Hey guys so I'm new to this site but 8 wanted some feed.back on the cycle I have. So I am 5'10 185 lbs about 9 percent body fat. I'm 27 years old and have been in the gym since I was 18 going from 3-7 days consistently. I am currently on a custom nutriiton plaN that tells me what macro I need to hit.every day. My goal is to put on some good Mass, espicailly on my legs (I've had 3 knee surgeries) and get as ripped as.possoble. I have done test alone.previously 2 timesx obe for 4 weeks and the other 8. I wasn't educated on this at the time and didn't get any change in my.body. complete waste. So now I've done my research and this is what I have. I wanted to run 1 ml. Twice a week of test. Cyp. At 500 mg. Total for the week. Mondays and Thursdays. I plan on running the test cyp for 1-10 wk. Dbol at 30 mg everyday for weeks 1-4. To kickstart the cyp Since it has a longer half Life. Weeks 7-12 I was goING to run 50 mg everyday of Winstol. Week 14 I will start pct. I have hcg Nolvadex and arimidex on hand right nowm Ivenal ready started and am.on week 4. I'm at 193 now. I also am taken milk thistle. So should I run the Winstol later or should I save that for another cycle. I don't known of it will.he too much on my liver . I'd appreciate any feed back or.opinions. If i don't run the wnny. I'll stop the Dbol at week 5 and just finish wit test.