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Thread: 1 and only cycle

  1. #1
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    1 and only cycle

    Is it posible to do one and only cycle and maintain the quanity of muscle I am left when PCT is over for years? Considering I am going to train hard and diet like now and the PCT is going to be close to perfect. The cycle I think about is test e deca some dbol to start it and win near the end. I want to bulk on it from june to ..let's say september (10 weeks on, the rest with normal supps). Now I am 174cm tall 73 kg 15bf so quite far from natural potential. My target is to gain 15kg of muscle and mantain at least 10 and after that slim down to 10 bf and 80kgs till january amd never juice again. Is it possible?

  2. #2
    tdoe11's Avatar
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    Even if you stay on cycle you won't keep the gains from deca and dbol . Both are very wet compounds, which means they make you retain lots of water. That is what the huge influx of weight is from.

    When those hormones are discontinued your body will expel the water it has been holding on to.

  3. #3
    AngeloBangelo's Avatar
    AngeloBangelo is offline New Member
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    I know a lot of people who have done one cycle of only test, and they kept the majority of their gains after PCT.

    However... Admitting that you're 5'7", 160, 15% BF will probably get you a lot of flak. But that's none of my business I suppose.

    I believe you'll retain your gains, assuming you eat and train properly. Your current statistics point out that you may not be doing either of those.

  4. #4
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    10/10 for persistence.
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  5. #5
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Being 18 years old the most likely is for you too lose all your gains as your HPTA has not matured. Also likely for you the muscle you have now turned into fat as you have high probablility of becoming a hrt patient.
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  6. #6
    Khazima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Being 18 years old the most likely is for you too lose all your gains as your HPTA has not matured. Also likely for you the muscle you have now turned into fat as you have high probablility of becoming a hrt patient.
    Muscle never turns into fat under any circumstance.

    OP, stop it, either go against everyones advice and potentially seriously harm yourself, or listen and stop looking for ways around and excuses to justify using.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Muscle never turns into fat under any circumstance.
    I'm sure you know what I mean...

  8. #8
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    I'm sure you know what I mean...
    I know what you mean, i have seen it but on an idiot who did orals at 16 with no pct. The guy looked like me at 12 when he started

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k
    Is it posible to do one and only cycle and maintain the quanity of muscle I am left when PCT is over for years? Considering I am going to train hard and diet like now and the PCT is going to be close to perfect. The cycle I think about is test e deca some dbol to start it and win near the end. I want to bulk on it from june to ..let's say september (10 weeks on, the rest with normal supps). Now I am 174cm tall 73 kg 15bf so quite far from natural potential. My target is to gain 15kg of muscle and mantain at least 10 and after that slim down to 10 bf and 80kgs till january amd never juice again. Is it possible?
    Give up on the pipe dream.

    You are not going to gain 33lbs of muscle and then keep 22lbs of muscle after your PCT.
    You would be lucky to keep 5lbs of muscle after PCT.

    Stay natural young one.

  10. #10
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Give up on the pipe dream.

    You are not going to gain 33lbs of muscle and then keep 22lbs of muscle after your PCT.
    You would be lucky to keep 5lbs of muscle after PCT.

    Stay natural young one.
    5lbs? That's impossible. C'mon, I can gain 5lbs in 1 weak while eating CLEAN! Well 70% would be fat but still...
    And one friend just finished deca test e anapolon, water is out cause he stopped for a few weeks, pct was made of aminos, glutamine and a test booster, so basicaly no pct and he kept 14kgs so far only 3kgs lost....

  11. #11
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k View Post
    5lbs? That's impossible. C'mon, I can gain 5lbs in 1 weak while eating CLEAN! Well 70% would be fat but still...
    And one friend just finished deca test e anapolon, water is out cause he stopped for a few weeks, pct was made of aminos, glutamine and a test booster, so basicaly no pct and he kept 14kgs so far only 3kgs lost....
    So you just said it yourself(you can gain weight still) so dial in your diet and training program, if your gaining 70% of fat that is not eating clean lol... At all!

    Stop w/the constant talk about gear and same ?'s... Your too YOUNG PERIOD! Your gonna get the same advice obviously)! Yes and if you gain 20lbs your gonna lose a significant amount of water during pct it's the LBM that will stick(and 5-10lbs of LBM is excellent)... So really just listen to the advice you've gotten for the past few days! Wouldn't you think that we are trying to keep you safe by not recommending them(it's not safe at your age)!!!

    Just read up and visit the diet section....

