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Thread: switching brands mid cycle..

  1. #1

    switching brands mid cycle..

    I recently switched source's due to LE issues and the new brand looks 100% more legit yet it smells stronger, diff oil I suppose and the pain when I pin is different. Its not even pain its more of a uncomfortable feeling. The question is can switching oils cause slight pain until the muscle is used to the new oil?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by airprosonoma
    I recently switched source's due to LE issues and the new brand looks 100% more legit yet it smells stronger, diff oil I suppose and the pain when I pin is different. Its not even pain its more of a uncomfortable feeling. The question is can switching oils cause slight pain until the muscle is used to the new oil?
    The oil doesn't cause the pain unless you are allergic to it.
    The concentration of gear and the alcohol content causes the pain.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    The oil doesn't cause the pain unless you are allergic to it.
    The concentration of gear and the alcohol content causes the pain.
    X2 ^^ the BA could be a bit higher so that will give you some pain how much pain would depend on the % of the BA.

  4. #4
    OK thanks. I feel better about it now. Thanks for the info

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