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Thread: bulk cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    southern california

    Question bulk cycle

    okay guys,here's my question.I recently went on a 12 week bulk cycle.I used cypionate,deca,dianabol,and sten.I had unreal strength and size gains.I gained 26 lbs.I had an unexpected injury and was in a full leg cast for 6 weeks.while I still went to the gym,I wound up losing 16 lbs of muscle..I want to go back on this same program,but will it work the same as it did before?also,what can I do the control the acne caused by these "supplements"? any advice anyone can give me would be much appreciated...thanks again..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    sup brother, i ended up in a cast for 12 1/2 weeks and thats what starts my AS use. I lost 10 pounds and my leg is still smaller. Now, for u'r acne, i have this problem too, i went to the doc and got a perscription (Hopefully it'll work). Also tanning helps too. And like everything the more u do the more your body adjusts to it.

  3. #3
    accutane is great

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