  12. #12
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k View Post
    5lbs? That's impossible. C'mon, I can gain 5lbs in 1 weak while eating CLEAN! Well 70% would be fat but still...
    And one friend just finished deca test e anapolon, water is out cause he stopped for a few weeks, pct was made of aminos, glutamine and a test booster, so basicaly no pct and he kept 14kgs so far only 3kgs lost....
    I am going to add this to our thread for one of the dumbest things I have seen on these forums.

  13. #13
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I am going to add this to our thread for one of the dumbest things I have seen on these forums.
    well you are dumb, I can gain that eating only lean meat, eggs, milk products, fruits and veggies...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k View Post
    well you are dumb, I can gain that eating only lean meat, eggs, milk products, fruits and veggies...
    Then you don't need to cycle then do you?
    1.5lbs of muscle a week naturally??
    Seriously dude, why aren't you 225lbs then?

  15. #15
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    You know guys, I read some threats in the member's cycle log or whatever it is called and everyone seems to gain and retains a nice amount of mass and you tell me I will not gain that damned 10 kgs. I really can't understand considering that I am far away from natty potential and it is the first time, and most people blow up during their first cycle. Also, pretty much everyone I asked, REAL PROS that compete in the Balkan competition in a few days or Ex-Pros that competed told me that IT IS POSIBLE and that it won't hurt my natural T cause I am young and my nuts work like crazy and they will recover in no time. Also they told me that I will be able to gain naturally after the cycle, without doing it again at about the same steady state as I do now! You are quiet like the guys from "You don't need any supps" but all of them swallow 30 pills a day. I really can't understand you guys...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k
    You know guys, I read some threats in the member's cycle log or whatever it is called and everyone seems to gain and retains a nice amount of mass and you tell me I will not gain that damned 10 kgs. I really can't understand considering that I am far away from natty potential and it is the first time, and most people blow up during their first cycle. Also, pretty much everyone I asked, REAL PROS that compete in the Balkan competition in a few days or Ex-Pros that competed told me that IT IS POSIBLE and that it won't hurt my natural T cause I am young and my nuts work like crazy and they will recover in no time. Also they told me that I will be able to gain naturally after the cycle, without doing it again at about the same steady state as I do now! You are quiet like the guys from "You don't need any supps" but all of them swallow 30 pills a day. I really can't understand you guys...
    You very easily could put on 10kgs but it is not going to be pure muscle.
    As one vet on here puts it, it will be about 1/3rd water, 1/3rd muscle, and 1/3rd fat.

    What I do suggest you do is eat more.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k View Post
    well you are dumb, I can gain that eating only lean meat, eggs, milk products, fruits and veggies...
    What's your bf%??

    If you can gain weight than your not even close to your natural potential yet... And if your 15% or higher then your diet is off(try setting a goal to gain muscle while losing bf...

  18. #18
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    What's your bf%??

    If you can gain weight than your not even close to your natural potential yet... And if your 15% or higher then your diet is off(try setting a goal to gain muscle while losing bf...
    The plan is do cut down to 10-12 now. start juice in summer with a lot of clean food and 2 trainigs a day with a nap 6 days a week. After the cycle is done I hope I will have 70kgs+ lean body mass and no more than 15% bf so that I can continue slowly bulking during the whole autumn and winter.
    If I get more fat than that I may use test again so that I don't lose gain while i get shredded again. And after that just maintain like forever without anything. So overall, my target is 80-85 with 10bf

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k View Post
    The plan is do cut down to 10-12 now. start juice in summer with a lot of clean food and 2 trainigs a day with a nap 6 days a week. After the cycle is done I hope I will have 70kgs+ lean body mass and no more than 15% bf so that I can continue slowly bulking during the whole autumn and winter.
    If I get more fat than that I may use test again so that I don't lose gain while i get shredded again. And after that just maintain like forever without anything. So overall, my target is 80-85 with 10bf
    Stay off the juice! Your not ready for it - HPTA needs to be matured! Do some reading... And you don't have to gain bf while bulking if your diet is clean... Have you read any of these replies from everyone over the last few days!!!

    Eat more food! That's enough! And 1 cycle lol. Doesn't work that way at least in most people

  20. #20
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    The pro's I asked said that by the way I look it is ok and that during this stage, usually your balls get to work faster. Anyway I must agree that 1 cycle is quiet a fantasy. Everyone says that the first cycle gets you hooked mentaly but it is not imposible with some will power to stay off. Also from what they told me you can keep everything you still got after pct

  21. #21
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    You should have them join to see how up to date they are?!

  22. #22
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    At the end of the day what you do is up to you. You arguing points and trying to get us to say what you want us to say isn't going to happen.

