Hi all. I am 32 yo 82 kg 16% BF personal trainer.
I had 2 cycles of Test E before. First cycle I stuck to Arimidex 0.5 EOD.
Second Test E cycle I got lazy with Arimidex and had 1 0.5 mg tab every week and that's it. I didnt have any side effects.
So I thought I am not prone to gyno or something and didnt take much AI with Tren Ace/Test Prop 100mg/100mg EOD. I had not any side effect except for night sweats and injection pain.
Now my nipples started to hurt a lot at week 7 of the cycle. I cant hold my daughter to my chest and it hurts when my wife put her hand near my chest.
I made my research on google and there are lots of mixed opinions about Tren Gyno.
Some suggest starting Caber , some suggest starting nolva. Some say Nolva augment the problem. Some say stop the cycle..etc ?
I have no problem to quit the cycle for a month to fix the problem. But how ?
And when I fix it , how can I prevent it from future occurrence ? Should I use Arimidex or Caber ?