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Thread: Need help with my first cycle, it's a bit complicated for me. Need advice.

  1. #1

    Need help with my first cycle, it's a bit complicated for me. Need advice.

    So I'm 23 years old and I have hypogonaditropic hypogonadism. kallmans syndrome.
    I do not produce lh or fsh. My body will never produce test naturally. I'm already on 100mg of test a week but it's trash my levels are a bit low.
    I have 2 2500mg bottles of test E
    I have Dbol 20 and 40mgs (more then enough amount of pills)
    I have Winston 50mg and 100mgs.
    I wanted to know basically since my body doesn't produce test at all. And never will and I'll be on test for the rest of my life Do I really need a PCT? Or just something like arimidex to keep my estrogen levels from rising?
    I was planning on taking
    1-12 test E 250 2x EW 1-6 dbol 50mg ED 6-12 Winstrol 50mg
    Tapering both dbol and winstrol.
    This is what I was instructed to do but I feel like it's not right can someone help me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    How do you mean 100mg test per week is trash? What are your levels? What does your TRT doc say?

  3. #3
    well my levels are at 313ng and he thinks this is okay because its good on the scale even though i still have symptoms of LOW T.

    I cant tell him im going to be on a cycle because hell drop me as a patient. i asked him once about taking anabolics and his immediate response was "those are crap" of course a doctor is ethically not going to suggest that i can do a steroid.

  4. #4
    well my levels are at 313ng and he thinks this is okay because its good on the scale even though i still have symptoms of LOW T.

    I cant tell him im going to be on a cycle because hell drop me as a patient. i asked him once about taking anabolics and his immediate response was "those are crap" of course a doctor is ethically not going to suggest that i can do a steroid .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    What kind of doc is he? Have you considered finding a new one?

  6. #6
    well any chance you can help me with figuring this cycle out im going to work on finding a better doctor!

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    East Coast Dungeon
    You don't need anything more than this:
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    You say low what are the ranges ? And how long have you been on TRT ?.
    If your doc/endo wants to pull bloods while your on he will drop you.

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