    You can take the advice or you don't, we don't know you therefore don't really care what you do.

    You've gotten our input, and you have the input from the pros/ex-pros whom you have spoken with. Do with the information what you will and make an educated decision.
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  23. #23
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by uhit View Post
    At the end of the day what you do is up to you. You arguing points and trying to get us to say what you want us to say isn't going to happen.

    You can take the advice or you don't, we don't know you therefore don't really care what you do.

    You've gotten our input, and you have the input from the pros/ex-pros whom you have spoken with. Do with the information what you will and make an educated decision.
    I really do agree with you but I just don't know why the answers are so different. And the guys are old 50+ about to retirement if not already retired from competing. but considering they are still healthy, they know what they are talkin' about.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k View Post
    I really do agree with you but I just don't know why the answers are so different. And the guys are old 50+ about to retirement if not already retired from competing. but considering they are still healthy, they know what they are talkin' about.
    In regards to the 'healthy' aspect, have you seen the bloodwork? Because what may seem good outside could be different within.

    I can relate that you want to cycle. I do too, but I'm only 23 and got plenty of room to grow. I've been lurking here just gaining knowledge and working on my diet and training so that in a couple years time when I do turn 25 I can start a cycle and reap the benefits with minimal side effects due to the fact that I will be perfectly prepared. It's sucky I know, but sometimes its worth thinking about other factors such as family/priorities in life. Who knows in a couple years you might be super busy and can't really head out to the gym as often as you would like or another scenario may be that you become a bit aggressive on gear and it affects family relations.

    These are just possibilities that can happen, not saying they will, but its definitely possible. If you are dead set on going for it, at least have a little think on the future. Bodybuilding being such a selfish sport, its easy to forget about the bigger picture.

  25. #25
    pitweiler is offline Member
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    I'm not saying their way is wrong but things change over time. What their used to doing 30 years ago might not be the right way to do them now. The world of medicine is constantly changing and improving everyday.

    Everyone here isn't just giving you sh!t because we want to. We're actually looking out for the best interest for you. Whether or not you listen to us is up to you. As far as I'm concerned. I don't care if Arnold was giving me advice on cycling. I'm going to take what he said, what this person said and what that person said and research it. What works for them might not be the best way for you or it might not be the best way anymore.
    All I'm saying is do your research and see for your self. I have a friend that did a cycle of just test when he got out of high school and now he's on TRT for the rest of your life. No one can just look at you and tell that you'll bounce back alright.
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  26. #26
    T3ckton1k is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitweiler View Post
    I'm not saying their way is wrong but things change over time. What their used to doing 30 years ago might not be the right way to do them now. The world of medicine is constantly changing and improving everyday.

    Everyone here isn't just giving you sh!t because we want to. We're actually looking out for the best interest for you. Whether or not you listen to us is up to you. As far as I'm concerned. I don't care if Arnold was giving me advice on cycling. I'm going to take what he said, what this person said and what that person said and research it. What works for them might not be the best way for you or it might not be the best way anymore.
    All I'm saying is do your research and see for your self. I have a friend that did a cycle of just test when he got out of high school and now he's on TRT for the rest of your life. No one can just look at you and tell that you'll bounce back alright.
    He did a cycle and now you are on TRT. Well I am not . That's exactly the problem, you know, the research because there are really no studies regarding this. People from romanian sites and real people I know told me to go for it because there is nothing bad that can happen.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k View Post
    He did a cycle and now you are on TRT. Well I am not . That's exactly the problem, you know, the research because there are really no studies regarding this. People from romanian sites and real people I know told me to go for it because there is nothing bad that can happen.
    That's bullshit!!! And from what you said regarding their health(uhit hit it on the nose - have you seen they're BW??

    And they may have had successful careers but science has changed!!! This site is the most up to date site on cycling safely!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k View Post
    The pro's I asked said that by the way I look it is ok
    Post a pic.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  29. #29
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Post a pic.
    And your IQ!
    Last edited by reporich; 04-29-2015 at 02:51 PM.

  30. #30
    pitweiler is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3ckton1k
    He did a cycle and now you are on TRT. Well I am not . That's exactly the problem, you know, the research because there are really no studies regarding this. People from romanian sites and real people I know told me to go for it because there is nothing bad that can happen.
    Do you read like you write? I'm not on TRT, he is.
    It boggles my mind that people don't research what their putting into their bodies because someone told them it's ok or nothing bad can happen. I could care less what you do, I don't know you. Why bother asking a question if your already dead set on doing it anyways? Just listen to the real people, they know everything.

    I just did a quick google search and found tons of info supporting what everyone here is telling you

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