Ok so it's been a bit and I want some advice/criticism and opinions on my cycle. I'm a bit stubborn so if something needs to drastically change I'm gonna ask for some facts to back up opinions. I really appreciate everyones input in advance.
This cycle is to get my joints and body back in good operating conditioning first and foremost. Second I need amazing recovery so I can train a lot. Third, I need to get some solid strength gains. I want to keep it as healthy, moderate, and liver safe as possible yet reach for some goals. Basically if I'm gonna do it I need good returns with minimal sides.
TB500 @ 2.5mg EW
Ipamorelin @ 200-300mcg+
Sermorelin @ 50-100mcg 2-3x ED
Can all of these be injected Sub-Q with BW?
Can I mix them together? Can I mix them with MT2?
I have enough to run 8 weeks at these doses currently but will probably continue on for 6 months or more if costs are justified. How do these compounds compare to 4-6IU GH ED in your experience?
Anavar @ 100mg ED (25 days)
Test E @ 250mg+
Deca @ 150mg+
Tren E @ 62.5mg E5D
Arimidex @ .25mg EOD-ED
Any reason I would need to do this more than every 5 days. I'm not looking to get huge, and especially not needlessly bloated. I will run the Anavar the first 25 days to get me started and the rest for about 6 months. Deca at that dose gives me joint relief without excessive bloat and Tren I don't dare go any higher personally but should be enough to influence strength and maybe a little fat loss. I realize the shut down and I'm not new to PCT. I need the recovery for that amount of time so I need to stay on and plan on continuing on HRT as my natural levels are diminished. I can't seem to find HCG for a fair price so I was wondering if using Clomid during would prevent severe testical atrophy?
There are a lot of questions so I really appreciate anyone with knowledge taking the time to break this down and give me sound feedback. This needs to be the best, most productive, cycle I've ever done. I will be an absolute beast considering what I know about these compounds and how hard I've been working without them. Please help me get this right! Thanks!