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Thread: 34 yr old on testosterone cypionate 1cc every 3 days..

  1. #1

    34 yr old on testosterone cypionate 1cc every 3 days..

    Am I wasting my time? Been on for just under 2 months all it has done is make me more hungry..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Maybe you need to be seriously busy in the gym! Haha! You are going to have to give more info to get any info back .

  3. #3
    I go to the gym and lift 180 until my arms won't lift it anymore.. I do lunges until I can't do another one. I do ab work outs on the bow flex until I can't go anymore I do all possible upper body work outs that the machine says! 4 to 5 times a week. My diet is ok.. Meaning I still eat a burger on the weekend but the rest of the week it's healthy no soda no sugars high protein 2500 cal a day is normal for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Also, 1cc doesn't tell us anything! What's your gear dosed at??

    And like tec stated in not really following your Q's?! Can you list your stats, and cycle experience?

  5. #5
    I'm 6'0 210 and very big up top, I wear 32 waist jeans! Lol

  6. #6
    Have you gotten bloodwork to see if your gear is legit?

  7. #7
    It's 200mg test cypionate bottles 2000mg total

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    ^^^ that!

    Have you made any type of gains? What was your goal(bulking or cutting)?

  9. #9
    Shhhhh, lol but it's doctor prescribed to a friend of mine I go with him to the pharmacy to pick it up.

  10. #10
    I'm trying to lose this belly fat.. I'd also like to build my arms and chest

  11. #11
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  14. #14
    I'm doing lunges only to build legs I do not have a leg day.. I just do lunges 4 times a week

  15. #15
    I'm only really working on arms and chest

  16. #16
    Should I up my dose?? Go EOD? Add more to it? Maybe tren?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously-casual View Post
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    Honestly, you will be very disappointed w/your results(as your bf% is higher than 15%) which is the max to start cycling safely! You could have far more sides than if you were to start at 15% or lower, and you'll be much happier w/your results!

    Check out PLANNING AND EXECUTING MY FIRST SUCCESSFUL CYCLE itll answer all your ?'s...

    Also visit the Diet and Nutrition Sec as those guys will square you away... diet and training cardio will dictate your results....
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-18-2015 at 09:04 AM.

  18. #18
    Switch this test for a fast acting ester?

  19. #19
    So just stay on this test break down my body fat % then hop on a full bulk cycle that doesn't hold water weight?

  20. #20
    You need a diet.
    You don't need steroids.
    Only a diet will get rid of your gut.

    You seriously need to stop taking the test and research what you are doing.
    You are risking your health and have no idea what you are doing.

  21. #21
    Which is why I'm asking questions.. Test is harmful?? Lol I basiclly just pushed my test numbers up to that of a 20 yr old.. Is that a bad thing? Test naturally builds muscle the more test the better to a point, correct? I've done nothing but test.. I have a bowl of life ceral in the morning. A cliff bar for a brunch a turkey sandwich for lunch, 2 hours later another. 45 cal wheat bread no mayo no cheese. For dinner I have a steak or grilled chicken. My last meal is at 5pm bed at 9pm lots of water and unsweetened tea for fluids. My work outs are 45 mins EOD sometimes everyday light workouts. Nothing to stressful on my muscles.

  22. #22
    I'm not trying to pull a one month blast off muscle builder body, I'm in it to make it somewhat easier to achieve my goals. I feel as if my diet is ok, and my workouts are a bit on the soft side.. If the test is doing nothing for me at all I'll just stop.. That was my question!

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously-casual View Post
    Which is why I'm asking questions.. Test is harmful?? Lol I basiclly just pushed my test numbers up to that of a 20 yr old.. Is that a bad thing? Test naturally builds muscle the more test the better to a point, correct? I've done nothing but test.. I have a bowl of life ceral in the morning. A cliff bar for a brunch a turkey sandwich for lunch, 2 hours later another. 45 cal wheat bread no mayo no cheese. For dinner I have a steak or grilled chicken. My last meal is at 5pm bed at 9pm lots of water and unsweetened tea for fluids. My work outs are 45 mins EOD sometimes everyday light workouts. Nothing to stressful on my muscles.
    100mgs/week will give you 20yr test levels.
    466mgs/week is a cycle.
    You seriously have no idea what you are doing.

    Life cereal? - visit the nutrition forum

    And please read the stickies.

    And yes, a steroid cycle is harmful to your health.

