Originally Posted by
I'm not really sure how it's silly mate. I've taken 750mg test e/wk before with no AI for 20 weeks straight and guess what, no signs of estrogen problems. I gained a solid 15-20 pounds, no sore joints and no errection issues, it was an awesome cycle.
While I do agree you should always have an AI on hand, I would not use it if I was not sensitive to estrogen. Instead I would use nolvadex, especially if my cycle is going to be longer then your standard 10-12 week cycle.
The only time I would use an AI would be if I'm sensitive to estrogen sides, using large amount of test 1000mg's/week+ or getting ready for competition and need to dry up massively.
Using an AI long term when it's not needed is a great way to totally destroy your joints, hair, skin, libido and heart.
Anyway, some food for thought.