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Thread: do I have low estrogen?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    do I have low estrogen?

    I'm currently 3weeks into 500 test e/week hcg 250 2x a week and 12.5 aromasin ED.

    Iv been seeing alot of improvements in the gym but my peepee has taken a hit. eavh day I'm waking up with morning wood but its weak. Like its obviously not as big as it should be. I'm peeing often and it is kinda hard to pee and once I do the stream is weak. Once I put these symptoms in Google I saw low estrogen but wasn't sure. should I lower aromasin to 6mg ED?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Also I have been taking aromasin from day one (right after Injection)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Hi parka yes you could half it again and see if that works but remember to get blood done if you can at 7-8wk mark to see what's going on this is the only way to get it right for you.
    Have you ever had your prostate checked ???.

    Symptoms of enlarged prostate can include:
    A weak or slow urinary stream.
    A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying.
    Difficulty starting urination.
    Frequent urination.
    Urgency to urinate.
    Getting up frequently at night to urinate.
    A urinary stream that starts and stops.
    Straining to urinate.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by parkra View Post
    Also I have been taking aromasin from day one (right after Injection)
    Blood work is the only real way to know for sure.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    Blood work is the only real way to know for sure.
    I'm only three weeks in tho. ShouLD I take the blood test now

  6. #6
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    Also if I lower my aromasin dosage to 6mg ED from 12 how long until I notice a difference? considering it has a half life of one day shouldn't I feel adifference after two days? Its day three not much difference

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    I would not even use Aromasin if I was using 500mg test/week. It's overkill for such a small amount of test if you're not sensitive to estrogen.

    I always recommend to start with no anti e and only add if required. Believe it or not, estrogen actually plays a pretty important role in your body. Killing it for the sake of it is silly if you ask me.
    Last edited by AussieMachine; 03-21-2015 at 04:32 PM.

  9. #9
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    I know when my estrogen goes low right away. It just happened to me because I wasn't thinking and took my armidex ed instead of eod. I get super tired then my joints in my shoulders start hurting really bad. It's insane and i hate it
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  10. #10
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    ^^^^Have you ever pulled bloods to see where your e2 was when you felt that way ? Just curious !

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by AussieMachine View Post
    I would not even use Aromasin if I was using 500mg test/week. It's overkill for such a small amount of test if you're not sensitive to estrogen.

    I always recommend to start with no anti e and only add if required. Believe it or not, estrogen actually plays a pretty important role in your body. Killing it for the sake of it is silly if you ask me.
    Small dose ??? And no AI?? Of course e2 play a big part but your advice is silly so please don't advise people.

  12. #12
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    I wish I did but didn't have the time. I stopped taking Arimidex for a few days, felt better and started my normal eod dose
    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    ^^^^Have you ever pulled bloods to see where your e2 was when you felt that way ? Just curious !
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  13. #13
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    Aromasin could be bunk?! Just a thought... And like everyone else has stated... BW is the only way of knowing!

    And i would think he is sensitive to Estro based on dosage(even though an AI is akways warranted)... Always take an AI/hCG on any cycle(as test is King and will be used in every cycke)...

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    small dose ??? And no ai?? Of course e2 play a big part but your advice is silly so please don't advise people.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Small dose ??? And no AI?? Of course e2 play a big part but your advice is silly so please don't advise people.
    I'm not really sure how it's silly mate. I've taken 750mg test e/wk before with no AI for 20 weeks straight and guess what, no signs of estrogen problems. I gained a solid 15-20 pounds, no sore joints and no errection issues, it was an awesome cycle.

    While I do agree you should always have an AI on hand, I would not use it if I was not sensitive to estrogen. Instead I would use nolvadex, especially if my cycle is going to be longer then your standard 10-12 week cycle.

    The only time I would use an AI would be if I'm sensitive to estrogen sides, using large amount of test 1000mg's/week+ or getting ready for competition and need to dry up massively.

