Cycle log is in the member experience's section if interested,
So I wrapped up a 400mg / week test cyp. cycle 3 weeks ago. It was my first cycle and it went AMAZING.
I had to go, unexpectedly to the Mojave desert for a while to train and as a result am 1 full week behind on starting my PCT, which is....
Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
The clomid and Nolva are both Geneza Pharmaceuticals.
In the three weeks since my last pin, the test has obviously still been in my system. I have continued to make strength gains while leaning out and dropping a couple pounds which I am assuming was water. For an Olympic weightlifter, only concerned with strength gains and making a weight class, this is actually perfect.
Will this late start to PCT be much of an issue???