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Thread: First cycle..any improvements?

  1. #1

    First cycle..any improvements?

    Hey guys. I'm going to be starting my first cycle and want your opinions. I'm 33 and been training around 2 years.

    Weeks 1-12 Test Enth 500mg per week (2 x 250mg Monday and Thursday)

    Weeks 1-4 Dbol 30mg per day

    Weeks 1-12 Adex 0.25mg EOD

    Weeks 13 and 14 off

    Weeks 15-18 Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 25/25/25/25

    Will also be using milk thistle and Liv 52

    Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    HCG?? Should be run on cycle at 250iu e3.5d(2x a wk) throughout cycle... Also continue both your Dex up to pct(yes during the clearing process of two wks) and HCG up to 3days prior to pct!

    I'd drop the d-Bol as its a heavy aromatizer and you'll not know which is causing what to happen since you've never ran anything b4

  3. #3
    I've been thinking about adding HCG. I know many guys that run gear regularly and they don't use it which I don't understand as many of you guys see it as a must. Was chatting to a guy I know who said he doesn't like it. Interesting.
    Sorry I missed out that I have done a low dose cycle of Var only. Not sure if that makes any difference.

    Also are the Nolva and Clomid doses ok?
    Last edited by Rattler2000bc; 05-03-2015 at 12:11 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler2000bc View Post
    I've been thinking about adding HCG. I know many guys that run gear regularly and they don't use it which I don't understand as many of you guys see it as a must. Was chatting to a guy I know who said he doesn't like it. Interesting.
    Sorry I missed out that I have done a low dose cycle of Var only. Not sure if that makes any difference.

    Also are the Nolva and Clomid doses ok?
    Your clomid is but run your nolvadex 40/40/20/20(note always cease clomid after 4 wks, however nolvadex can be run up to 6wks - usually w/19nors)!!

    HCG should be used on cycle as it'll aid in a quicker recovery(by keeping your testes functioning while on), it mimicks LH production that is in the tank due to shut down, prevents testicular atrophy, and stimulates our leydig cells(which we do not have an ever ending supply)

    Ask yourself this... You want to recover to your full potential and right back to your baseline BW right, of course you do! So while HCG aromatizes so why would one want to run it at the end(which is very outdated - scientifically) or not at all?? Your boys will shrivel up into raisins and they won't be very functional so I've given you the reasons why and you can also read the samething(as I did get it from this site and Austinite) "WHY YOU SHOULD RUN HCG ON CYCLE AND HOW TO PREPARE YOUR HCG FOR INJECTIONS" GL buddy

  5. #5
    Thanks very much for your advice NACH3. How much would I need for the whole cycle?

  6. #6
    I've just ordered 4 bottles off my supplier for my cycle.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler2000bc View Post
    Thanks very much for your advice NACH3. How much would I need for the whole cycle?
    How much of what? HCG?

    If you do 500iu a wk(split into two 250iu inj) and you get a 5,000iu freeze dried bottle should last you roughly 10wks if my math is on lol) I just get more than enough fir later anyways... & you'll need bacteriostatic water or liq B12 to reconstitute - not the NaCl Sodium Chloride - for one time injection so toss that when it comes lol)... It all depends on how many ml of bac water will fit(in my 5000iu vials I put 2ml so I draw up to the first tic on the slin pin(10iu) is 250iu inj)
    Last edited by NACH3; 05-03-2015 at 02:18 PM.

  8. #8
    Apparently the HGC I'll be getting is 2000 iu bottles.

  9. #9
    Does the HCG possibly cause gyno too?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler2000bc View Post
    Apparently the HGC I'll be getting is 2000 iu bottles.
    Ok.... No biggie just do the math for that amount in the link I provided...

    As long as you are running an AI to control E2(.25mgs eod for dex to start) you'll be fine but pull mid cycle bloods to make any adjustments).... & you should've pulled pre cycle bloods to compare your bw 8wks after pct)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler2000bc View Post
    Does the HCG possibly cause gyno too?
    Only if your not managing E2 so yes it does aromatize but minimally

  12. #12
    Ok thanks very much.

  13. #13
    I don't know anyone that has their blood tested over here in the UK while on gear. I understand why it's a good idea. I'm not sure if it's something I can request through my doctor. I've looked online and found a company that does it for £49.

  14. #14
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    It's extremely important there's more than a few members from the UK including some vets - so I'm not sure your countries laws on that but I know they don't use their docs if not needed

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler2000bc
    I don't know anyone that has their blood tested over here in the UK while on gear. I understand why it's a good idea. I'm not sure if it's something I can request through my doctor. I've looked online and found a company that does it for £49.
    £49 seems a good price, is it a full panel blood test ? You could use the needle exchange service too for anonimity, you could use your regular Dr too, I do, at the end of the day I see it like this: steroids are legal to use, I use steroids to enhance my look, I work and pay into the NHS, I cannot be denied treatment of any kind because of my choice of lifestyle.

  16. #16
    So I could get it done for free at the needle exchange? That's an option. This is the site I found.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler2000bc View Post
    So I could get it done for free at the needle exchange? That's an option. This is the site I found.
    The blood test on that website does not include many important tests, its just a basic blood count.
    You need further than the cbc: total test, free test, sensitive estradiol, LH, FSH, plus liver and kidney panel, thyroid is also advised (t3, t4, tsh). This is the bare minimum, other tests like prolactin, sbhg, vit d, vit b12, etc can also contribute to having a complete picture.

  18. #18
    Ok I'll keep having a look. Cheers.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler2000bc
    Ok I'll keep having a look. Cheers.
    If you find somewhere that's reasonably priced, then let me know, because I couldn't.

  20. #20
    How's this one? More than I'd like to spend but I'd rather not go to the doctor to have it done.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler2000bc View Post
    How's this one? More than I'd like to spend but I'd rather not go to the doctor to have it done.
    Essential Blood Screen Test :: Medi-Labs :: Private Blood Testing
    Doesnt have hormones.

    Not in UK, but I just walk in a private hospital where they do blood tests and ask for private bloodwork, then I name the tests that I want and pay.
    Hormones are always expensive, about 200€ is the minimum I could find.

  22. #22
    So with these it would be £225 each time.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler2000bc View Post
    So with these it would be £225 each time.
    Sounds right... In the states it's anywhere from £175-325 depending on test and additions

  24. #24
    So just having the full blood screen test isn't enough? Need to have the full hormones test too?

  25. #25
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    Yes, you need what BB already stated... In this post listen to him he knows his sh!t... And is very knowledgable in regards to BW as well!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rattler2000bc View Post
    So just having the full blood screen test isn't enough? Need to have the full hormones test too?
    What does the full blood screen involve?

  27. #27

  28. #28
    Can you please show me which of these would be needed for before, during and after. Thanks.

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