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Thread: Cycle for rehabilitation, recovery, strength, and endurance- help an old timer out!

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Cycle for rehabilitation, recovery, strength, and endurance- help an old timer out!

    Ok so it's been a bit and I want some advice/criticism and opinions on my cycle. I'm a bit stubborn so if something needs to drastically change I'm gonna ask for some facts to back up opinions. I really appreciate everyones input in advance.

    This cycle is to get my joints and body back in good operating conditioning first and foremost. Second I need amazing recovery so I can train a lot. Third, I need to get some solid strength gains. I want to keep it as healthy, moderate, and liver safe as possible yet reach for some goals. Basically if I'm gonna do it I need good returns with minimal sides.

    TB500 @ 2.5mg EW
    Ipamorelin @ 200-300mcg+
    Sermorelin @ 50-100mcg 2-3x ED

    Can all of these be injected Sub-Q with BW?
    Can I mix them together? Can I mix them with MT2?
    I have enough to run 8 weeks at these doses currently but will probably continue on for 6 months or more if costs are justified. How do these compounds compare to 4-6IU GH ED in your experience?

    Anavar @ 100mg ED (25 days)
    Test E @ 250mg+
    Deca @ 150mg+
    Tren E @ 62.5mg E5D
    Arimidex @ .25mg EOD-ED

    Any reason I would need to do this more than every 5 days. I'm not looking to get huge, and especially not needlessly bloated. I will run the Anavar the first 25 days to get me started and the rest for about 6 months. Deca at that dose gives me joint relief without excessive bloat and Tren I don't dare go any higher personally but should be enough to influence strength and maybe a little fat loss. I realize the shut down and I'm not new to PCT. I need the recovery for that amount of time so I need to stay on and plan on continuing on HRT as my natural levels are diminished. I can't seem to find HCG for a fair price so I was wondering if using Clomid during would prevent severe testical atrophy?

    There are a lot of questions so I really appreciate anyone with knowledge taking the time to break this down and give me sound feedback. This needs to be the best, most productive, cycle I've ever done. I will be an absolute beast considering what I know about these compounds and how hard I've been working without them. Please help me get this right! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Terrible, terrible cycle plan.

    What are your current stats (age, height, weight, bf%)
    what is your training experience
    what is your cycle experience?

    The way you're talking, your joints hurt and your body is woenvironment out? In that case, you need to get your body back to good operating condition prior to touching any anabolics. Get healthy, get fit, then cycle

  3. #3
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    Been rehabbing for 3 years and this is as good as its getting. I'm very fit and healthy I just have a crippled body from breaking 7 major bones. Anything helpful?

  4. #4
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    And I've been training and cycling since you were in diapers. Feel free to enlighten me on what's so terrible.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH View Post
    And I've been training and cycling since you were in diapers. Feel free to enlighten me on what's so terrible.
    Unless you started cycling when you were 5 or 6 that math just does not work out. You are only 3 years older than him.

    Now I could possibly say the same to you since I am 22 years older than you are if I had started that young.

    The 1st part of the cycle looks good, all the peptides for recovery although I would not mix them together in one vial but pulling them into one syringe and injecting at the same time is fine.

    The 2nd part I think is way to much, especially for a recovery type cycle. Test yes, deca or nnp for joints low does 100mg a week sure. Mixing tren in makes it more complicated since you have 2 19nors so prolactin gets tricky. Anavar, maybe but hopefully you get legit anavar and not dbol like most of it is faked with now days. It could help with recovery if used right, could...
    If you are going to run deca or tren and even more so both you will need caber.

    What about a pct?

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Op have you had full blood work lately to see exactly where things are? If not, I'd consider it step one and then if you need TRT that is step two. A proper TRT protocol can do amazing things to rejuvenate a person and their training regimen.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
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    Steroids are not for recovery. They are not for rehabilitation. They are not for injuries.

    You're talking about running 8 different compounds, for your first cycle in undoubtedly at least 3 years. Not smart.

    And tren? Ffs man really? Especially along side deca. .

    Congratulations on trying to belittle me. . Too bad it didn't work. I'm sorry that what I said isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth. you don't need all of these compounds for a "recovery cycle".

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Steroids are not for recovery. They are not for rehabilitation. They are not for injuries.

    You're talking about running 8 different compounds, for your first cycle in undoubtedly at least 3 years. Not smart.

    And tren? Ffs man really? Especially along side deca. .

