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Thread: Oh meow, look at my beginning cycle!!

  1. #1

    Oh meow, look at my beginning cycle!!

    I am not looking to get huge and I know this cycle is light. My focus with this cycle is to increase my strength and increase lean muscular development with little sides. This is what I composed, please share your thoughts after you look at it. The dosages are light as well, I am a small male!

    AI dosage still being calculated. With my low body fat, I feel the demand for even a moderate AI dosage isn't necessary, less fat = less aromatase enzyme no?*

    9-10% BF

    Week 1-12
    Test P 50mg-EOD
    Anavar 20mg ED

    Week 13
    Test Clear

    Week 14-16
    Clomid 50 mg

    Week 17-18
    Clomid 25mg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    At them doses I wouldn't bother. That is no more then a trt dose for some. And only weighing 140. You need to eat more

  3. #3
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^ Agreed. I would spend some time playing with your diet and seeing what kind of gains you can make with it. It's pretty easy to under eat. How many calories do you take in on a daily basis? The doses are pretty low. IMO, I'd say at least 400mg/week. Prop requires more frequent pinning so that's something to think about as well. I ran prop for my first cycle and didn't mind it. Overall all, I'd say work on your diet and get in the habit of eating to grow. Keep up your research on gear usage and reevaluate in a few months.

  4. #4
    Try to be open minded. Projecting baseless assumptions are sort of foolish. My history was unknown though that shouldnt be something of ambiguity. To assume anything about my diet is sort of foolish. I didnt mention anything about starting the cycle now nor did I mention I am starting this cycle because I have hit my plateu. A month and a half ago I was 132, in nearly 2 months I have gained 8lb of muscle. My body building routine is back in motion, sadly though for 8 months (a couple months back) I maintaining a sedentary lifestyle. Now, before this sedentary period I was 150 ~8% BF, but I dropped my routine and strict diet because of a gains goblin. (GIRL)

    So here is what's up. Gains goblin is no longer a distraction.
    I'm going to the gym 6 days a week.
    I maintain my macros 35-45-20 c/p/f and getting at least 3000 calories in. My diet and routine is great, that's beyond concern.
    I'm still progressively maintaining solid development at this time.

    Now what I didnt mention was this a mock cycle! I'll refine it in time and when I plateu months down the road I will start a cycle that is fit for my focus and desired results. Peer reviews of further mock cycles and more studying is what will help refine it!

    I have been studying alot online and I've nearly finished the out dated Underground Steroid Handbook II. (Now dont assume after reading this sentence Aussie_Made that I'm done researching and studying!) So be it outdated it really provides nice contrast to what was known then and what is known now. Anything in between is certain knowledge and most information in the book is just that.

    Now let's talk about my mock cycle I proposed. The reason it's so light is so I can forgo a small cycle and as this is my first cycle it was composed lightly for conditioning myself so I can move forward with an intermediate level cycle.

    I'm aware prop requires extra pinning thus it being EoD, it has less sides too, that's why I chose it. If you want to test my knowledge on why I think prop is better for me, I can elaborate for you.

    Aussie isnt it slightly above the average maximum TRT dosages. I I felt it's rare for a doctor to start TRT patients on anymore than 200mg of test a week. Anyways, my dosages of prop were valued at 50mg EOD to be in range with a high TRT dosage. I want to experience my first cycle before I really start chasing anabolic improvement. I need the experience of routine pinning, orals uptake and going through PCT before I put my foot on the gas in a sense. Dosages truly vary between people, with my height, I feel I am more sensitive to the drūgs. This is also part of my light cycle comp. Anyways, I'll consider refining it more, though only slightly. 100mg EoD Test P might be the call.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Imho the shut down and pct isnt worth the slightly elevated test levels. My first cycle was actually 250mgs/week of test enth with supporting ai, hcg and pct. I achieved great results. Some considered the 250mg/week the absolute minimum i should take, some said its a waste. No matter how low your running you cant disregard ai/hcg & pct especially if your looking for "low sides"

  6. #6
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    We aren't being foolish when we are talking about your diet. It's all about making sure you are doing everything you need to achieve your goals. There are a lot of people who think they are set diet/nutrition wise and they really aren't. I've been there before. That's why I like to bring it up. Something else to think about while you're preparing for your cycle is what if another girl comes into the picture. Will you be able to balance the time, energy, and dedication that each one takes? I'm not saying you can't handle it. I'm just trying to help you so you can get the best out of this when you take that step.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    With those stats and doses I think its a girl.

    I had about the same stats in jr. High

  8. #8
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by CatGirls
    Try to be open minded. Projecting baseless assumptions are sort of foolish. My history was unknown though that shouldnt be something of ambiguity. To assume anything about my diet is sort of foolish. I didnt mention anything about starting the cycle now nor did I mention I am starting this cycle because I have hit my plateu. A month and a half ago I was 132, in nearly 2 months I have gained 8lb of muscle. My body building routine is back in motion, sadly though for 8 months (a couple months back) I maintaining a sedentary lifestyle. Now, before this sedentary period I was 150 ~8% BF, but I dropped my routine and strict diet because of a gains goblin. (GIRL)

    So here is what's up. Gains goblin is no longer a distraction.
    I'm going to the gym 6 days a week.
    I maintain my macros 35-45-20 c/p/f and getting at least 3000 calories in. My diet and routine is great, that's beyond concern.
    I'm still progressively maintaining solid development at this time.

    Now what I didnt mention was this a mock cycle! I'll refine it in time and when I plateu months down the road I will start a cycle that is fit for my focus and desired results. Peer reviews of further mock cycles and more studying is what will help refine it!