    Using an AI long term when it's not needed is a great way to totally destroy your joints, hair, skin, libido and heart.

    Anyway, some food for thought.

  16. #16
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    Did you have any blood work done? How do you really know without blood work?

    My Total T was under 300 due to age and injury for a long time but yet I did not suffer many of the normal low T signs like ED. Libido was always good. Not as good as once I started HRT though.

    I also have done cycle and felt fine, no low or high E2 but got blood work done mid cycle and my E2 was through the roof. You will still get gains with high E2 but you will get better gains with normal E2 levels everything else being equal.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post

    I also have done cycle and felt fine, no low or high E2 but got blood work done mid cycle and my E2 was through the roof. You will still get gains with high E2 but you will get better gains with normal E2 levels everything else being equal.
    You're spot on there mate. The only real way to know what's going on is by getting regular bloods taken. High E2 is not good and low E2 is also not good. You want your E2 to be in a healthy range.

    Parkra's issue is a little concerning, especially around the problem of not being able to piss properly.

  18. #18
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AussieMachine View Post
    I'm not really sure how it's silly mate. I've taken 750mg test e/wk before with no AI for 20 weeks straight and guess what, no signs of estrogen problems. I gained a solid 15-20 pounds, no sore joints and no errection issues, it was an awesome cycle.

    While I do agree you should always have an AI on hand, I would not use it if I was not sensitive to estrogen. Instead I would use nolvadex, especially if my cycle is going to be longer then your standard 10-12 week cycle.

    The only time I would use an AI would be if I'm sensitive to estrogen sides, using large amount of test 1000mg's/week+ or getting ready for competition and need to dry up massively.

    Using an AI long term when it's not needed is a great way to totally destroy your joints, hair, skin, libido and heart.

    Anyway, some food for thought.

    Absolutely incorrect on all fronts and you need to stop with these ridiculous statements. My god man, do one minute of research. You seem to be basing your "no estrogen problems" on gyno and libido alone. I can only assume you have no clue of the internal damage that high estrogen can cause. "Sensitive to estrogen"? Not everyone will get gyno and using that and your libido as the barometer to estrogen side effects is just not smart.

    Lipid damage
    Increased risk of stroke
    Cardio Vascular Disease
    Heart attacks
    Prostate issues

    And the list goes on. I think it was Austin in one of his stickies that said, and I paraphrase: "You don't put your seat belt on after the accident"
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Absolutely incorrect on all fronts and you need to stop with these ridiculous statements. My god man, do one minute of research. You seem to be basing your "no estrogen problems" on gyno and libido alone. I can only assume you have no clue of the internal damage that high estrogen can cause. "Sensitive to estrogen"? Not everyone will get gyno and using that and your libido as the barometer to estrogen side effects is just not smart.

    Lipid damage
    Increased risk of stroke
    Cardio Vascular Disease
    Heart attacks
    Prostate issues

    And the list goes on. I think it was Austin in one of his stickies that said, and I paraphrase: "You don't put your seat belt on after the accident"
    After doing further research, you're right mate. Apologies for my statements above. Prevention is always better then cure.

    I just had a brief look over my cycle log and the 20 week test cycle of 750mg's/week did include an AI every 3 days. My bad.

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AussieMachine View Post
    You're spot on there mate. The only real way to know what's going on is by getting regular bloods taken. High E2 is not good and low E2 is also not good. You want your E2 to be in a healthy range.

    Parkra's issue is a little concerning, especially around the problem of not being able to piss properly.

    Outstanding Aussie. I thought it seemed odd. Your above post is excellent and kind of contradicted the other.
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by AussieMachine View Post
    After doing further research, you're right mate. Apologies for my statements above. Prevention is always better then cure.

    I just had a brief look over my cycle log and the 20 week test cycle of 750mg's/week did include an AI every 3 days. My bad.
    Always good to have an open mind and re evaluate things and admit when you are wrong. I thought I was wrong once but realized I made a mistake.

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