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Thread: I finished a whole bottle of liquid clen at 19 years old

  1. #1
    jamal123 is offline Junior Member
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    I finished a whole bottle of liquid clen at 19 years old

    it was a pretty big bottle and i was doing high doses i think like a 100+ anyways this was 3 years ago and thinking back now would this have done any damage to my body for the future? just curious what could it have done internally?

  2. #2
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    Clen is not a steroid and probably did not do anything to you. Sometimes people who take steroids will also take clen when trying to lose a few final pounds during cutting.

  3. #3
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    Pretty stupid at 19 to use diuretics that you have no clue of the side effects and negative things that could happen while on it.. When in reality your natural GH will help you burn fat as a teen and testosterone is pumping through the roof it would have been a great time to dial in diet and cardio and be able to burn the fat naturally.. Yet this isn't always the case with teens, as they usually try to find an easy way around it..

    In the case of clen , you aren't experiencing anything negative now you should be fine.. if not run at high doses it is relatively safe especially if you're not constantly using it year round or for many months at a time.. That being said you probably should read up on it before and make an educated decision on whether it's right for you next time before taking it because there HAS been instances where people have had permanent heart damage from clen and permanent heart palps in certain cases.. Alot of it is your personal response to it..What kind of cardiovascular shape you were in before hand... AND last but not least DOSING.. Always start low and taper up never start high..

    Worse comes to worse if you're that nervous schedule yourself an EKG and if everything checks out you should be fine..
    PrettyPlease? and RA like this.

  4. #4
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    it was a pretty big bottle and i was doing high doses i think like a 100+ anyways this was 3 years ago and thinking back now would this have done any damage to my body for the future? just curious what could it have done internally?
    CLENBUTEROL is not a AAS and is non hormonal

  5. #5
    PrettyPlease? is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    Worse comes to worse if you're that nervous schedule yourself an EKG and if everything checks out you should be fine..

    High doses in rats have shown heart cell death leading to scarring of the heart. However, you are more than likely fine.

  6. #6
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You drank an entire bottle at once or over time? If you did an entire bottle at once you are lucky to be alive. You can def. overdose on Clen .

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    it was a pretty big bottle and i was doing high doses i think like a 100+ anyways this was 3 years ago and thinking back now would this have done any damage to my body for the future? just curious what could it have done internally?
    So, you are worried about something you took 3 years ago what it may have done to you, why?
    Are you having some type of medical issues you think are related? Are you just a hypochondriac?

    Best bet would be to just learn from your mistake and before taking anything to put in your body be it vitamins to hormones (clen is not a hormone) do some research first and find out the proper way to use it as well as possible side effects as well as if you even really need it in the first place.

  8. #8
    jamal123 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    So, you are worried about something you took 3 years ago what it may have done to you, why?
    Are you having some type of medical issues you think are related? Are you just a hypochondriac?

    Best bet would be to just learn from your mistake and before taking anything to put in your body be it vitamins to hormones (clen is not a hormone) do some research first and find out the proper way to use it as well as possible side effects as well as if you even really need it in the first place.
    nah man just curious lol also during that time my traps got all strained for 2 months was curious if maybe it condensed my muscle there and caused it. I went through hell with that weird injury could barly move my neck back then.

  9. #9
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post

    nah man just curious lol also during that time my traps got all strained for 2 months was curious if maybe it condensed my muscle there and caused it. I went through hell with that weird injury could barly move my neck back then.
    Clen is a strong stimulant and reduce taurine in your liver increasing risk of cramp.
    In short it increase cramp dramaticly so yes it it possible that clen helped create a huge spasm in your traps.

    But as said aboe it is not a steroid therefore you are very likely to be ok.
    And even concerning you heart it is not a one bottle thst qould cause that kind of issue in human.
    It did for rats but dose given to rat would be lethal for human.(if conversion would be done) so a one time deal is highly likely to havent cause any damage if so too little to care.

    If you are getting paranoide with it pass an EKG.
    And see for yourself.

  10. #10
    jamal123 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    Clen is a strong stimulant and reduce taurine in your liver increasing risk of cramp.
    In short it increase cramp dramaticly so yes it it possible that clen helped create a huge spasm in your traps.

    But as said aboe it is not a steroid therefore you are very likely to be ok.
    And even concerning you heart it is not a one bottle thst qould cause that kind of issue in human.
    It did for rats but dose given to rat would be lethal for human.(if conversion would be done) so a one time deal is highly likely to havent cause any damage if so too little to care.

    If you are getting paranoide with it pass an EKG.
    And see for yourself.
    thats good insight and nah man lol im not that worried i was just high and curious so i posted this topic tbh haha.

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    3 minutes of my life i will never get back......unfortunately.....
    numbere likes this.

  12. #12
    pbfanatic321 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    Pretty stupid at 19 to use diuretics that you have no clue of the side effects and negative things that could happen while on it.. When in reality your natural GH will help you burn fat as a teen and testosterone is pumping through the roof it would have been a great time to dial in diet and cardio and be able to burn the fat naturally.. Yet this isn't always the case with teens, as they usually try to find an easy way around it..

    In the case of clen , you aren't experiencing anything negative now you should be fine.. if not run at high doses it is relatively safe especially if you're not constantly using it year round or for many months at a time.. That being said you probably should read up on it before and make an educated decision on whether it's right for you next time before taking it because there HAS been instances where people have had permanent heart damage from clen and permanent heart palps in certain cases.. Alot of it is your personal response to it..What kind of cardiovascular shape you were in before hand... AND last but not least DOSING.. Always start low and taper up never start high..

    Worse comes to worse if you're that nervous schedule yourself an EKG and if everything checks out you should be fine..
    Clen isn't a diuretic

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