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Thread: First Tren + Test E Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    First Tren + Test E Cycle

    What would you guys and girls recommend for a first test/tren cycle, this is not my first cycle.

    Was thinking of running 250 test per week, and undecided on the tren dosage, maybe 100 eod?

    Also would .25 dex eod do the trick or should the dosage be increased?
    Last edited by Frenchy93; 04-14-2015 at 09:09 PM.

  2. #2
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    Keep some Cabergoline on hand just in case. Sleep with a towel and a fan lol...

  3. #3
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    100 mgs of tren a eod for a first go round is a great jumping off point. As stayed I would pick up a DA to have on hand.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    100 mgs of tren a eod for a first go round is a great jumping off point. As stayed I would pick up a DA to have on hand.

    Thanks buster, how much test do you recommend running with it? And although you mentioned "a great starting point" do you think I should go any higher or lower?

    And also about cabergaline, when do you use it or know when to use it?

  5. #5
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    How many cycles have you ran?And wat are your stats?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirongainz View Post
    Thanks buster, how much test do you recommend running with it? And although you mentioned "a great starting point" do you think I should go any higher or lower?

    And also about cabergaline, when do you use it or know when to use it?
    Through BW! Without blood work pre cycle/your mids and post PCT will be useless as there is nothing to compare it to(but this/mid cycle BW will tell you what adjustments need making!

    Caber/or Prami are DAs and are used in cases of HP Hyperprolactinemia(a release of excess prolactin in the bloodstream cauding yiur kevels to rise, possibke lactation, and growth of breast tissue(gyno)...

    However if you keep your E2 in check this won't be nearly as bad or even happen(in cases where people have their doses znd AIs dialed in!

    Provide some Stats to further assist you!
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-15-2015 at 06:41 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirongainz
    Thanks buster, how much test do you recommend running with it? And although you mentioned "a great starting point" do you think I should go any higher or lower? And also about cabergaline, when do you use it or know when to use it?
    Ratios are a matter of choice. I personally ran my first tes/tren a cycle @ 100 mgs of each eod so....350 mgs of each a week. Running a little less tes is a preference and I hear of guys going as low as 125 mgs a week. Personally I wouldn't go below 250 mgs a week ....but that's me.

  8. #8
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    i'm currently in week 2 of first tren cycle. i'm going with test p @ 70 mg eod and tren a @ 100 mg eod. i'm up 5 good lbs so far (and no night sweats, so far).

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    How many cycles have you ran?And wat are your stats?
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Through BW! Without blood work pre cycle/your mids and post PCT will be useless as there is nothing to compare it to(but this/mid cycle BW will tell you what adjustments need making!

    Caber/or Prami are DAs and are used in cases of HP Hyperprolactinemia(a release of excess prolactin in the bloodstream cauding yiur kevels to rise, possibke lactation, and growth of breast tissue(gyno)...

    However if you keep your E2 in check this won't be nearly as bad or even happen(in cases where people have their doses znd AIs dialed in!

    Provide some Stats to further assist you!
    I have done one 500/week tests e cycle for 12 weeks.

    Wight: 185
    Height: 6'1
    BF: 9-10%

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Ratios are a matter of choice. I personally ran my first tes/tren a cycle @ 100 mgs of each eod so....350 mgs of each a week. Running a little less tes is a preference and I hear of guys going as low as 125 mgs a week. Personally I wouldn't go below 250 mgs a week ....but that's me.
    Interesting, you get good results from this?

    Quote Originally Posted by bartman314 View Post
    i'm currently in week 2 of first tren cycle. i'm going with test p @ 70 mg eod and tren a @ 100 mg eod. i'm up 5 good lbs so far (and no night sweats, so far).
    Thanks for the info, nice to see what others are going.

    Are you guys running your tren cycles for the typical 10-12 weeks?

