Well... Your Estro is def elevated(even though it's oestrogen & not E2 sensitive) but it at least gives you an idea of your Estro being too elevated!
Is your AI working? Compare it to your pre cycle BW and see(if you don't have that then I would bump your AI up... Or it may be bunk?! Though it's not E2 sensitive it def tells you of raised Estro! What kind of AI are you taking?
I would also start NAC at 600mgs to bring down your ALT(this could be simply raised from working out) many members actually experience this due to working out hard(I was a tad worried when mine came back slightly elevated but not much - I'm taking 12-1600mgs ed(but also started an oral so I needed to bump it)...
What's your hemoglobin/hematocrit levels? If they are elevated donate blood asapm(& you can do this regardless -it should make you feel better regardless) and if you have your hemoglobin X it by 3 to give your crit levels(anything 48> give blood imo... You'll feel more energized...
EDIT: LB Sbd I were writing at same time....