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Thread: First cycle HELP. TestP. Deca and Dbol.

  1. #1
    BMsac is offline New Member
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    First cycle HELP. TestP. Deca and Dbol.

    First off I want to thank you all in advance for the feedback and advice I recieve during this thread!!

    Ok so this is my first cycle and here is the gear

    12 week cycle
    Week 1-12 250mg of test P 3xweek
    Week 1-12 deca 250mg 2xweek.
    Week 1-4 dbol 50mg ED
    Week 8-12 dbol 50mg ED

    In week 1 of cycle started testP one week before starting to stack.!

    starting weight is 170 I stand 5'11
    Goal is to gain noticeable size and strength gains. But still stay with lean muscle

    Lifting every day switching between
    Bi's and Tri's

    4miles of cardio and 15 min of core everyday.

    Diet is 5 meals a day. Clean all either fish or chicken with different vegis With 2 bulking protein shakes with 1300 calories per shake and 50grams of protein.

    Please any Advice on lifting schedule diet or gear please let me know.
    Contructive critisisisim is welcome!!!

    Looking to have the best results I can Get let me know what I can do!

  2. #2
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Not loving your first cycle.....tes p must be pinned eod and 500 mgs a week is more then enough AND your stacking a long Esther with it Deca that if you run for 12 weeks you will need to run the prop for an additional 3 weeks. Soooooo, now you are running a 15 weeker. I see you want to front load and backload dbol also. How are you going to navigate the side effects, what's your plan?

  3. #3
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Oh yes......are you going to do a PCT? Run Hcg ? Consider a DA and AI? I think you REALLY ought to save your other gear for now and just run tes. You will grow plenty.

  4. #4
    BMsac is offline New Member
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    Thank you guys for the feedback I am poking the testP EOD but their for it was 1000mg a week. And I heard that was a bit much for my first cycle so I started doing mon wed Friday pokes are you suggesting EOD pokes at less than 250 EOD. And yes for the post cycle I have some AI and DA lined up as well as more post cycle therapy my trainer is actually getting me my whole post cycle at around week 4 to start some then. And I was told to add dbol at the end to maximize gains. I heard that you kinda max out and I will be disappointed with the gains toward the end of the cycle and Dbol will give me that extra boost. If you guys think that adding Dbol again at the end isn't a good decision I will not run it.

  5. #5
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BMsac View Post
    Thank you guys for the feedback I am poking the testP EOD but their for it was 1000mg a week. And I heard that was a bit much for my first cycle so I started doing mon wed Friday pokes are you suggesting EOD pokes at less than 250 EOD. And yes for the post cycle I have some AI and DA lined up as well as more post cycle therapy my trainer is actually getting me my whole post cycle at around week 4 to start some then. And I was told to add dbol at the end to maximize gains. I heard that you kinda max out and I will be disappointed with the gains toward the end of the cycle and Dbol will give me that extra boost. If you guys think that adding Dbol again at the end isn't a good decision I will not run it.
    I'm sorry but who(& what kind of trainer) is giving you this wreck less advice?? It's laughable at best or he's just playing you for more money since you are counting on him! Big no no!

    What if something happens(he leaves w/out telling you and now you don't have all your ancilleries for PCT etc.... Skways have everything you need b4 starting anything... And know what your sticking into your body... There is so much to this it's gonna amaze you if you tske the time to read the stickies(OLANNING And EXECUTING MY FIRST SUCCESSFUL CYCLE) at least and follow that to a T. All dise are in there including test(500mgs wkly is plenty) and a gram of prop?!?!?! And yes prop must be pinned EOD or ed to keep your blood levels stable....

    Pls tske the advice above and here and drop all the other compounds!!!! You won't know what is causing what! Go you plan on getting BW??

    And AIs and DAs aren't used in PCT they're used on cycle to prevent high conversions if test to estrogen(AIs), DAs - prevents your prolactin from rising which will happen if your not taking an AI... Just read and educate b4 you medicate!!!

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm curious what part of the personal trainer certificate also qualifies them for aas advice. It seems there are more and more personal trainers who are only in the game to make money from selling gear and not helping their clients get healthy.

    As the above are saying, it's not a good cycle, especially for a 1st cycle and #1 rule is to never start a cycle until you have ALL your gear, AI, DA and PCT on hand, not on the way.

    Yes 1000mg is WAY to much test but it still need to be done EOD so at the least you need to cut the amount you are injecting in 1/2.

    5' 11" 170 lbs is a bit light. You should have a good solid base 190 lbs before starting aas.

    What is your body fat?
    How long have you been training and in the gym 5x a week?

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  7. #7
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Quit listening to people and find out for yourself the proper way to cycle.This can be done by reading our sticks.
    clarky. likes this.

  8. #8
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Read the link LB posted for you post #6 it has everthing you need to know.

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