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Thread: 40 yr old back again with questions

  1. #1

    40 yr old back again with questions

    So I have been lifting for about 25years (crazy to say that) I did a few cycles in my late 20's early 30's. Nothing crazy like an Anavar only cycle, a Deca only cycle a EQ/Winny cycle.

    So I haven't done a cycle is about 8 years, I've been running and lifting for last 8 years and I'm looking for a boost in recovery and lean muscle.

    Was thinking about talking to a TRT company and may jump on a peptide cycle/shot with no testosterone.

    I don't want to mess with my hair so I don't want test/winny.

    I am thinking about doing a deca cycle or another EQ cycle, I just hate using UGL at my age. Or I could buy some peptides from AR-R just don't want to inject myself every day.

    Thoughts for an old guy?

    Thx bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Sounds like you want to do steroids without doing steroids. What I mean is that there are inherent risks with doing all types of steroids and this is a risk you have to evaluate yourself. The only cycle that you mentioned above that is realistic is the test/winny as all the other compounds should be run with a test base. Without it you significantly increase the chances of side effects and long term damage. The My First Cycle thread is a very good place to start. If you are concerned by male pattern balding and you are prone to it then you probably should stay away from steroids altogether. If you aren't prone to it then its not something that should concern you.

    Please read this thoroughly

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I am 45 years old.......a bit older then you and it sounds like you really don't know what you wasn't to do. Have your tes levels checked out....if they are on the low side trt is the way to go, you will feel like a new man. Don't waste your time with an oral only cycle or a deca only cycle .......that will get you nowhere, tes must be the base for any cycle.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I am 45 years old.......a bit older then you and it sounds like you really don't know what you wasn't to do. Have your tes levels checked out....if they are on the low side trt is the way to go, you will feel like a new man. Don't waste your time with an oral only cycle or a deca only cycle .......that will get you nowhere, tes must be the base for any cycle.
    Yeah I've heard that test MUST be the base for ever cycle, but lets "pretend" it doesn't have to be ;0)

    My two options:

    Deca only cycle (so it doesn't mess with my hair, I do run propecia and I hear they don't interact well supposedly).

    Go to a TRT doc and jump on a strong Peptide mix?

    I've ran Deca alone a while ago and had good results, would use it as a cutter.

    Thoughts? Please don't get caught up in the no test argument thx

  5. #5
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    You can't "pretend" test doesn't have to be a base. This would be like pretending the earth is the center of the universe. No matter how hard you pretend, you would still be wrong.

    If you don't want to pin everyday just use a long acting ester. You can use Test C and only pin once a week. What you are suggesting ie AAS, is silly. If you want to go peptides only then fine. But no Deca only.

  6. #6
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    Nobody here will give you advice on running deca only cycle, thats like 80's cycle ffs.
    If you want be a man you need testosterone.
    Theres no such thing as a strong peptide, and it needs to be injected 3 times per day.

  7. #7
    Deal me in and Mr BB thx for the replies.

    The peptide the TRT company is recommending is ONLY one shot per day, but it's $350 a month.

    Don't want to mess with Test because of my hair.

    Looking for increased endurance,strength and recovery.

  8. #8
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack21 View Post
    Deca only cycle
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack21 View Post
    Don't want to mess with Test because of my hair.
    You've got to be the only person alive that cares more about their hair line than whether their dick works properly. The whole reason behind using test as a base is because your body needs it function normally, using deca alone will suppress your natural production and if you don't replace it with exogenous test you are at a high risk of doing permanent damage to your HPTA. No sensible person here will support your argument that deca only worked ok once so it will be fine this time. You were lucky, thats it! Peptide? Meh, nothings going to come even nearly close to what you want.

  9. #9
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    You want to recover and gain lean muscle.
    But You don't want test.
    You want peptides but don't want to inject everyday.
    You want deca or EQ , but don't want UGL.
    You can try getting on trt...oh hang on you don't want test.....


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    You want to recover and gain lean muscle.
    But You don't want test.
    You want peptides but don't want to inject everyday.
    You want deca or EQ , but don't want UGL.
    You can try getting on trt...oh hang on you don't want test.....

    Yup no test. I'm ok injecting ED but not 3x a day for peptides. Yeah no UGL, looks like I could get some pharma grade from some websites.

    No real suggestions from folks, huh?

    I think I'll go the TRT route and use the peptides for a few months to see how it goes. Thx anyways everyone


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack21 View Post
    looks like I could get some pharma grade from some websites.
    Yeah... good luck with that. Be careful, lots and lots of fake sites out there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack21 View Post
    No real suggestions from folks, huh?
    You got real suggestions, just not the ones you wanted to hear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack21 View Post
    I think I'll go the TRT route and use the peptides for a few months to see how it goes.
    Make a log, let us know how it goes.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack21 View Post
    Yup no test. I'm ok injecting ED but not 3x a day for peptides. Yeah no UGL, looks like I could get some pharma grade from some websites.

    No real suggestions from folks, huh?

    I think I'll go the TRT route and use the peptides for a few months to see how it goes. Thx anyways everyone

    pharmagrade deca if you can find it would help alleviate your concerns- make sure its legit.

  13. #13
    Thx guys I'll make a log!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    If you don't have a problem w/pinning why no test(shave your head ffs) . Your gonna shut down your natty test production and w/nothing(test) left circulating in your body you won't be able to hold into your gains.... And test has an array of functions providing US men to be MEN, along w/many brain functions etc... Pls reconsider running at least 100-150mgs wkly(I'd be running much more on cycle though) if your already starting to Lose your hair(hairline etc) MPB(male pattern baldness) will happen regardless just may speed it up a lil...

    There has got to be one other person that's way worse about losing their hair.................... LOL
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-25-2015 at 12:57 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack21 View Post

    Don't want to mess with Test because of my hair.

    Looking for increased endurance,strength and recovery.
    1. Hair is over rated.

    2. You'll get all 3 with test.

  16. #16
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    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by thephoenix25 View Post
    You've got to be the only person alive that cares more about their hair line than whether their dick works properly.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  17. #17
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    I've never done a deca only cycle but I wouldn't recommend it. I had sexual sides from low test/high deca cycle so no test would, I assume, be worse. I also assume you want to be able to fire while on cycle

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Agree with nach, get Trt dose of test at least

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    i'm on trt (100 mg 2x/week) and am currently doing a test + tren a cycle where the test is nominally at trt level and tren is the kicker. it's working well for me so far, and my hair (and dick) is just fine thank you.

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