    Congratulations on trying to belittle me. . Too bad it didn't work. I'm sorry that what I said isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth. you don't need all of these compounds for a "recovery cycle".
    You didn't say anything was the problem. My test is still above my combined deca and tren dose. Anabolics especially deca are for rehabilitation. The tren is very low, raises igf, drops body fat, etc. Nobody seemed to read the second half of my title strength and endurance. I really needed advice on peptides. Running these low amounts of AS is not a concern for me for serious shut down or prolactin. I've had blood work done kelkel and was approved for HRT but couldn't afford the doctor and scripts. Lovbyts I was being sarcastic not literal, and unfortunately I got in this game at 14 because I didn't have the resources we do today to know better and my cycle experience is substantial. I was 263 @ 19 with big gym numbers. I won't go into just how excessive my AS use is but 4G test a week or sitting down to a dozen site injections at 2cc each etc. When you have an exhausting supply you can do some stupid shit. I'll be the first to admit it but with that in mind I know these compounds, their effects, side effects, and the damage they can do. Once again, not proud of my excessive nature, but you can't go through that, survive, and not learn a thing or two. Doing my shot E5D will keep me lower blood levels than every 3.5 days. Ok so now that I've admitted my mistakes and I'm sure my experience and knowledge base will be overlooked, let's hear all the unhelpful parroted info I already know hawk. For everyone else peptide feedback would be great. No comments on clomid during cycle for testicle atrophy? Hcg ldex clomid PCT.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Clomid is useless for testicular atrophy on cycle. It simply won't work.
    HCG will work for atrophy and should be run during cycle. It's old school dogma to run it after cycle. Science has evolved.
    PCT should be both Nolva and Clomid.
    Best to stay on top of your Estrogen as running two 19-Nors could lead to prolactin issues.
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  10. #10
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    Thanks Kelkel. Been looking for HCG but can't find it so I was hoping clomid might help. On the other hand I could give my wife a nice pearl necklace.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Steroids are not for recovery. They are not for rehabilitation. They are not for injuries.

    You're talking about running 8 different compounds, for your first cycle in undoubtedly at least 3 years. Not smart.

    And tren? Ffs man really? Especially along side deca. .

    Congratulations on trying to belittle me. . Too bad it didn't work. I'm sorry that what I said isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth. you don't need all of these compounds for a "recovery cycle".
    So many people cookie cutter information and take it as a science in absolutes. We're not that good. We're all different with different requirements and therefore need to think outside the box or better yet, for ourselves when self prescribing these medications. Call them what you will but if it's good for an AIDS patient, it qualifies in my book and won't harm me used responsibly and in moderation any more than any other pharmaceutical prescription. Sh1t, Tylenol will kill ya faster than d-bol. I'll start my therapy, not cycle mind you, but therapy, with test deca and these peptides and possibly GH. I'll save tren and mast e for a few months down the line. Good read below:

    The human body heals itself by blood flow, nutrition, and circulation. Ligaments, tendons and joints have less efficient and abundant blood flow as compared to muscles. The human body being more than 70% water, operates in a fluid medium. That fluid is blood. Anabolic steroids affect your blood, they affect your healing, not just your muscles.

    I recently watched an episode of House M.D. Excellent show. However, in this particular episode, much of my respect was lost for this show. In this episode, a professional baseball player, a pitcher, breaks his humerus in half while throwing a baseball. He gets admitted to the hospital. The head character, Dr. House suspects that since his kidneys show stress on the athlete’s blood test, and this seemingly healthy athlete had his arm break in half, that the cause was “anabolic steroid abuse”. I am not going to get into a philosophical battle over ignorance, but let me tell you, this is boffed basic endocrinology and physiology of bone, muscle and androgen 101. First of all, as we all know, abuse means reckless, inaccurate, disregard for the body, uncontrollable addiction…bla…bla…bla…The only thing we are addicted to is muscle and weights. Maybe some cables, a few machines and women with measurements that go 34DD-24-34. Oops, there I go again. Anyways here are the main physiological facts about anabolic steroids and your connective tissues:

    1. -stimulate bone mass accretion 2. -stimulate red blood cell production (erythropoesis) 3. -stimulate larger overall blood volume 4. -increase intra and extra cellular fluid volume 5. -some have anti- inflammatory affects

    Of the five main facts listed above, the point we are most interested in is number five. Ant-inflammatory properties. This would make the drugs coveted by finesse positions such as “pitching”. Now to be clear, use or “abuse” of corticosteroids could definitely weaken connective tissue including bone. But these two classifications of drugs are completely different. Actually, corticosteroids are the enemy for any hard working, hard lifting juice bag trying to grow massive. Actually just as important if you are dieting and trying not to lose muscle.

    Okay, the nandrolones (deca durabolin is a family member) and boldenone (equipoise) are the two favorites with regard to healing soft tissue. Nandrolone has an excellent ability to decrease inflammation of ligaments, tendons and joint capsule structures. It is like being on a medium dose of naproxen sodium (Aleve) all day. The plus is that with nandrolone you get nitrogen retention which means accelerated healing of all tissue involving nitrogen, which means protein type tissues. Guess what ligaments and tendons are made out of-yup, protein, although specific forms of protein called proteoglycans and aminoglycans, and collagen of various types. Not quite as easily accessible as muscle tissue, but the nandrolone still helps. At the least much pain is caused by inflammation and ligaments/tendons being irritated by shear friction against another anatomical structure. Decreasing the inflammation is often a factor which decreases the friction between the inflamed tissue and whatever it is rubbing against, thereby decreasing pain. This is why you read so often that “deca decreases joint pain”. This is actually true in many cases and now you know the mechanism.

