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Thread: TBOL & PROVIRON cycle good?

  1. #1

    TBOL & PROVIRON cycle good?

    First off all thank you for sharing so much information. I have been a ghost reader here for about 2 years now. Sorry for my bad english btw hope you guys can help me anyway.

    This will be my second cycle. My first cycle was 40mg Tbol for 5 weeks, followed up with 3 weeks of nolva 20/20/20. Gained a solid 3.5 kg after finishing my pct so I was happy with that.

    For my secong cycle I plan something like this:
    Week 1 - Tbol 60mg / Proviron 40mg
    Week 2 - Tbol 60mg / Proviron 40mg
    Week 3 - Tbol 60mg / Proviron 40mg
    Week 4 - Tbol 60mg / Proviron 40mg
    Week 5 - Tbol 60mg / Proviron 40mg
    Week 6 - nolva 30mg
    Week 7 - nolva 20mg
    Week 8 - nolva 20mg

    Thinking it would be wise to add proviron to not be so lethargic and keep sex drive up, what do you think?

    I am fully aware that testosterone would be smart to combine with T-bol. Optionally testosterone Propionate because its short half life. So I can therefore use it with my T-bol for five weeks, and start pct 2/3 days after my last injection and pill? the problem with this is that I'm afraid to put on too much water and bloat. Want it to be a cutting cycle!

    Does anyone have experience with a short 8 week cycle including pct for cutting that will work well with minimal side effects?

    23 years young
    177 cm
    78 kg
    bf: 10%
    Training for about 6 years - Seriosly dietting for 4/5

    My goal with this cycle is to lie on "Maintain" with calories. Will try to go down too 8% BF and put on 3 kg? Is this realistic?

    it is smart to run anavar instead of Turinabol because it can help with losing some fat too?

    I want to thank everyone that helps me out with this cycle. And I will take all the feedback I get from you guys into consideration when I'll decide my cycle. Starting it in about 1 month!

    PS!: If it is someone living in Norway/Oslo that read this post. PLease PM me.

  2. #2
    Throw at least a little test in there. Any particular reason you're trying to avoid it?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by boisebeast View Post
    Throw at least a little test in there. Any particular reason you're trying to avoid it?
    I need the cycle to be only 8 weeks including PCT bro. What kind of test would be good to use here?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziggyy
    I need the cycle to be only 8 weeks including PCT bro. What kind of test would be good to use here?
    Testosterone propionate. Go read the steroid profile on it, you'll find that on the main page of this website.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by workinprogress21 View Post
    Testosterone propionate. Go read the steroid profile on it, you'll find that on the main page of this website.
    Yes bro if you read my post you will find that I actually asked about this.

    "I am fully aware that testosterone would be smart to combine with T-bol. Optionally testosterone Propionate because its short half life. So I can therefore use it with my T-bol for five weeks, and start pct 2/3 days after my last injection and pill? the problem with this is that I'm afraid to put on too much water and bloat. Want it to be a cutting cycle!"

    Anyway. How do you think my cycle should look like then. Test and t-bol no proviron? or will the test and anavar be a smarter choice. What about the bloat from test?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziggyy
    Yes bro if you read my post you will find that I actually asked about this. "I am fully aware that testosterone would be smart to combine with T-bol. Optionally testosterone Propionate because its short half life. So I can therefore use it with my T-bol for five weeks, and start pct 2/3 days after my last injection and pill? the problem with this is that I'm afraid to put on too much water and bloat. Want it to be a cutting cycle!" Anyway. How do you think my cycle should look like then. Test and t-bol no proviron? or will the test and anavar be a smarter choice. What about the bloat from test?
    Anavar is faked so often you may as well get tbol. Proviron, from what I've read, doesn't really do much. It's more something you use at the end of one's contest prep but I don't see it hurting anything at 50mg ED (I could be wrong, the pros hopefully will chime in) test prop at 100mg eod, .25-.5 adex eod, HCG 250 IU 2x week, tbol at 50mg ED, proviron at 50mg ed. Then follow up with a 4 week PCT. Your pct should look like this:
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

  7. #7
    Also, bloat on cycle can be controlled with proper AI dosing and diet.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You must of been doing selective reading because we don't endorse oral only cycles.Test should always be your base.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    You must of been doing selective reading because we don't endorse oral only cycles.Test should always be your base.
    Is it possible to run Testosteron Enantat lets say for 4 weeks and tbol at 5 weeks. Followed up with pct the day after my last pill? Or will the half life of the test make me have to wait longer before I start my PCT?

    the problem with Testosteron Propionat is that I have to inject so often. Never injected before...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziggyy View Post
    Is it possible to run Testosteron Enantat lets say for 4 weeks and tbol at 5 weeks. Followed up with pct the day after my last pill? Or will the half life of the test make me have to wait longer before I start my PCT?

    the problem with Testosteron Propionat is that I have to inject so often. Never injected before...
    Test E take 4 weeks to reach max saturation level, recomended is 12 weeks.

    Read this, it will answer a lot of your questions:

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