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Thread: long term torem

  1. #1
    My question isn't necessarily about PCT, but the compounds used, and as you can see in the title its Torem. I know there is a PCT page but am unsure how much traffic goes through there.

    I'm wondering what the negatives are besides raised levels of SHGB (mitigated by vit D) if running torem through a cruise.

    Even if the production of LH/FSH isn't directly sparked by toremifene, is it possible to over stimulate the pituitary with steady use throughout, let's say, 12 weeks? Is it possible to chemically castrate yourself in the same manner that can be done with triptorelin?

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    What is your reason for using it in suh a manner (through a cruise) if I may ask?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    What is your reason for using it in suh a manner (through a cruise) if I may ask?
    Improved cholesterol levels, ball aesthetics.

    Also, I should probably read deeper, but it is beneficial to stimulate the pituitary every once in a while for a "refresher"?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    What is your reason for using it in suh a manner (through a cruise) if I may ask?
    I don't see it working like you want(due to being shut down it won't make a difference with exogenoud test being run) but whst dose of test on this cruise are you using??

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    I don't see it working like you want(due to being shut down it won't make a difference with exogenoud test being run) but whst dose of test on this cruise are you using??
    I was at 250mg/week up until a week ago. Ran bloods and found my test at ~2400ng/dL Wednesday will be my second dose at 50mg to bring it to 100mg/week. Blood work was done 8 week after last blast injection. Going to run another another 6 weeks at the lower dose to bring blood count down.
    Last edited by SoPacNW; 04-15-2015 at 08:43 AM.

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