So I'm sick of waiting for my natural test production to get back to where it was after my test prop and tren ace cycle. I only ran aromasin and Clomid post cycle and I keep hearing I should have also used nolvadex . I've been using anabolic steroids for almost a year and a half ( no- not non stop). I read, and read, and read and talk to people here and there and always get mixed information. I just want to know what works. I'd like my natural test production to get back to normal- but for now I'm so sick of waiting that im jumping on a test only cycle. I was planning on test enanthate at 600 mg a week for 12 weeks. I am not too fond of the bloating and water weight so I was planning on using an AI throughout. What's better aromasin or arimidex ? Does it matter? I was thinking .5mg a day arimidex or 25mg a day exemestane ( aromasin).

Anyway... What is the best way to assure I can get my shit all back to normal after my cycle... What should my PCT look like? Please don't tell me to read- I have.

I'm 5'11 @ 210 pounds and 9% body fat. How can I make this cycle worth while? Should I add anything? I just thought I should stay away from 19 Nors for a while due to my shut down. Pleas help.