  24. #24
    I love answers like, you're dumb stop it! Please explain the reasons behind your statements.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Dude you really have to be ****ing with everyone!
    So much wrong in those statements. Basic exercise routines are everywhere on the net. Read up or find a friendly dude at the gym, hire a trainer, something. It's not about doing every exercise the "machine will do" it's about doing every exercise your body will do properly and as guck hard and intense as you can then go home eat clean healthy food like you haven't eaten in three days, rest, repeat till it becomes your lifestyle. If you think steroids naturally build muscle you are never going to get any benefits. Hard work dedicated nutrition then steroids dude in that order only way to get the most out of it. And doing steroids isn't just getting your buddy's script and sticking yourself in the ass with a syringe. Study research read ask questions hit the gym and quit wearing those pants !

    Haha! Just ****ing with you about the pants but the rest is for real.

  26. #26
    Yes if my calculations are correct I have increased my test levels to that of a 20 yr old.. I wasn't low to begin with.. I'm not trying to abuse testosterone if that's possible.. Only boost them slightly

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2013
    100 mgs a wk just shut you down and probly didn't even raise you back to your natural Tes levels. It's not doing anything for you. Gym time, food consumption, rest, knowledge. Come on dude. Put in the time, effort. If you don't want to be built like a body builder I don't think you have a worry. If you want to improve you looks your build your lifespan your relationships ( get it dude), then get to doing it right.

  28. #28
    It's about not having a gym in my shitty little town and only having the equipment that I have to work with.. So Im limited on what I can do with my machine.. I do everything it will allow me to do.. But I get it, test will not help.

  29. #29
    If I'm pumping all 2000mg per month isn't that 500mg a week? Lol

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2013
    My bad ! If your hitting that whole vial in a month yep about 500 a wk. now that's a real dose but again without the proper food and training all you get is higher tes levels and whatever bad side effects that that will cause. Some good as far as sides but they will be short lived compared to what good you could see. Plus your buddy better have a good script to supply you with that dosing a month for the amount of time you will require his assistance and that one little vial won't cut it. Big load of tes 500 mgs wkly better get to studying up on what's to come dude! And evidently welcome to the Darkside!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Half Nattyville
    Are you following the ?
    ai? hcg? pct?
    Anabolics are not magic, you still have to work extremely hard on both your training and your diet.
    Key to belly fat is losing all fat, targeted fatloss is a myth.
    If I were you I would incorporate 30mins cardio after each training session (150bpm target heartrate)
    And eat at about 500 calories below TDEE with a macro split of 45P/45C/10F(While on cycle)
    Drink lots of water!
    You do these and you will start seeing results quick.
    If you don't, drop your calories another few hundred and reassess

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    If you run 500mg a week or even 400 a week u will get great results but your diet has to be on point. If you're trying to gain muscle you need to be eating 400-500 more cals a day past your TDEE. Also I didn't hear you say your running an ai or hcg at the same time and do u have a pct plan? Read austinites "planning and executing my first cycle" thread bro

  33. #33
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrewZ View Post
    Are you following the ?
    ai? hcg? pct?
    Anabolics are not magic, you still have to work extremely hard on both your training and your diet.
    Key to belly fat is losing all fat, targeted fatloss is a myth.
    If I were you I would incorporate 30mins cardio after each training session (150bpm target heartrate)
    And eat at about 500 calories below TDEE with a macro split of 45P/45C/10F(While on cycle)
    Drink lots of water!
    You do these and you will start seeing results quick.
    If you don't, drop your calories another few hundred and reassess
    All that ^^^. And if you're not running an AI at your present BF% you will need a bra before this is all over.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Post a pic of what you really look like. Upper body and legs.

    Almost 2 months on nearly 500mg per week of pharma grade test and you have no results? Then your diet and training are awful.

    Are you running an AI? HCG? Plan for pct?

  35. #35
    Was waiting until after I'm finished test to start Clomid

  36. #36
    Week 1: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 2: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 3: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 4: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 5: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 6: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 7: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 8: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 9: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 10: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 11: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 12: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
    Week 13: 500 iu HCG/day
    Week 14: 500 iu HCG/day first 3 days
    Week 15: 50 mg clomid/day, 40 mg nolvadex/day
    Week 16: 50 mg clomid/day, 40 mg nolvadex/day
    Week 17: 50 mg clomid/day, 20 mg nolvadex/day
    Week 18: 50 mg clomid/day, 20 mg nolva

  37. #37
    ?? Good?

  38. #38
    I started my test feb 1st I still have 3 bottles of test I've used one full bottle and about half of another. I have two more full bottles left. I won't use them tho I buy them for 35 a bottle so I just buy them for the needles 25ga 1 1/2 needles are hard to come by

  39. #39
    I've got enough test to last me 2 1/2 months

  40. #40
    I've not experienced any nipple problems

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