This is my first cycle in 5 years.
Here is my cycle.
Weeks 1-2 Test E 125 mg Monday and Thursday
Weeks 3-9 Test E 125mg and Tren A 50mg EOD (M/W/F)
Weeks 10-12 Test E 125 mg Monday and Thursday
* Im also running dball for the first 6 weeks.
**Im aware of the potential side effects of Tren and am going to do my best to be safe.
For my PCT Im going to start it 10 days (ish) after my last pin of test e.
Im going to take clomid at 50mg twice a day (12hrs apart) for 30 days, as well as nolvadex at 20 mg a day for 45 days. Im also planning on taking 1000iu EOD of hcg for 16 days (8 shots) I dont want to run the hcg throughout my cycle for fear of desensitizing the Leydig cells.
Also, in the past Ive stacked with a Nor-19 before (Deca) and I didnt have any notable side effects.
I feel like Ive done my due diligence with my research but am very open to others thoughts. Good and bad. Id love to hear some feedback. Thanks guys.