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Hello! I'm gonna attempt it for fun without looking up any answers. Been reading through Austinite's articles and all the other vet's articles for a little while now. I really want to have a positive experience so I have been trying to get a good grasp of what it takes to cycle in a healthy manner. I'm not going to be able to name scientific names and other stuff but hopefully I can answer most of the questions in a basic way. Probably not good enough to explain to someone else yet, but hopefully I'm getting to the point where I will be able to complete a cycle successfully. I'm still fuzzy on whether or not my HCG is going to come in powder or pre-mixed ( didn't specify when ordered ) so I still have to zero in on Austinites article about HCG and get the math and the amounts down ( about reconstitution ). If I do have to reconstitute can I get something from rite-aid or cvs so I don't have to make another order from ar-r? I'm going to order pins anyways now that they are back in stock, so should I just go ahead and order something in case I have to reconstitute?
1) Post Cycle Therapy
2) Post cycle therapy meds such as tamoxifen and clomid are used to restart natural production of testosterone levels because introducing exogenous test into the body will tell your testes to stop producing natural levels. So while one is on a cycle you won't be producing on your own because the body is very smart and efficient. They are to be used together and not on there own for best results.
3)Pct should be started once your body is rid of testosterone and for 4 weeks. Which in my case will be 14 days. BW should be done after to make sure hormone levels went back to normal.
4) HCG is extracted from pregnant women's urine. It Helps to keep the testes stimulated during shutdown so they are able to come back to life more easily. This should be taken DURING cycle and not after, contrary to many's beliefs.
5)As tempting as it seems, Beginner's should not use other compounds in their first cycle because stacking is complicated and you don't know how your body is going to react to many substances. It's best to introduce one at a time and always start with Testosterone. Once you know how your body reacts to that and you have your AI and PCT dosages dialed ( to make sure estrogen etc... is managed well ) you will be able to introduce another compound on your next cycle, because you will know how to keep hormone levels in check because you will know how your body reacts to certain substances. I like the analogy that Austinite used about the exotic food.
6) I haven't done any reading on Tren because it isn't mentioned in My First Cycle Sticky. I've around the board that its potent though?
7) To prevent infection, staph lives on the surface of the skin and can kill you.
8) Aspirating is to make sure that you don't inject into a vein.
9) Oral only cycles are a horrible idea because you will become lethargic and can get depression, your nuts will shrink. Oral steroids are still suppressive to hpta. Which mean you may damage your body's natural ability to produce test and become a TRT much sooner in life than you normally would have if you would have just did some simple research. Lastly in my opinion, if you're not dedicated enough to pin a little needle ( that wouldn't even hurt a kitten....well maybe it could a little, but that's beside the point. ) than you probably aren't dedicated enough to meal plan, sleep plenty, refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, other rec drugs, donate blood and monitor levels with blood work. Not to mention you probably don't have a great training foundation to build off of either. Which means you really aren't dedicated at all to your health and fitness or physique for that matter and you just want a quick fix. The biggest thing I don't understand with other beginners like myself is if " test and orals combined " gives great results... why not start with a test base and add later! Synergy is badass.
10) You shouldn't start steroids when you're young because your test levels are peaking or haven't peaked yet. Which means you can make awesome gains without any extra help. The biggest reason is that you're not done growing and you could stunt (?) your growth or not get as big as you would naturally. Let your bones finish fusing first, 27 and after is a safe range. Also, Permanent damage to Hpta can occur.
11) Every Other Day
12) 1 inch and 23 gauge for pinning, bigger gauge for pulling. Don't cross contaminate and don't pin with the same needle you pulled with. Slow and steady.
13) You should have everything you need before you start because you may not always be able to get the supplies you need later. It hurt when I made ar-r order and ordered 3 months worth of stane among everything else. But I knew it was the right thing to do and won't have to worry about shipping delays or anything else.
14) 200mg? Might need some help on this one
15) You shouldn't cycle steroids at high BF because the more fat you carry the higher your test to estro conversion will be. Which will put you at a higher risk for estrogen related side effects.
16) If you're too skinny when you cycle you will put yourself at risk for injury because muscle strengthens faster than tendons and ligaments.
17) If you are not feeding your body properly than you will not be able to gain or retain your muscle mass. TDEE should be calculated and macros should be adjusted according to what you are trying to achieve... cut, maintain, gain. I still need to do some research on whether or not diet should be changed while on cycle. I know marcus diaries mentions carb priming or cycling, but haven't dug into it yet.
18) Real deal HGH is expensive and hard to come by.
Look forward to being on here.