    I have been studying alot online and I've nearly finished the out dated Underground Steroid Handbook II. (Now dont assume after reading this sentence Aussie_Made that I'm done researching and studying!) So be it outdated it really provides nice contrast to what was known then and what is known now. Anything in between is certain knowledge and most information in the book is just that.

    Now let's talk about my mock cycle I proposed. The reason it's so light is so I can forgo a small cycle and as this is my first cycle it was composed lightly for conditioning myself so I can move forward with an intermediate level cycle.

    I'm aware prop requires extra pinning thus it being EoD, it has less sides too, that's why I chose it. If you want to test my knowledge on why I think prop is better for me, I can elaborate for you.

    Aussie isnt it slightly above the average maximum TRT dosages. I I felt it's rare for a doctor to start TRT patients on anymore than 200mg of test a week. Anyways, my dosages of prop were valued at 50mg EOD to be in range with a high TRT dosage. I want to experience my first cycle before I really start chasing anabolic improvement. I need the experience of routine pinning, orals uptake and going through PCT before I put my foot on the gas in a sense. Dosages truly vary between people, with my height, I feel I am more sensitive to the dr?gs. This is also part of my light cycle comp. Anyways, I'll consider refining it more, though only slightly. 100mg EoD Test P might be the call.
    If in two months you gained 8lbs of muscle then why in the world would you start a cycle... Also at 140lbs it's obvious you don't eat enough or you wouldn't weigh as much as a tall fit girl... I know many girls who are tall and look amazing and weight that much or more.... If your a female then I would probably stay away from test although I know some who swear by it... Are you a female?? Not to be rude at all just asking bc the cat meow thing I don't see a man using.. Or the stats for that matter.... When I started cycling I was 238lbs and when I started lifting I was around 140... Probably under.... And I've always been a big eater but that doesn't mean I was eating the correct foods.... What do your macros look like?? Post some pics so we can tell what you are working with?? Have you cycled before?

  9. #9
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by CatGirls
    Try to be open minded. Projecting baseless assumptions are sort of foolish. My history was unknown though that shouldnt be something of ambiguity. To assume anything about my diet is sort of foolish. I didnt mention anything about starting the cycle now nor did I mention I am starting this cycle because I have hit my plateu. A month and a half ago I was 132, in nearly 2 months I have gained 8lb of muscle. My body building routine is back in motion, sadly though for 8 months (a couple months back) I maintaining a sedentary lifestyle. Now, before this sedentary period I was 150 ~8% BF, but I dropped my routine and strict diet because of a gains goblin. (GIRL)

    So here is what's up. Gains goblin is no longer a distraction.
    I'm going to the gym 6 days a week.
    I maintain my macros 35-45-20 c/p/f and getting at least 3000 calories in. My diet and routine is great, that's beyond concern.
    I'm still progressively maintaining solid development at this time.

    Now what I didnt mention was this a mock cycle! I'll refine it in time and when I plateu months down the road I will start a cycle that is fit for my focus and desired results. Peer reviews of further mock cycles and more studying is what will help refine it!

    I have been studying alot online and I've nearly finished the out dated Underground Steroid Handbook II. (Now dont assume after reading this sentence Aussie_Made that I'm done researching and studying!) So be it outdated it really provides nice contrast to what was known then and what is known now. Anything in between is certain knowledge and most information in the book is just that.

    Now let's talk about my mock cycle I proposed. The reason it's so light is so I can forgo a small cycle and as this is my first cycle it was composed lightly for conditioning myself so I can move forward with an intermediate level cycle.

    I'm aware prop requires extra pinning thus it being EoD, it has less sides too, that's why I chose it. If you want to test my knowledge on why I think prop is better for me, I can elaborate for you.

    Aussie isnt it slightly above the average maximum TRT dosages. I I felt it's rare for a doctor to start TRT patients on anymore than 200mg of test a week. Anyways, my dosages of prop were valued at 50mg EOD to be in range with a high TRT dosage. I want to experience my first cycle before I really start chasing anabolic improvement. I need the experience of routine pinning, orals uptake and going through PCT before I put my foot on the gas in a sense. Dosages truly vary between people, with my height, I feel I am more sensitive to the dr?gs. This is also part of my light cycle comp. Anyways, I'll consider refining it more, though only slightly. 100mg EoD Test P might be the call.
    Also in my opinion your first cycle will yield the most gains by far so don't ruin that with a shitty cycle... Most people say to stick with one compound there first cycle to see how your body reacts to what which is fine in that case use test only and it doesn't matter what ester... But don't waste it by going too low either... I would say 400mg should be good.... Now from what I've seen with people who end up with the best results usually have a solid first cycle where they gain upwards of 20+lbs there first cycle and they usually have a solid stack all around.. That being said keep your overall mg's relatively low so you can SLOWLY raise your mg's over future cycles and keep growing for decades.. Again trt doses are a waste of time and money... No one comes back to the dr on trt doses jacked.... Well no one that is following the dr's protocol... Also I don't know if you posted but how old are you also?? There's many many many things in these posts that scream very young... Way to young to cycle

  10. #10
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Calling girls a gains goblin isn't exactly mature thinking.... Is that a reference to a YouTube video I missed?? I don't think I would be anywhere near the size I am if it wasn't for the girls in my life along the way... When your in the gym thinking about the beautiful girl you have waiting at home with a huge meal when you get there doesn't exactly hurt your motivation nor your gains bro

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