  10. #10
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    I did get good results from the dosages I stated. Very happy and the sides were manageable.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Assuming that's you in your avi you have a good base to work with. That said, at 6'1, 185 lbs you need to eat more first and foremost regardless of AAS. If not, any gains you make on cycle will just be lost. As this will only be your second cycle, I'd recommend another test only cycle and focus more on your nutrition and training. I see no reason to jump on tren just yet.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Assuming that's you in your avi you have a good base to work with. That said, at 6'1, 185 lbs you need to eat more first and foremost regardless of AAS. If not, any gains you make on cycle will just be lost. As this will only be your second cycle, I'd recommend another test only cycle and focus more on your nutrition and training. I see no reason to jump on tren just yet.
    Thanks for the advice! Now, I don't possibly think I could eat any more food than I do, I eat 5-6 good meals a day with 30+ gs of protein in each. I think I just have an extremely fast metabolism. That picture was right before my first cycle.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirongainz View Post
    Now, I don't possibly think I could eat any more food than I do, I eat 5-6 good meals a day with 30+ gs of protein in each.
    Oh I understand. It's not easy to do. Remember, if you want to be 200 lbs then you need to eat like a 200 pound guy. I have the same metabolism and empathize with you. Time is on your side, just be patient and it will come.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  14. #14
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    Bumping this thread, just an update. Just finished my 4th week of 250 Test x 100 tren eod. 10-15 lbs gained.

    Is it odd to not have any side effects by now? I have absolutely nothing, my backnee somehow cleared itself up as soon as I started running tren. My huge libido spike I had weeks 1-3 is back down to normal now which I'm okay with.

  15. #15
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    How are you running your AI's? Did you bother with a DA? I plan on running this very cycle in the next few weeks, wondering if I require an AI or not.

    I am with @NACH3 on this one...

    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    if you keep your E2 in check this won't be nearly as bad or even happen(in cases where people have their doses znd AIs dialed in!

  16. #16
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    Any night sweats yet? Ive heard a few times before when people started using tren their acne cleared up in the past. Since you libido has gone down you should consider a mid cycle hormone test to check your Free T and sensitive E2. It's possible your E2 is elevated since your libido has gone down but DONT guess and start using the caber or more AI until you know one way or the other.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Oh I understand. It's not easy to do. Remember, if you want to be 200 lbs then you need to eat like a 200 pound guy. I have the same metabolism and empathize with you. Time is on your side, just be patient and it will come.
    BULLS*IT!!!!!!!!!! If you want to become a fat pig then you eat like that. WTF is wrong with you? There are millions of online calculators to calculate how much to eat to gain muscle.

  18. #18
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    I was really relying on the above sticky's info in preparation for my upcoming first tren cycle. But after reading through this thread I'm feelin lost again.

    Op what are you running w your cycle?

    I was under the belief from the above sticky link that Caber was a necessity to run w tren.

    Sorry for butting in btw!
    Last edited by pumping_iron86; 06-23-2015 at 02:48 AM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by dfarre View Post
    BULLS*IT!!!!!!!!!! If you want to become a fat pig then you eat like that. WTF is wrong with you? There are millions of online calculators to calculate how much to eat to gain muscle.
    You really need to re consider the no frap because it's effecting your common sense and logic. Maybe try a hot shower instead of ice cold ones once in a while.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Any night sweats yet? Ive heard a few times before when people started using tren their acne cleared up in the past. Since you libido has gone down you should consider a mid cycle hormone test to check your Free T and sensitive E2. It's possible your E2 is elevated since your libido has gone down but DONT guess and start using the caber or more AI until you know one way or the other.
    No night sweats AT ALL. I wouldn't say my libido is bad it's just back to a natural level. But I'm also thinking this is because I have actually become interested in one specific girl which is abnormal for me haha. My sex life has been fine, lasting as long as usual and maintaining an erection.

    I have prami on hand rather than caber but have not been tempted to use it yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by TrevHoff View Post
    How are you running your AI's? Did you bother with a DA? I plan on running this very cycle in the next few weeks, wondering if I require an AI or not.

    I am with @NACH3 on this one...
    I highly recommend this cycle I have made huge improvements.

    I run .25mg liquid arimidex eod.

    PLEASE RUN AN AI, although tren does not aromatize (turn to estrogen) you are still running test and for what it's worth I would not mess with not using one.

    I have prami on hand but have not had to use it.

    Quote Originally Posted by pumping_iron86 View Post

    I was really relying on the above sticky's info in preparation for my upcoming first tren cycle. But after reading through this thread I'm feelin lost again.

