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Thread: What to stack ?

  1. #1

    What to stack ?

    His may be in the wrong place so bear with me , I'm new .

    Looking for a good stack for a first timer . Lean muscle , quick twitch muscle , some weight loss and endurance . From what I've been reading , winstrol is the way to go but what do I stack it with for best results ?
    44yrs old
    Working out pretty steady for 3 years

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    What is your previous cycle experience and body fat percentage?

  3. #3
    I have no cycle experience and don't know body fat percentage. I can say that the percentage is too high

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    North America
    Quote Originally Posted by FATGUY49
    I have no cycle experience and don't know body fat percentage. I can say that the percentage is too high
    My friend, you need diet and exercise not AAS
    Stack should look like this
    500cal deficit diet
    More cardio.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I definitely agree with RigPig. Besides first cycles should be test only. The higher your body fat the more difficult it will be to control estrogen. No offense but high body fat also shows a lack of dedication to the gym/diet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    If you're not fairly lean (under 15% bf) then you shouldn't be cycling. You also shouldn't be stacking anything for a first cycle. It's been said a million times but it really comes down to diet, hard training, and cardio. If you cut 500 calories per day you will lose 1lb. per week. Every 3500 calories = 1lb of fat.

  7. #7
    I run 3 miles a day ( 10 minjute miles)
    I consume no more than 1800 calories a day( most of the time it is less)
    I workout 5 days a week
    150 sit ups 150 back extesnions a day
    I race bikes on the weekends .

    not a couch potato

    I've had blood work done to find out why the weight wont come off, doc cant understand it as all bloodwork is normal.
    blood pressure is 117/68
    standing heart rate is 52
    I ran the broad street run (10 miles) in 1:33:47

    I understand my body stats lead anyone to believe that I think Little Debbie is a food group but its really the oppositte

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Post up a picture so we can gauge where your bf is.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014
    North America
    Quote Originally Posted by FATGUY49
    I run 3 miles a day ( 10 minjute miles) I consume no more than 1800 calories a day( most of the time it is less) I workout 5 days a week 150 sit ups 150 back extesnions a day I race bikes on the weekends . not a couch potato I've had blood work done to find out why the weight wont come off, doc cant understand it as all bloodwork is normal. blood pressure is 117/68 standing heart rate is 52 I ran the broad street run (10 miles) in 1:33:47 I understand my body stats lead anyone to believe that I think Little Debbie is a food group but its really the oppositte
    Have you got your test levels and thyroid checked? Might want to look into that if losing weight is that tough!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    As the others have said, test only. Give this a read, it will explain what you need to do before, during and after cycle.

    Get a full male hormone panel done before you cycle so you know your baseline. make sure it has Free testosterone and Sensitive Estrogen.

  11. #11
    The reason why you cannot lose weight is homeostasis : your body slowed the metabolism down to match consumption with intake. Solution: 1: Get your tdee calculated 2: reverse diet by adding 100 kcal to your daily intake and keep it for 7-10 days 3: When you reach your tdee keep it for 2-3 weeks then cut back 500 kcals and keep it until it slows down again, then cut again but never below your BMR . If you plateau on BMR reverse diet again.

  12. #12
    Click image for larger version. 

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  13. #13
    Click image for larger version. 

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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Thanks for the pictures. Read the link I gave you. You really need to get the body fat down more or you are just wasting your money on a cycle. You will get 10x better results once you have a better base.

    I know it's not easy and it takes time but just keep doing what you are doing and adjust the diet properly. I went from 5' 8" 220 lbs down to 175 lbs before cycling. It takes a wile to add the fat and will take a while to remove it.

    One thing that helped me a lot is always having good food on had even at work I have a bag of mixed nuts, some vegies and fruit near me so I'm always snacking and never hungry and tempted to eat junk.

  15. #15
    Thanks for the info . I'll just have to wait and work harder at losing it .

  16. #16
    My legs have no fat at all , it's all in my midsection . Which is of course the hardest place to lose it . I'll check back when I lose 30 more lbs.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by FATGUY49 View Post
    Thanks for the info . I'll just have to wait and work harder at losing it .
    Also, dont just rely on the scale. I found it helpful to take pictures of myself using the same camera, set in the same place with the same background and same lighting about once ever 2 weeks. Even when I felt I was not loosing the weight I would look at pictures compared to others and see I had been. Remember you are working out and adding muscle so the scale wont reflect the fat loos necessarily and some size increase may even be due to muscle so dont worry to much.

    The concept bulldog has may not be a bad idea. It's true the body does get use to things and thats why we recommend changing workout routines every 90 days or less. It's probably not a bad idea to do with diet also to reset the clock. I knwo with any diet 90% of what you loose the first couple of weeks is water anyways and it all takes time.

    In the mean time keep reading and learning so you are well informed when you are ready to cycle. You might want to check out the diet and nutrition section also and get some more tips there.

    Best of luck.

    Quote Originally Posted by FATGUY49 View Post
    My legs have no fat at all , it's all in my midsection . Which is of course the hardest place to lose it . I'll check back when I lose 30 more lbs.
    No dont check back, stick around.

  18. #18
    Thanks , I'll be reading up and getting a plan in place . I change up my routine every 6 weeks . The sport I do is high intensity for short bursts . 48 - 55 seconds of balls to the wall . So I've been reading that (when I'm ready ) winstrol with test might be the best way to go for quick twitch muscle development .

    But I'm gonna keep reading up and asking questions so thanks for the info .

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Yeah yeah but honestly dont read to much into the quick twitch muscle stuff yet, that is a lot farther down the road and honestly training will have a lot more effect on it than what you use.

    Really you dont want to stack your first cycle with anything. Test only. Trust me it gets complicated enough trying to make sure your E2 is not to high or low and taking HCG to keep your balls working and recover properly. You dont want to add anything to the mix to wonder if it's this or that if you start to get any negative sides.

    I know, we ALL want to find the best stack and tend to over think things especially at first but as you learn and time goes on you learn that keeping it simple is best and you get better gains most of the time unless you are really advanced and look like you are almost ready to get on the stage to compete.

  20. #20
    Oh yeah , test first . I did hear you on that . I don't care about competing on stage or anything like that . I'm in it strictly for strength and speed . World championships 2017 , that's my goal .

  21. #21
    I know thee are different kinds of test , which one to start with?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by FATGUY49 View Post
    I know thee are different kinds of test , which one to start with?
    Test E or C for your first time. You can take it 1x a week but 2x is better to keep from spiking your E2. Virtually no difference between E or C. You dont want to run Test P unless you really dont mind pinning every other day. Personally I think it gets old pinning all the time. There are a couple of others but they are even more frequent like every day or even 3x a day. Dont go for the test blends. Stick with Test E or C. They are most common and proven to work. All of us on HRT use E or C, again virtually the exact same thing.

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