I did my first cycle of gear about 4 years ago now, I had been working out for about a year and a half and did about 6 months research before my first pin. My thoughts were that I would make some solid gains and have a body most people would be proud of. I was married with one son to a wonderful girl that I had dated since high school. To make a long story short I made impressive results and became so vain and about myself that I disregarded the needs of my family and put my own needs ahead of everyone else... I also garnered the attention of several young new girls who didn't care the slightest about my family or my now two kids... They were only out for what most guys are looking for... To bag a trophy (not to marry just sex). I came within a gnats ass of loosing my wife and two sons over a lifestyle of fast living and fast women... So if anyone out there is reading this that's new to working out and aas... Take a word of warning from someone who has been there and done that! Having an awesome body is an amazing feeling.. but don't ever forget who was there at the begining... Who loved you when you weren't in the best of shape... My biggest message is don't loose sight of who you are in spite of your self. Because trust me with a solid body comes much more distractions... I know I'm preaching to the choir to some people here but if this helps someone out there then if done my job.