    Op what are you running w your cycle?

    I was under the belief from the above sticky link that Caber was a necessity to run w tren.

    Sorry for butting in btw!
    No worries man, here to help with what little knowledge I have.

    I am only running an AI and have prami on hand.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchy93 View Post
    I highly recommend this cycle I have made huge improvements.

    I run .25mg liquid arimidex eod.

    PLEASE RUN AN AI, although tren does not aromatize (turn to estrogen) you are still running test and for what it's worth I would not mess with not using one.

    I have prami on hand but have not had to use it.
    With such low test (well relatively low), if one is to take TRT levels along with Tren is an AI really necessary? I know only bloods will tell, but to start off with is it a good idea to get on an AI? Again, plan on taking this exact cycle in the coming weeks 100-200mg/WK of Test-E. Notably currently on TRT at 100mg/WK.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by dfarre View Post
    BULLS*IT!!!!!!!!!! If you want to become a fat pig then you eat like that. WTF is wrong with you? There are millions of online calculators to calculate how much to eat to gain muscle.
    You're a proper little cvnt aren't you. You stick to your calculators and inability to even talk to girls let alone kiss one and we will stick to the real world. Knob.

  23. #23
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by dfarre View Post
    BULLS*IT!!!!!!!!!! If you want to become a fat pig then you eat like that. WTF is wrong with you? There are millions of online calculators to calculate how much to eat to gain muscle.
    Nothing's wrong with me. We all know there are many things wrong with you from your idiotic rants. And I apologize but not all of us need a calculator to know how much to eat or to gain muscle. Beyond that, you're not worth responding to.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    You're a proper little cvnt aren't you. You stick to your calculators and inability to even talk to girls let alone kiss one and we will stick to the real world. Knob.
    Haha ! Yes yes I believe he is!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrevHoff
    With such low test (well relatively low), if one is to take TRT levels along with Tren is an AI really necessary? I know only bloods will tell, but to start off with is it a good idea to get on an AI? Again, plan on taking this exact cycle in the coming weeks 100-200mg/WK of Test-E. Notably currently on TRT at 100mg/WK.
    Honestly man, I'd look foolish giving you a definite answer as I am not as knowledgable as 90% of the guys and don't want to lead you in the wrong direction. I would advise it for piece of mind. Highly recommend this cycle it's great.

    I have a friend who is transgendered and he is takin 100 ml a week and his doctor said any more than that a week and he would recommend an anti estrogen to her. Completely different suggestions but just thought I'd mention it.

  26. #26
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    Appreciate the weigh in and honesty, I have been on Test-E pharmaceutical grade for past 5 weeks. Taking bloods next week, will see where my E2 is at.

    NOW, what about a DA!? I don't have access to Caber or Prami from my source. I would have access through extreme peptide - Prami is all they carry (Canada at least). Anyone able to comment on this approach?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrevHoff
    Appreciate the weigh in and honesty, I have been on Test-E pharmaceutical grade for past 5 weeks. Taking bloods next week, will see where my E2 is at. NOW, what about a DA!? I don't have access to Caber or Prami from my source. I would have access through extreme peptide - Prami is all they carry (Canada at least). Anyone able to comment on this approach?
    You absolutely need a DA.

    I have dex from extreme peptides and it works good (along with a couple other friends) I also have a friend that uses their caber, which they do not sell anymore but it works flawless.

    I have prami from extreme peptides and hoping it is good when I go to use it.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dfarre View Post
    BULLS*IT!!!!!!!!!! If you want to become a fat pig then you eat like that. WTF is wrong with you? There are millions of online calculators to calculate how much to eat to gain muscle.

    Look at Kel, and then look at you. Who do you think OP is more opt to listen to? If online calculators were the answer pregnant crossfitters would look better than bodybuilders..

  29. #29
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    lol @ pregnant crossfitters

  30. #30
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    Guess the good luck couldn't last forever, 3 nights straight of the sweats. No insomnia just sweats.

  31. #31
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    I used to get the sweats pretty bad, I just slept on a towel and had a stack of tshirts on my bed table and changed through them in the night.

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