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  1. #1
    steropower's Avatar
    steropower is offline Associate Member
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    1week on/1week off works!!!

    everytime i i was doing a steroid cycle always including testoviron ,i was seeing gains at start of the 2nd week.that way i think that steroids worked through day 1 to 7 and from 8 to 14 i just saw the results.then after about 4 weeks i stopped all drugs and one week after(5)my gains were just standing there without losing them.the loss would occure after 6th week.

    by studying this mechanism i decided that i could benefit from roids without losing gains doing one week on/one week off.

    it's been 2 months now i have started this experiment and it really works.

    that's my exact cycle.

    1 week 1 day 500mg testoviron,400mg deca ,40mg dbol ed(no visible gains)
    2 week off(that's the part of cycle that i saw the gains)
    3 week as 1st(no gains but no any losses)
    4 week as 2nd

    and that's goes on and on...

    i had about 7% gain in 2nd week.that percentage of gain kept around this number till today!!!the gains are l like a 8 week steady drug dose cycle but with half the total number of days drugs being used and of course half the drugs amount.

    if the cycle was continous the percentage of gain would fall every week.
    that way stayed almost steady.never dropped below 6%(last 8thweek).

  2. #2
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Sorry, but your going to be dissapointed.

    Try doing it the right way first to realise what your missing out on, then you will understand.

  3. #3
    want2bstronger is offline Junior Member
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  4. #4
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    stick with the proven cylces. 10 weeks of Test @500mg is a great beginner cycle.

  5. #5
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    10 weeks of test is best !

  6. #6
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    Do what you want to bro, but personally I would want steady levels instead of them going up and down like that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Were it is always to ****
    Well bro first off this really can not be beneficial especially if you’re using Deca !! Deca takes 2 weeks to kick in bro so by taking it every other week you’re just spiking your levels up and down.

    Also the only test I can see that would be applicable here is prop. Fast acting and short life ester.

    There are some who do short heavy cycles and get gains from them but not every other week.

    It just doesn't give the compounds enough time to be beneficial in building muscle tissue IMHO.

    If you were doing hormone replacement then maybe you could administer it like that. But not trying to do a muscle building cycle.

    BUT hey try it maybe you’re the exception to the rule??

    Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

  8. #8
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Why would you ever make your body go through such a horrible hormone ride intentionally?

  9. #9
    steropower's Avatar
    steropower is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by PURE ADRENALINE
    Well bro first off this really can not be beneficial especially if you’re using Deca !! Deca takes 2 weeks to kick in bro so by taking it every other week you’re just spiking your levels up and down.

    Also the only test I can see that would be applicable here is prop. Fast acting and short life ester.

    There are some who do short heavy cycles and get gains from them but not every other week.

    It just doesn't give the compounds enough time to be beneficial in building muscle tissue IMHO.

    If you were doing hormone replacement then maybe you could administer it like that. But not trying to do a muscle building cycle.

    BUT hey try it maybe you’re the exception to the rule??

    Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
    i'm not planning to do this cycle i described.i am actually into the cycle for 8 weeks.i'm into 9th week and i have gained 25%strength and mass.

    note that this is not my first cycle with that kind and amount of roids.

    so don't take me as a supersensitive roid user that would grow on anything.i'm a true hardgainer.

    i still don't understand why you keep on doing so long cycles.the gains always come from 2nd week.long cycles are old fashioned.maybe you can't accept small gains by a short cycle and do a long one to extract every bit of steroid strength till the receptors downregulate so strong they almost shut off.

    by personal experience steroid gains almost stop after 6th week assuming you are using constant steroid amount through the cycle and the exact steroid substances.

    for example an old cycle in past with 500mg testo/week+50mg oxy/day gave me the following results

    1 week 140kg squat(no increase yet)
    2 week 149kg squat(6.5% strength increase)
    3 week 157kg squat(5.5% strength increase)
    4 week 164kg squat(4.5% strength increase)
    5 week 170kg squat(3.5% strength increase)
    6 week 174kg squat(2.5% strength increase)end of drugs,end of cycle
    7 week 176.5kg squat(1.5% strength increase)free of steroids

    as you can see after 7th week the steroid gains are so little that it doesn't make sense to better to take a break of 2 months and restart.

    anyway that's me.

  10. #10
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    receptors dont down regulate and lol certainly dont shut off

    gains will keep coming if you know how to diet and train, just as they will keep coming while off AAS if you really know what your doing.

    id love to see your bloodwork. i bet its a nightmare. especially your lipid panels!

  11. #11
    Lift Chief's Avatar
    Lift Chief is offline Member
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    WTF kind of a cycle is this? Jesus.

    Since the test and deca take 2-3 weeks to clear your system yuou're basically not coming off... hope you realise that.

  12. #12
    ichabodcrane's Avatar
    ichabodcrane is offline Associate Member
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    Hey Billy, why do you state that his blood work would be a mess, especially his lipid profile? Why would it differ from any traditional AAS cycle? I do agree that there are no studies stating AR receptors down-regulate, and they certainly do not shut off. I think it would be beneficial to (especially when running AAS with half-lives on order of 7+ days) to keep blood levels consistent. This would mean dosing at least every half-life and preferrably 2x/week. I don't see how there could be benefit from taking 1 week off because you would still technically have the longer esters present during that week off, just not at appropriate levels. I do think that you would still see gains off of a cycle like this, but they would not be maximized. If you think about it, and this pretty much goes for any drug dosing schedule where you are taking it for any considerable amount of time, you want to avoid super high peaks and the lower troughs. You want to maintain somewhere inbetween, but at a steady state level to optimize gains. Now if you were using AAS that cleared the system in a matter of hours to 1-2 days, you can benefit from running shorter on/off type cycles. But, given an AAS that has a half life of 7+ days, you would not reach steady state blood levels (unless you use a loading dose) until about 4-5 half-lives with traditional dosing. This would be around 4-5 weeks. This is not the time it takes for the drug to take effect, but rather the time where drug in = drug out, and this is where gains would be optimized, and there would be lack of fluctuating blood levels. But from a receptor standpoint, using 1 week off with longer AAS doesn't really allow time for them to clear, so IMO, it would be best to be consistent with dosing, but maybe adjust dosages or amounts as needed.

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