If this were to be my last cycle (first tren cycle), could I be looking at any long term affects well into my 30s,40s,50s?

    If I were to get gyno, knowing Nolvadex doesnt go well with tren, and thats all I have in stock atm, what should I do? Should i have some clomid on hand as well?

    Keep in mind: This is not just for my benefit, in return for the assistance of the community I will be providing before/after pics. Consistently updating this thread with updates and progress ATLEAST twice a week.

    I will be starting this cycle very shortly. Thanks if you read all this way. Glad to be apart of this rapidly evolving knowledgeable forum.

  2. #2
    swolehead's Avatar
    swolehead is offline Member
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    I only read the the first paragraph you don't need tren your second cycle do another test cycle

  3. #3
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Q: Should impliment an HCG blast for the last 2 weeks straight into PCT? If so. How shall I go about this?
    A: HCG: Why you should use it on-cycle only & how to prepare your hCG for injections

    Q: Regarding pins, considering I will be pinning EOD for 8 weeks, where should I pin and how often to avoid PIP and infections?
    A: PIP & Infection is depentant on gear. Solvents & Quality and proper preperation of injection site.

    Q: If this were to be my last cycle (first tren cycle), could I be looking at any long term affects well into my 30s,40s,50s?
    A: Pretty sure nobody can tell you that but I could be wrong.

    Q: If I were to get gyno, knowing Nolvadex doesnt go well with tren, and thats all I have in stock atm, what should I do? Should i have some clomid on hand as well?
    A: - IF oyu DONT have everything to do it properly that should be a warning sign..Estrogen, Prolactin, Progesterone Management + Gynecomastia Prevention & Reversal

    - You have nothing about Blood work before during or after. How To Cycle Safely by Observing Blood Counts

    - another good read: Atomini's all-you-need-to-know about TREN and how to use it effectively thread!

    I am not advocating or encouraging your decision, do what you will. You have some more research to do before you get going though IMO.
    Last edited by RigPig; 03-14-2015 at 10:19 AM.

  4. #4
    Zegna's Avatar
    Zegna is offline New Member
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    Thanks RigPig for the links, I'll make sure to read those! You're definitely right about Blood work. Any opinions on the cycle layout?

  5. #5
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zegna View Post
    Thanks RigPig for the links, I'll make sure to read those! You're definitely right about Blood work. Any opinions on the cycle layout?
    ...wait a few years?!? cant say much, haven't done Tren yet, but if i did it would look very similar i suspect. Wiith the addition of Prami or Caber. But you'll read about that in the links. And Clomid w/ Nolva for PCT. not one or the other...BOTH
    Last edited by RigPig; 03-14-2015 at 10:49 AM.

  6. #6
    Zegna's Avatar
    Zegna is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    ...wait a few years?!? cant say much, haven't done Tren yet, but if i did it would look very similar i suspect. Wiith the addition of Prami or Caber. But you'll read about that in the links. And Clomid w/ Nolva for PCT. not one or the other...BOTH
    Alright man thanks for the feedback

  7. #7
    swolehead's Avatar
    swolehead is offline Member
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    have you beginner friend read this

  8. #8
    swolehead's Avatar
    swolehead is offline Member
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  9. #9
    Bigjallday is offline Junior Member
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    I would do a tes cyp tes prop cycle for your second cycle prop eod cyp e3d you should add some bcas amino acids to your diet I would save the tren for your 5th or 6th cycle u will still get good results from the tes on round two especially if u have waited 5 years in between maybe just do a cyp only cycle at 600g per week. In terms of the prami caber u only need those if ur sensitive to progesterone witch I'm personally not. estrogen kills me I get every possible negative side from it if I don't take my ai year round but iv ran crazy amounts of tren and never had any issue's. Tren also gives you the highest potential for roid rage but I'm a very mellow person so I don't get it if your naturally a angry person and easily find your self in confrontations then tren is a no no it will bring out the worst in u big time. It's also a very hard compound to be on with night sweats joint pain sleep insomnia tren cough it can be hard but on the other hand I kno if I don't get those sides it's bunk so I definitely look for them.
    Last edited by Bigjallday; 03-14-2015 at 12:07 PM.

  10. #10
    aesthetix123 is offline New Member
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    im about to do my first tren ace test prop 9 week bulk cycle too.

    good luck with it all sounds like your pretty determined even at 77kg but hey each to their own. whats your macros if you don't mind me asking ?

    my 2 cents would be look into adding clomid into pct along side using nolva.. and possibly look into pre during and after blood work

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