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Thread: Does Increasing Testosterone increase acne?

  1. #1

    Does Increasing Testosterone increase acne?

    OK guys I'm currently on 150mg Test weekly (TRT).
    My acne has increased mildly. Nothing major but definitely more prevalent

    So now I'm considering a 500mg weekly blast.
    My concern is acne increase with more test?
    While the actual acne isn't the problem. It's my damn wife that seems to think it's a fking game every time I take my shirt off.

    Somehow in her damn mind me having back pimples means she gets to put me through the most pain humanly possible. Lol

    Is it worth the pain lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Acne is generally increased during the influx phase in androgens. I find during my cycles once my levels steady out almost all acne goes away. We all respond a little different to compounds though so there will be some trial and error.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Short answer: hell yes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    North Carolina USA
    IMO its the oil glands in your skin they are an steroids to, and they overproduce oils which causes acne

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Although I have studied acne for over 20 years I still dont get it.

    During cycle dont get much acne, it ussually comes during and after PCT.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Yep, I get worse acne since starting TRT. Even low dose test injections.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Hell yeah. I'm still dealing with acne issues from my cycle which ended 4 months ago.

  8. #8
    Thanks guys for the replies.
    My acne isn't terrible. I have a couple flare up every now and then but for the most part mild.

    I was just concerned how more worse would it get at 500mg weekly?

    I know that's impossible to answer because everyone is different.

    But thank you for any insight.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Like Bio said everyone is different. Trial and error.

    My ex was like that. What kind of sick twisted individual likes popping those lol

    Quote Originally Posted by DB1982 View Post
    OK guys I'm currently on 150mg Test weekly (TRT).
    My acne has increased mildly. Nothing major but definitely more prevalent

    So now I'm considering a 500mg weekly blast.
    My concern is acne increase with more test?
    While the actual acne isn't the problem. It's my damn wife that seems to think it's a fking game every time I take my shirt off.

    Somehow in her damn mind me having back pimples means she gets to put me through the most pain humanly possible. Lol

    Is it worth the pain lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Still trying to figure out the whole acne thing myself. I got back acne REALLY bad about 10 weeks into my first cycle.

    I'm thinking it was because my arimidex was bunk so I am trying a different kind.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    That's about when it shows up for me. I've tried most things but showering with dish soap works as good as anything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by mirongainz View Post
    Still trying to figure out the whole acne thing myself. I got back acne REALLY bad about 10 weeks into my first cycle.

    I'm thinking it was because my arimidex was bunk so I am trying a different kind.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Dish soap? That's a new one to me. Being mild help I guess?

  13. #13
    Actually I have been experimenting lately.

    I tried Austinite's acne protocol and it helped some.

    Then I got the idea to stop taking HCG.
    I was taking 250iu X2 a week.

    Instantly after stopping HCG. Acne is all but gone.

    I know it can't be from estrogen because
    My sensitive estrogen level before trt.
    Were 9.
    Then on my 6 week check up after starting trt it was 39.

    Which I then started .25 Armidex X2 weekly with no change in acne.

    But since stopping HCG acne is all but gone.
    Since I have no plans for more kids. I have 2 already.
    I see no use for HCG. I'm married and wife could careless about the boys just as long as the bat still swings.

    Or should I be thinking about something else.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    HCG gets blamed for a lot of stuff this days...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    HCG gets blamed for a lot of stuff this days...
    Sure does BB, I've been thinking the same thing! Idk it's always served me well! I wouldn't ever run a thing w/out it!

    @ FB1982, If you and your wife are ok that the bat swings well then maybe it's ok that you don't... But if your primary hypogonadal I would still take it for it's mimicking LH production, as your HPTA us still functioning....
    Last edited by NACH3; 05-10-2015 at 03:07 PM.

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