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Thread: 12 weeks of clen/t3 straight

  1. #1

    12 weeks of clen/t3 straight

    My coach recommended along with my cycle I run clen and t3 for a full 12 weeks. T3 50mcg the whole way and the clen start at 40 and last two weeks should be 120-160. What do you all think? I

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I personally would not run t3 unless on some test, to help eliminate muscle loss through the process. Also, clen builds up pretty quickly in your system. There are things you can take with it to eliminate this as much. But I like to ramp clen from 80mgs per day up to 120mgs per day over a two week period, then stop for a week or two and start over again. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Sorry, I wrote mg's per day but meant mcg's per day.

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