    Equipoise is also an excellent rehabilitative drug for soft tissue. Equipose is also one of the best anabolics for increasing blood volume and red blood cell production. Red blood cells carry oxygen and more blood volume means more blood flow to areas that don’t normally get much. Equipoise increased blood volume and oxygen in the blood thereby allowing an increased healing process to occur in the tissues. As with nandrolone you will also get a nice increase in nitrogen retention from the equipoise. This will speed total body healing. You didn’t think that this was the drug of choice for million dollar thoroughbred race horses because it made there joints hurt, did you? Oh, it makes their bones weak, that makes them faster, right? Don’t forget, steroids weaken bones-says society. Yeah right.

    I once had a friend break his arm while arm wrestling another meathead. They were both juiced up. My buddy lost and as his arm was being pulled down, he slipped towards the edge of the table and his forearm was temporarily pinned between the force of the opposing arm and the table. The other guy was only about 180lbs at five foot six. But he had nineteen inch arms and was a carpenter that worked with his hands who was also finely juiced at the time. My big Italian budd, we’ll call him-off the boat broke both his radius and ulna. Off the boat (not prejudice, just breaking stones, if it wasn’t for Italians, I probably wouldn’t have any best friends-I myself am a minority mut) was told by his very open minded physician who knew about his current cycle of GH, testosterone, and deca, to stay on all of it. Off the boat was ready to stop his cycle not knowing it would help him heal. The doctor knew-he was a sports medicine physician (but wait, athletes don’t do steroids, they’re tested right?). Less than six weeks later off the boat went to get an x ray…his arm was healed. Less than six weeks after breaking both major bones in his forearm, off the boat was able to get his cast removed because he was healed. Maybe it would have healed in only two weeks if he wasn’t using those bone-weakening steroids.

    Moral of the story-anabolic steroids accelerate body healing all over. Total body accelerated healing. Ligaments and tendons will still heal very slowly for the most part, they will only have a small increase in healing rate compared to muscle/bone, but they will still heal faster. The dosages needed for this purpose are lower than for sheer muscle building. Four hundred milligrams a week of either drug (deca or eq) should do the trick. It wouldn’t hurt to use some glucosamine and chondroiten during this time period as well. Ligaments and tendons do not heal without adequate vitamin C either. Make sure you take a supplemental form-around a gram per day with lots of water. If you have some growth hormone, even better, but we will reserve the specifics of growth for future growth of this web site. For now, we’ll stick with anabolics.

    There will be rehabilitative information on this site in the future. I have a friend who is a doctorate in physical therapy and my sports medicine degree should be able to help many of your injuries, aches and ailments.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    But yo if you run cycle and increase strength with cycle, that cause more injuries (stronger muscles but joint is gonna stay weak). If i were you, i d do the peptides till all injuries feel like they are gone then jump on the cycle

  13. #13
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    Not how it works. As you get older you learn to work around injuries that aren't going to heal 100% As a kid you think your working towards perfection but in the end it's a survival game you just do the best you can. Deca does amazing things for nagging injuries and works synergistically with GH and peptides. Used it to heal 2 shattered legs in record time when they said I was done walking. I was running by 8 months after having a second surgery at 6 months. Doctor said the recovery was phenomenal and like nothing he'd ever seen. This IS for recovery. Tell me your not gonna try it sitting in a wheelchair being told your done for life?? Exactly.... it works.

  14. #14
    People keep commenting on the two 19nor's being an issue, especially for prolactin sides.
    Are you even looking at his proposed dosages, for phucks sake!??
    At such a low dose, not an issue at all, considering the combined Deca and Tren mg's are far less than the average moderate dose...

    The comments about too many compounds??
    The peptide combo is a pretty standard rehab stack. Anavar is reasonable high, but a short duration. Test is low. 19 nor combo, at that dose, can be considered, by some, to be "one compound"...

    All seems pretty reasonable, considering the OP's past experience.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    You should listen to what Kel told you but it's apparent that your not going to listen to anyone. Not sure why you even ask, you think you know everything!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH View Post

    I recently watched an episode of House M.D. Excellent show. However, in this particular episode, much of my respect was lost for this show. In this episode, a professional baseball player, a pitcher, breaks his humerus in half while throwing a baseball. He gets admitted to the hospital. The head character, Dr. House suspects that since his kidneys show stress on the athlete’s blood test, and this seemingly healthy athlete had his arm break in half, that the cause was “anabolic steroid abuse”.
    hahaha, it's funny you bring that episode up. I clearly remember it and when house reached under the bed sheet to feels his shrunken balls to confirm steroid use. lol

    I had to roll my eyes at that episode also but Hey, it's just a TV show. I'm sure real doctors cant stand that show or cops cant stand watching CSI or shows like that.

    It's good you admit you have made some big mistakes in the past but continuing to go down the same path would show you didnt learn from your mistakes IMO.

    OK you arent going to be doing 4g a week (I hope not) but make sure you do things right and not over the top. Just because you used a lot before doesnt mean you have to use a lot to get good or desired results unless you try it.

    Also HCG is not that hard to find via google.

    I also agree with the increased strength and injury comments. been there done that.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Thanks Lovbyts. Not gonna do high doses and not gonna push for strength until I'm healed up. I've made some adjustments and will let you know how it goes.

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