I consider myself a very experienced bodybuilders with vast steroid knowledge; I have 8 yeara bodybuilding experience am 26 and have been blasting and cruising year round for the past 5 years (i.e., I never fully come off). Yes I know this is a controversial practice but I make a living off it through athletic modeling mostly. Anyway I recently ran a cycle of 2,000 mgs test e and 1,000 mgs deca with dbol at 50 mgs e.d. for 12 weeks. Knowing the half life of test e and deca (11 and 14 days respectively) it would take 28 days for the deca to drop to 250 mgs and the test e about 34 days for the test to drop to 250. Long story short, considering these levels after this time period are low enough to consider a blast or bulking cycle, does anybody recommend I wait longer before blasting for possibly larger gains or should I blast up now??