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Thread: My ephedrine might be Speed?

  1. #1

    My ephedrine might be Speed?

    A few months ago I went to a shady supplement store in my neighbor country Sweden, and the person there sold me what he described as an illegal fat burner behind the desk. The pills are organge and black and there is a powder inside, everything is unlabeled.

    When I take them, I shake extremely much, my pupils get wider and I've been told my eyes look blank. My body temperature goes through the roof and my heart races like a horse.

    I am extremely worried because I don't want to go anywhere close to narcotics.

    How can I find out what this really is? I am having a hard time writing this because of it.

  2. #2
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    What is the dosage. Post pic please.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    What is the dosage. Post pic please.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    I am really worried, please help me out some one

  4. #4
    I have no idea what the dosages are as I was never told.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking View Post

    <img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>

    I am really worried, please help me out some one
    Bro to be honest with you nobody's going to be able to determine what that is because you can buy those capsules online different colors and everything there's no inscriptions on the side of them like when u buy tabs. Good luck

  6. #6
    That's really shitty. I've been giving them to my 18 year old gym buddy aswell and he has had the same terrible side-effects.

  7. #7
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    So stop taking them. Who the hell buys random unmarked capsules without even knowing what is supposed to be in it or how much?

    BTW, the trembling side effect sound more like Clenbuterol than amphetamine. Meh, it's probably a mixture of stimulants and probably contains something illegal.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 06-13-2015 at 01:54 PM.

  8. #8
    I've been cramping up aswell. I am litelary hitting the keyboard while typing right now, and I don't know how to stop it. My talking is x9999, and people are noticing. The shaking never really stops, and it lasts for probably 6-8 hours on a quarter of a pill dosage. I should stop taking them, but I paid a lot for them, like much more than someone would pay for ephedrine. The reason I am so shocked is because I bought it from a legit supplement store who are quite known and they even have a Facebook site.

  9. #9
    I truly feel a wierd sensation througout my entire body, probably something to a "high".

  10. #10
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Yes. Sounds like high dose Clen. And yes. U never should buy anything unmarked.

    Mark this up to a learning experience. Throw them out. It's not worth it.

    And please stop distributing to your friend. Damn. That boarders on civil and criminal law suit if something was to happen to him. Plus you would feel terrible for the rest of your living days if something happened to your buddy because of some unmarked drugs you provided!

  11. #11
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking
    I've been cramping up aswell. I am litelary hitting the keyboard while typing right now, and I don't know how to stop it. My talking is x9999, and people are noticing. The shaking never really stops, and it lasts for probably 6-8 hours on a quarter of a pill dosage. I should stop taking them, but I paid a lot for them, like much more than someone would pay for ephedrine. The reason I am so shocked is because I bought it from a legit supplement store who are quite known and they even have a Facebook site.
    It may not be Clen neither. Stop taking immediately.

    Forget about how much you paid. It has happened to most of us. I bought fake winny and var. just don't take anymore and throw it out! Make sure no one else not even a pet can ingest accidentally. You may have gotten something narcotic. It's not worth it!!!!

  12. #12
    I agree, but I was in 100% belief that it was Ephedrine as another person I used to know, bought the same kind of pills from the same shady supplement store, shame I don't have contact with him anymore, and that the supplement store is in another country (Cant believe I actually imported a potential drug)

    So can we agree here that this is Clen? And not Speed?

  13. #13
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking
    I agree, but I was in 100% belief that it was Ephedrine as another person I used to know, bought the same kind of pills from the same shady supplement store, shame I don't have contact with him anymore, and that the supplement store is in another country (Cant believe I actually imported a potential drug) So can we agree here that this is Clen? And not Speed?
    Nope. No one gonna agree to Clen or speed. The only way anyone would know is by test. No one here knows what that powder is.

  14. #14
    The only way and easiest way to find out is probably for me to give it to one of my junkie friends who would love to get something like that for free, if it is in fact Speed.

