So I'm 23 years old and I have hypogonaditropic hypogonadism. kallmans syndrome.
I do not produce lh or fsh. My body will never produce test naturally. I'm already on 100mg of test a week but it's trash my levels are a bit low.
I have 2 2500mg bottles of test E
I have Dbol 20 and 40mgs (more then enough amount of pills)
I have Winston 50mg and 100mgs.
I wanted to know basically since my body doesn't produce test at all. And never will and I'll be on test for the rest of my life Do I really need a PCT? Or just something like arimidex to keep my estrogen levels from rising?
I was planning on taking
1-12 test E 250 2x EW 1-6 dbol 50mg ED 6-12 Winstrol 50mg
Tapering both dbol and winstrol.
This is what I was instructed to do but I feel like it's not right can someone help me?