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  1. #1
    Tiberius Hayes is offline New Member
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    I've heard about steroid use a lot and since some of them are legal, I am trying a stack that was pre-made by a site. The reason for my trying this is that I am 5ft 10" and 135lbs at nearly 21 years of age. No matter how much i've worked out or tried to gain weight, nothing worked. Complete Nutrition and GNC had failed me so many times so I've decided to make the leap to anabolics. My premade set is dbol , tbal, testostrone max, and decadrolone. My goal is to get stronger and bigger. Right now I have a one month supply of all for (90 pills each, 3x a day) but my biggest fear is how to prevent from loosing my gains and how to prevent from the adverse side-effects like man tits or gynomastia (or however you spell it) and I am really looking for some advice from some experts or people more well versed as to how to do this. Is it as simple as incorporating a 5th bottle which would be an AI (aromatose inhibitor) into it and then something like Epilogue from the L3 series after for my post cycle? I really appreciate the help.

  2. #2
    Flacco's Avatar
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    Personally, I wouldn't mess with that crap. I've never used pro hormones, but I guess that's what those are that you have. I was curious and just looked at their website. They don't tell you ingredients for one. And any real steroids that will get you as jacked as they claim their products will, AND are oral, would most likely be very liver toxic. And they recommend stacking orals with more and more and more orals for longer periods than you would run real oral steroids for. The stuff might work, but it could be very toxic and have much worse side effects than real steroids. Whatever is in the bottles probably hasnt been studied much. I wouldn't waste my time with that crap. I know some people have used pro hormones and could probably give you advice on what to do to limit side effects. Lol... on that site at the top it says "no side effects" ... come on. Either its bunk or they are straight up lying to you about not having any side effects. I wouldn't trust any source if I sense they are bullsh1ttin me. Anyway... if you can't grow without steroids, I'd bet money you aren't eating enough. If you don't know how to gain naturally U WILL LOOSE EVERYTHING U GAIN NO MATTER WHAT YOU TAKE. You could get blood work done to see if you have a legit hormone deficiency, but I'd be willing to bet that you just eat like a bitch, no offense. You gotta stretch that stomach out. Eat all day from the moment you wake up to right before bed and you'll grow. That crap you bought looks like snake oil from the website.

  3. #3
    Tiberius Hayes is offline New Member
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    I mean, I never shared a website so how wold you know where I bought it from? As far as not eating enough, I eat about 3,500 to 4,000 calories a day. I am constantly eating. My family literally calls me a black hole because all I do is eat and I don't gain shit and when I work out all I get is toned out and vascular. No size increase.

  4. #4
    Tiberius Hayes is offline New Member
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    Oh I forgot to mention, the site I am using is an anabolic steroid ALTERNATIVE and is regulated by the FDA, my question is do I still need an aromatose inhibitor while on these alternative steroids ?

  5. #5
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    I simply googled the items you listed and it led me to crazy mass. Correct me if that's not the site you're using but that site looks like its full of sh1t. "No side effects, all natural, keep all your gains". I wouldn't feel comfortable buying products from a site that is obviously lying or even stretching the truth. And I'm pretty sure them saying their fda regulated doesnt neccesarily mean sh1t. As for your question, I don't know much about pro hormones. Since you don't know what's in them I would say run an ai to be safe. Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

    Once again, if you can't gain muscle without steroids , you are not going to gain much if any with steroids or steroid alternatives . And anything you gain you will loose.

    Why don't you list what you eat on an average day. If its not your diet, then maybe you have a hormone deficiency and could go to a doctor and get prescribed real steroids instead of messing with those those mystery pills.

  6. #6
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i doubt you are test deficient- you probably have a high amount. Keep in mind if your test is high- your metabolism would be high and considering your age- definitely causing you to put on mass slowly.

    if you can ejaculate 4-5 times a day (sorry to be blunt) your test levels would be high and no prohormone will give you everlasting results.

    seriously- muscle does not come from a pill- the pill makes it easier to convert protein into muscle- instead of turning into fat.

    if you are skinny and have no fat- it means your metabolism is fast- so fast that you burn fat.

    i was skinny- best advise at 21- dont mess with your endocrinology, eat meat and lots of it- eat lots of rice and broccoli. if you have no fat on your body- you are in deficit nutritionally.

    muscles come from food- if you dont eat- a pill wont convert fresh air into muscle.

    this is science.

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