04-06-2015, 05:13 AM #1
Checking in before I start prop/tren/mast
Placed my order and now just sitting back and waiting for the goods to come in. Ordered the prop/tren /mast blend with 100mg each in 1ml. Atfirst I was going with EOD, but I think I'll just go with 50mg everyday and maybe bump up to 60mg towards the last few weeks. The bump up part isn't set in stone and may or may not happen.
Is ED best in this case or is EOD better, especially because it requires less pins? If I did EOD it would be 100mg.
Stats wise: 5'10, 225lb, under 11% BF right now, 37, second tren cycle, second mast cycle, first prop cycle.
On cycle notes: HCG 250iu twice weekly, aromasin 25mg EOD or daily if needed. Standard PCT protocol with Nolva and Clomid starting 3 days after last test pin. Looking to run this cycle for 10-12 weeks using 25g.
Lastly being that is a blend, can I just stop the blend or should I just get some prop and run it a additional week or two after the tren then stop making the total cycle 13-14 weeks?
Sorry about long post. Lol.
Imo, I prefer to pin ed w/prop... It keeps your levels higher(maybe lol) it's for sure a preference thing
Also I would definitely pick up some more prip and run it at least a wk longer... In theory you don't but it will keep your bloods more stable when dropping the blend(and consider dropping the blend at wk 10/11 and run prop for another wk... This is what I'm going to be doing w/NPP(at least a wk)...
All looks good brother... Nice stats too. You'll get good results as it seems your diet is good!
Edit: I would run your Stane ed regardless(very hard to crash your E2 w/aromasin (as opposed to letro - and dex - sometimes if over done)....
Best of luckLast edited by NACH3; 04-06-2015 at 05:41 AM.
04-06-2015, 06:12 AM #3
I would run the lstane daily starting at 12.5 mgs. I would pin eod, but that's me. I never felt any benefit to Ed pinning of prop/ace. You can run prop a bit longer at the end but all of the Esther's in that blend will clear at the same time, ace will clear before prop.
Tren ace and prop have the same clearance time(3days)... Buster you said that in the other post about clearance time(a lil lost on your statement above)
With that said I agree it's not necessary(as w/tren e) but just in my experience(which you have much more of ) I prefer to run the test a wk longer w/shorter esters...
? - I get that EOD is fine for blood levels but I do have some BW showing Ed injections spike blood levels a bit more... What's your take on this Buster?
04-07-2015, 03:14 AM #5
So the only thing I should change here is going from ED injections to EOD injections?
04-18-2015, 08:24 AM #7
Just to update, did my 3rd pin today. My doses are 150 test P/ 100mg tren / 100mg mast. First night I had insomnia right away in a lower dose of 125mg test P. Went right away and got 10mg melatonin and it took care of the insomnia. My AAS sides in my last tren cycle were anxiety at at at the very last week and insomnia mid cycle. So far by adding the melatonin I'm sailing smooth. Test P does leave a lil soreness a few hours later but it's not a deal breaker.
You'll feel your HR spike after first couple pins
W/the melatonin try breaking it in half and use the lowest dise possible so you don't get reliable and starts not working... I use it at 2.5mgs and it knocks me out still w/my Prami... Just my .02
04-18-2015, 10:14 AM #9Originally Posted by NACH3
That's exactly what I did was get the 5mg tabs and I still split em in half! I was reading that it can affect your sleep if not turning off all lights/screen etc as it affects your ability to sleep in accordance to bright objects... Just food for thought.... It works wonderfully for me as well!
GL w/your cycle and PCT!
04-18-2015, 12:00 PM #11
Good luck with the cycle bro! On a very similar contest prep cycle using a mix of prop/tren ace/mast loving it so far! Keeping the strength up while depleting the carbs and cutting weight! Best of luck!!
04-18-2015, 03:08 PM #12Originally Posted by BeingSwole
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