Hi guys,
im on a 1g test e, 200mg tren e and 50-100mg Mast e cycle (0.4ml letro ED since im E2 sensitive, 250iu hcg 2x a week, 2mg caber EW, 3mg Cilias on workout days only before workout by 30 mins)
now everything was fine for the first 7 weeks and now my bp is starting to be out of control and decided to stop all injections. fyi in one of my past cycles i did try low test and high tren and it wasnt friendly to me (eg 100mg test e and 500mg tren e) and my estradial went high really quick so i figured that im extremely tren sensitive.
i did blood work:
dht: +2500 (600-900)
estradial: 178 (11-44) (the test didnt say E2 but i think its the same thing)
progesterone: 0.3 (0.1-0.2)
i did another test after taking 1ml of letro ED for 5 days and it seems estrogen doesnt want to get lowered and even noticed the longer i stay on letro with that dose the higher my bp goes. another thing i noticed whenever i take NO and after completing a workout my BP goes down to almost normal for like 30-60 mins then it goes back to being high. if i need to do further blood work which tests should i do? im still energized and dont feel sick, but i usually do a safe move and monitor my bp on daily basis and i know when it starts to get out of range and if i dont do anything about then bp could go up to 178/100 in a couple of days or even a week like what happened in the past cycle i had 2 yrs back. from my past cycles my PSA levels are good when i take test e, tren e or even mast e.
1- could increased DHT cause this increase in blood pressure
2- should i do an androstenedione blood test?
3- should i increase the Mast E dose? or should i try lowering DHT by using dutasteride?