  15. #15
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking
    I truly feel a wierd sensation througout my entire body, probably something to a "high".
    I do not get this on Clen. My hands shake incredibly so that I can't write @ 120mcg. My blood pressure spikes up to 170 over 120. I normally run 115/65

  16. #16
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    You bought unlabeled stuff from a shady store and are surprised the stuff is wacked?

  17. #17
    Can you explain how clen works for you so I can try my best to compare?

  18. #18
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking
    The only way and easiest way to find out is probably for me to give it to one of my junkie friends who would love to get something like that for free, if it is in fact Speed.
    Don't mess with this stuff. Don't even think about it. You are crossing a dangerous line called distributing.

    Do I know what the inside of a prison cell feels like? Not jail. But PRISON.

    Dump in toilet and flush. Seriously. Bah bye! Don't even think about selling this crap to anyone including those junkies.

    And why do you have friends that are junkies? Why u hang out with this crowd? Do I sound like the mother you never had. Damn I am sounding like my mom. LoL

  19. #19
    I know a few guys who are junkies, but most of my friends are quite sophisticated and succesful people, I run a recent business and have a few employes so. But I am 100% certain that I would drop dead if I took just 2 full pills of these, as a quarter of one makes me ****ing sycothic. I'll trash it. And then get some real clen.

  20. #20
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking
    I know a few guys who are junkies, but most of my friends are quite sophisticated and succesful people, I run a recent business and have a few employes so. But I am 100% certain that I would drop dead if I took just 2 full pills of these, as a quarter of one makes me ****ing sycothic. I'll trash it. And then get some real clen.
    Yes. Your cramping hands wouldnt be the last of your problems. Take a pic of them doing down the toilet and post up so I know u did right ! don't hold any back neither. U don't want me to come over there! Lol

  21. #21
    You really want to see the poop stains in my toilet? haha just kidding my toilet is clean but sure

  22. #22
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    my ephedrine is speed


  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking View Post
    A few months ago I went to a shady supplement store in my neighbor country Sweden, and the person there sold me what he described as an illegal fat burner behind the desk. The pills are organge and black and there is a powder inside, everything is unlabeled.

    When I take them, I shake extremely much, my pupils get wider and I've been told my eyes look blank. My body temperature goes through the roof and my heart races like a horse.

    I am extremely worried because I don't want to go anywhere close to narcotics.

    How can I find out what this really is? I am having a hard time writing this because of it.
    It all goes back to using a loyal trust worthy supplier then you can be assured on what you have.
    Those literally could be anything.

  24. #24
    Having opened a few capsules and looked over the powder more closely, and comparing the looks to different kind of other drugs and narcotics, I think I have came to a slight conclusion that it is a mix between several substances. I believe that the small white spots are in fact Clenbuterol, while the bad smelling brown powder I am not sure of, probably something very cheap as its 95% of the capsules, while as the "fat burning" part is only 5%, and the other is probably something very cheap, maybe a party drug. Still trashed it though. Thanks for everyones input.

  25. #25
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    If youre cramping up and have alot of jitters after taking it then its either completely clen or its 50% of it. The widening pupils is usually from amphetamines like adderall or vyvanse which are drugs used for adhd. Also, when using clen you need to supplement Taurine and Potassium.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking View Post
    Having opened a few capsules and looked over the powder more closely, and comparing the looks to different kind of other drugs and narcotics, I think I have came to a slight conclusion that it is a mix between several substances. I believe that the small white spots are in fact Clenbuterol, while the bad smelling brown powder I am not sure of, probably something very cheap as its 95% of the capsules, while as the "fat burning" part is only 5%, and the other is probably something very cheap, maybe a party drug. Still trashed it though. Thanks for everyones input.
    You cant really tell by looks. You dont know what they may have used for a filler. It could be flour, sugar or some organic type of amphetamine. I doubt it's anything good like ADHD meds because that would be $$$. If it was just speed or at least what speed use to be not a big deal. What ever it is obviously you are using to much but then not knowing what is in it any amount might be to much.

