Hey guys I'm 25 about to be 26 years old and I'm very interested in running my third cycle. Reason for me being is here I want to soak up and learn as much information before I decide to start my next cycle. I ran my first cycle at 21 which was sustanon 250 and some PH I bought online. I had some bad side effects (sexual dysfunction) and then when turned 22 I ran my next cycle which was Sustanon 250 and Tren. I had bad side effects again worse than the last time i did it. I looked back and did a ton of research to find everything i did was pretty much wrong lol. I did not have the proper PCT nor cycle support I am very lucky I am not a lot worse right now. I now want to run a cycle of only Sustanon 250 because of the testosterones inside of it, I have HCG, arimidex, and cabergoline. I also will have bloodwork done while I am on cycle to monitor my hormone levels. My question to you guys is am I on the right path? Are there other substances I should consider? Should I run maybe just straight test? Is there a cutoff point I can have during my cycle to minimize permanent damage just in case i start having side effects again? Or should I just throw it away due to prior experience?
Thank you guys for your time