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Thread: Test eq cycle

  1. #1
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Test eq cycle

    Hi guys

    Im about 12% bf atm
    At 5.9 and weight about 82kg
    I'm looking to do a cycle of sus and eq.
    I've run sus tren deca prop all in previous cycles I've taken a long time off cycles. and only resontly starting to train properly and hit the gym 6 times a week like I use to and it's been 4 weeks that i been nailing my diet and haven't sliped off. Carb cycling atm and loving it. I'm looking to do this cycle in December so it's a long way off all previous cycles I've done I've always lost all my gains I've never used an Ai during cycle or hcg which I want to this time round. My goal is to put on a few kg of lean mass. Can anyone tell me if this is the right cycle for that goal etc. I would like to run the sus at 750 a week and eq at 500. Sus for 16 weeks and eq at 12. Pct I will have clomid and nolva l will be running arimidex at . 5 every 2 day and hcg 500iu every 5 days.

  2. #2
    Bo58's Avatar
    Bo58 is offline Associate Member
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    I've never used eq before but most people recommend running it for at least 16 weeks since it's very slow acting. Since sust has long and short esters, you have to inject it frequently to keep blood levels stable. I would just run test e and kick start it with test prop if you are wanting it to kick in quicker. Hcg is best to be run at 250 ius 2-3 times a week. 250ius twice a week seems common for a lot of guys.

  3. #3
    edmondle's Avatar
    edmondle is offline Junior Member
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    I recommend bump the eq to 600-650mg it's a very weak compound and run it for 16 weeks, personally I would lower the sus to 500mg

  4. #4
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would choose another compound over EQ. If you have run tren and deca then you are going to be extremely disappointed in eq.

  5. #5
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the responses. If I don't do eq what would you recommend. I don't like deca as I feel my libido even after a good pct is not as good as pre deca cycle. I wouldn't mind running a test with tren a as I can't get my hands on the long ester. What do you guys think?

  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzlinyu
    Thanks for the responses. If I don't do eq what would you recommend. I don't like deca as I feel my libido even after a good pct is not as good as pre deca cycle. I wouldn't mind running a test with tren a as I can't get my hands on the long ester. What do you guys think?
    There's really only a handful of compounds that you would use in a bulking situation. Tes/deca , tes/NPP, tes/tren , tes/primo ( very pricey). What else would you run for injectables to gain size?

  7. #7
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    sus 1g EQ 750 would be good lean gains would give you a better and more dry look than deca would with less weight but less water and you will have increased lung capacity and increased appetite to the point where you'd have no problem putting down over 4k clean food a day due to constant hunger with EQ and i wouldn't run it any less than 15 weeks if i were you can run it the same 16 week course as the sus will really notice it kicking in at around 8 weeks would tren be better yes but i don't know if you want to be running tren 16 weeks

  8. #8
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    sus 1g EQ 750 would be good lean gains would give you a better and more dry look than deca would with less weight but less water and you will have increased lung capacity and increased appetite to the point where you'd have no problem putting down over 4k clean food a day due to constant hunger with EQ and i wouldn't run it any less than 15 weeks if i were you can run it the same 16 week course as the sus will really notice it kicking in at around 8 weeks would tren be better yes but i don't know if you want to be running tren 16 weeks
    Daym no thanks tren at 16 weeks lol. I want some nice lean gains and still look quite dry no bloat. Tren is good at that with a good diet and Cardio. I might run sus at 500 a week for 16 weeks and run some tren a from week 5 to 12?

  9. #9
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    sus 1g EQ 750 would be good lean gains would give you a better and more dry look than deca would with less weight but less water and you will have increased lung capacity and increased appetite to the point where you'd have no problem putting down over 4k clean food a day due to constant hunger with EQ and i wouldn't run it any less than 15 weeks if i were you can run it the same 16 week course as the sus will really notice it kicking in at around 8 weeks would tren be better yes but i don't know if you want to be running tren 16 weeks
    I get where your going w/the eq being more quality leaner(LBM)... But I'd have to disagree w/NPP ir Deca ... If you eat right and do a proper lean bulk you can still drop bf while gaining muscle(size & thickness) but h2o intake must be high . Personally I've never ran eq... Was going to but this board has really got me thinking lol - but I think I'd react well to it - idk why but probly b/c I think it won't wirk well haha

    OP - im w/Buster on this - he named the best quality muscle producing compounds(try NPP if you don't like Deca it's just a shorter eater which I live now)

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    Bloat/water retention comes down to diet in most cases... Some do bloat more than others - but one can cut on any of these compounds as well(not that for that in particular but they all have there part)...

  11. #11
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Good to get all this feed back really appreciate it. Lucky I have time to really think about it as I'm gonna start in December. I live in Australia and its hard to get anything local here. The test is not hard to get but any other compounds are very hard and if u do get your hands on some they mostly will be under dosed. Can anyone pm me a good source?

  12. #12
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzlinyu View Post
    Good to get all this feed back really appreciate it. Lucky I have time to really think about it as I'm gonna start in December. I live in Australia and its hard to get anything local here. The test is not hard to get but any other compounds are very hard and if u do get your hands on some they mostly will be under dosed. Can anyone pm me a good source?
    If you receive any PMs - you opened yourself up to scammers - so don't rely on them or trust em - never know if it's LE?! Just note you've been warned... Since you have time - take your time... Don't jump into something you don't know! Just my .02

  13. #13
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    If you receive any PMs - you opened yourself up to scammers - so don't rely on them or trust em - never know if it's LE?! Just note you've been warned... Since you have time - take your time... Don't jump into something you don't know! Just my .02
    Note taken. Thanks mate I'll continue to do more research and get everything done right. Do you have a good source you can recommend?

  14. #14
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dazzlinyu View Post
    Note taken. Thanks mate I'll continue to do more research and get everything done right. Do you have a good source you can recommend?
    We're not a source board mate... But I don't atm - but for future ref a senior member can give out dource Recs at his or her own discretion(usually through PM) but like I said be careful about who you talk to now

  15. #15
    dazzlinyu is offline Junior Member
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    So if I decide to run a tren a sus 250 cycle how would I run it Im a little clueless when it comes to hcg eg when to start when to stop etc

    I was thinking
    Sus at 500 a week for 14 weeks
    Tren at 75 eod from week 6 to 12
    Hcg at 250iu every 3 day from week one till?
    Arimidex . 5 eod

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