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Thread: Planning my first cycle.

  1. #1

    Planning my first cycle.

    I'd like to start off by saying hi and giving a little info about myself. I'm 5' 9 170 pounds and would consider myself to be athletic. I spent some time in the military and played football/ basketball etc my whole life. I've been an avid gym goer since I was 17 and about a year ago I tried pro hormones for the first time. It worked well and I put on 25 pounds in about a 3 month span. Needless to say I loved the results and I'm looking for something more.
    A friend has recently offered me 3 different types of steroids they're
    TEST 250
    DECA 300 &
    TEST 400.
    I have ZERO idea what any of those contain and before I inject anything into my body I want to know the best course. having done prohormones in the past I'm well aware that a post cycle is absolutely necessary but what's the best options?
    Anyways, try not to flame me to bad I'm just here for the facts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Welcome to the forum, dreambig. Start by reading the following sticky:

    A couple things to note: Test is test, some just have longer acting esters than others. The test250 you have listed means it has 250mg of test per mL. Likewise, the test400 has 400mg/ mL. A standard first cycle, as you will read in the sticky above, would be Test only, usually somewhere in the neighborhood of 500mg per week. So, for example in your case, you would inject 1mL of test250 (assuming this is either cypionate or Enanthate) twice a week. The reason you inject it twice a week is to keep blood levels stable and reduce side effects. Test propionate, on the other hand which has a shorter ester, needs to be injected at least every other day. You can also read through the steroid profile sticky on this forum. As a matter of fact, read through all the stickies. Lots of good info. But definitely drop the Deca; it's not needed for a first cycle. Then, after reading all the stickies, head over to the PCT forum for guidance on a proper PCT.

    How old are you btw? You'll find that most will not advise anyone under the age of 25 to begin AAS. This is due to the fact that your HPTA is not fully matured and you risk the possibility of permanently damaging it, in which case you would be on TRT for life! Can you estimate your bf%? 170 is pretty light unless you're VERY low body fat. It's always best to build a solid foundation first before jumping on AAS to get the most out of the cycle and to have a better probablility to keep gains after coming off.

    Good luck and come back with any other questions after reading the stickies!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Fortunately you are 25 yrs old... Which us a good thing as it's the required(the least you should be as your HPTA has just gotten done fully maturing...

    First off you will d need to run test only, as this will see how you and your body will react to test alone as it will be the base in all of your future cycles! Read the link musclestack provided as it'll cover the basis for your AI/HCG/PCT doses included....

    GL on your journey...

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