    It could be some form of meth since it's fairly cheap to manufacture and that would be sh*tty due to the addictive properties in it.

    Sounds like one of those situations where it's a good lesson learned and toss it and stick to diet. If you need some kick drink black coffee or get chocolate covered coffee beans.

  27. #27

    I e-mailed the store and got an almost instant response. The pill cointains:

    40 mg ef, 200 mg coffein, 30 mg asperin, 3mg yohimb

    Wierdest mix I have heard of so far, but I guess I believe it.

    Glad I didn't trash it yet. Maybe I am just a sensitive little bitch.

  28. #28
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    Its just another variation of ECA and ECY stack
    ECA = Ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin
    ECY = Ephedrine caffeine, and Yohimbine

    It would be CAY stack = Caffeine, aspirin and Yohimbine

  29. #29
    It contains all 4 ingredients (including Ephedrine), according to the person who sold it to me.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking View Post

    I e-mailed the store and got an almost instant response. The pill cointains:

    40 mg ef, 200 mg coffein, 30 mg asperin, 3mg yohimb

    Wierdest mix I have heard of so far, but I guess I believe it.

    Glad I didn't trash it yet. Maybe I am just a sensitive little bitch.
    First you bought unmarked pills from a "shady" dealer. Apparently you thought this was fine and popped one, seriously. After having adverse reactions to this, you saw no problem in giving this unknown substance to someone else and have them ingest it! Then you come on here asking if it might be speed, exactly how you want anyone to guess WTF this is without a proper analysis is beyond me! You then email the shady dealer who tells you what this is. Exactly why you trust this guy is beyond my comprehension! I mean, read this back to yourself out loud, does it sound like it makes sense to you? You run a business for crying out loud, act like it!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking View Post

    I e-mailed the store and got an almost instant response. The pill cointains:

    40 mg ef, 200 mg coffein, 30 mg asperin, 3mg yohimb

    Wierdest mix I have heard of so far, but I guess I believe it.

    Glad I didn't trash it yet. Maybe I am just a sensitive little bitch.
    You have a bad reaction to a drug.
    You give it to your freind and he has a bad reaction to a drug.
    You want to perform an experiment on your junkie friends to confirm your suspicion, that this is a bad drug.
    You have junkie friends.
    You are a moron.
    You won't flush it down the toilet.
    Your glad that you are a sensitive bitch.

    This is my readers digest condensed version of this thread.

  32. #32
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    You're prolly gonna die

  33. #33
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    And - I will sell you these magic pills

    Face palm x10

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    And - I will sell you these magic pills

    Face palm x10
    Always about the instant gratification! Dial your diet in!

    And why you'd even consider taking these is beyond me!

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    You must have paid a lot for these pills because I cant understand why you wouldnt just throw them away

  36. #36
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    Sell the speed find a better source buy real ephedrine

  37. #37
    I mean, thanks for everyones input, but I found ECA's side effects to math what I have been experiencing. I took half a pill today and the sides are minimazed as I am probably building up a tolerance. I might be a fool, but I only have 2 weeks before I go on holiday in Cyprus.

  38. #38
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    Lol... A fool who does not learn from the past is doomed to repeat it.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleViking View Post
    I might be a fool, but I only have 2 weeks before I go on holiday in Cyprus.
    you made your point quite legitamately and thoroughly justified your position. kudos to you.

  40. #40
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    I agree with lots of what was posted above, and I don't see how you can take anything without knowing the dosage as that can be particularly hazardous. The severe symptoms you described aren't consistent with normal dosages of any traditional fat-burning CNS, so yes it may very well be a rec drug. My recommendation is to stop taking it immediately and not to sell it to anyone, because if something negative happens and the selling of illegal drugs is traced back to you there will be serious consequences. Chalk it up to a learning experience. The owner of this site gave me permission to display my validated Ephedra site here, which I may do in the near future. In the interim, you can PM me for a couple of reliable Ephedra sites.

    Best to you.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


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