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Thread: Please help me for first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Please help me for first cycle

    Hello everyone I'm 29 years old, I train for 12 years I was very skinny ectomorph physique, are now top 180 and weight 84 kg with about 10% fat 12% abs visible but zero vascularization, round puffy appearance. Arm measures 42 cm thigh 61 cm, 140 kg deadlift strength 4 reps, 6 reps 110kg bench press, squat 130 kg 10 reps. I have always been natural, the problem is when I try cutting natural I lose I get ripped but little muscular, so now I want to start the first cycle to maintain or gain a few kg muscles while reducing fat and appear hard and vascularized. I do not care to get too big, I like physical men's physique, for physical beach. I studied for a year several books and educational read threads in the forums. My friend recommended me body builder first cycle 1-12 Test E 500mg with 400mg Bold weekly and says Hcg AI and Pct nothing, only if necessary. Another friend I recommend only oral Winny 40-50 mg daily for 6 weeks without pct says why not suppressive. My idea is to do 1-10 TEST AND 500 mg weekly with adex 0:25 eod with hcg ready if needed in case of atrophy, and for only pct nolva clom + nolva 40/20/20/20 or 50/50/50 / 25. I have chance to have any medication, my question is: I can only test 500 cycle to obtain objective physical hard vascularized ripped ?? Or get physical big puffy round? It would be better to lower test 250 weekly with bold mast or other coupond little flavoring

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Read the sticky planning and executing my first successful cycle. That will give you all the info you need. In the mean time it looks like your diet needs work based on what you are saying. I suggest posting your nutrition so the nutrition gurus can help you start making some gains. Don't ever underestimate the power of a good nutrition program. It's more anabolic than anything else on the planet

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I've already read everything, not only here but in other forums. I'm ready for the first cycle. Current diet of 3200 kcal maintenance cho 400 220 pro 70 fat. The problem now is that natural mass fattening and cutting lose muscle. I need to gear my goals knowing

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